My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 206: Transplanting and Decomposing the Tree of All Things

Chapter 206: Transplanting and Decomposing the Tree of All Things

"If you rent it short-term, you can rent it for twenty pieces of level six flesh essence or five pieces of level six spiritual essence per day, starting from one year.

If it is an alternation of day and night, that is, 100 years, we can give a [-]% discount on the full price. "

Luo Cheng did some calculations. If calculated according to a day and night cycle, more than 16 level six spiritual essences would be needed. This amount of money is nothing to Luo Cheng.

More than half a year of trading with traders allowed him to earn a lot of various essences.

After paying the money and signing the agreement, within 100 years, this place will be his territory. At least as long as Tianming City still exists, he has the final say here.

"Mr. Luo, this place belongs to you now. Tianming City has a decoration business. When you plan to decorate, you can contact us. I have the contact information here."

"Thank you."

After sending the other party off and settling the salary for the guide Xiaoliu, Luo Cheng walked towards the building.

The interior of the huge building was empty and very empty.

Luo Cheng took out the decoration company's number, which was a string of URLs. Luo Cheng took out Earth's mobile phone, which could connect to the local area network here.

Enter the website address, fill in the information, and take photos of the situation here.

In just a few minutes, the design structure was given.

Luo Cheng chose a suitable decoration structure and divided the whole into three parts: one part for living, one part for training, and one part for product display.

I contacted Lin Yaohua and asked him to bring people over. In more than two hours, all 1000 people came over.

"Luo Cheng, after seeing Tianming City, I have a little understanding of the Nameless World.

Even if we are called infrastructure madmen, it is impossible to build such a city.

Many buildings contain a lot of high technology. "

Luo Chengdao: "You can learn these slowly, and Tianming City also sells learning materials.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy it. Whether you can learn it depends on your own understanding.

Forest Bureau, these people are begging you. I will give you [-] seventh-level spiritual essences as expenses for this period of time.

Let them adapt to life in Tianming City first. It would be better if they can find jobs and integrate into Tianming City.

This is the largest and most prosperous city within tens of thousands of miles. Many technology empires have shops here, so you can go and see them. "

"Luo Cheng, I didn't expect the burden this time would be so heavy. Even though we overestimated Tianming City before we came here, we still underestimated it.

It is necessary to restrain people's behavior, but also open up their nature. I cannot do it alone. I need the assistance of top talents in all aspects. The purpose of bringing them here is to learn more knowledge. "

Luo Cheng thought for a while and said, "I will discuss it with the senior management when I get back. At least we have our own foundation in Tianming City, and many things will be much easier in the future.

The decoration company will come over to decorate this place in 48 hours. Here are the decoration drawings. "

Send the designed drawings to Lin Yaohua’s mobile phone.

Luo Cheng and a group of young people said goodbye.

However, he did not return to Earth from the fusion zone of the Black Wolf Empire. Instead, he planned to return from the Blue Water Lake and take a look at the situation along the way.

The warship stayed outside the Iron Hoof tribe, and among the high mountains, huge cities made of stone rose from the ground.

In sight, a group of human beings with horns soaring into the sky formed small teams.

Each of these tauren is nearly three meters tall, tall and muscular, and carries a totem pole or a huge heavy weapon on his back.

A tauren saw a battleship in the sky.


A throwing ax was suddenly thrown out, spinning and flying high into the sky.

On the periphery of the flying axe, a circle of sharp wind knives surrounded the flying axe, accelerating the speed of the flying axe.

"Shua" reached an altitude of [-] meters in the blink of an eye, hit the protective shield of the spacecraft, and turned into ashes.

The battleship took off and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.The tauren who threw the ax just now definitely has the strength of a small galaxy.

Luo Cheng saw several people dressed similarly.

"The one that passed just now seems to be a small galaxy-level battleship produced by the Glorious Empire."

A tall tauren below said.

"The Glorious Empire has no interest in our remote area. It's probably just a passerby, so don't worry about it.

I heard that a fusion zone has appeared in the Black Wolf Empire. "

"Yes, according to intelligence, a planet is about to merge into the Nameless World, and we may also be bordering this world."

"Haha, for such a long time, the Black Wolf Empire has not succeeded, and the losses have been heavy. It seems that the New World has some strength.

After contacting us, go to a few brigades to test out the opponent's strength. "


The battleship flew at high speed and soon appeared in the Blue Water Lake, entered the earth from the bottom of the lake, and returned to the scrap station.

He called Qin Wuwei and explained Lin Yaohua's demands.

"Luo Cheng, if it is convenient, I plan to organize a group of elites to enter Tianming City. Whether it is study or work, it is a good choice. It can raise their upper limit."

"Okay, I won't go this time. Just take my battleship and follow the established route. When you get to Tianming City, call the Forest Bureau and he will make arrangements."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng took a battleship to the border city of Luanhai. This was originally a city near the sea, but now the sea is gone and replaced by flat land.

Behind the land is a dark forest.

An idea popped up in Luo Cheng's mind, maybe Xiaoshu should change his place.

Although it takes some time and consumes a lot of nutrients, the dark forest is a natural hunting ground where a large amount of resources can be accumulated.

Return to the scrap station and open the light curtain:

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: 160 kilometers

Ability: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent Clone]

Nutrients: 250 [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: level seven]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

There are still more than 700 million nutrients left before upgrading. Upgrading in the inland is too slow, so we rely on small trees to absorb nutrients in the soil.

[Gather the roots and move the planting place of the tree that decomposes all things]

[The human body determines the transfer location. Transplantation will consume nutrients, take time to communicate with the earth's energy, and reduce the original growth rate]


[The Tree of Decomposition of All Things has received the order and its roots are being gathered]

The huge root network built underground in Guangshan City instantly began to shrink, and countless pipes were filled in.

After more than ten minutes, the Decomposing Everything Tree shrank into a circle, and its root was a huge ball, weighing tens of thousands of kilograms.

Load the small tree into the battleship and soon arrive at the edge of the dark forest.

After going hundreds of kilometers deep, the small tree fell directly from the battleship and quickly took root on the ground.

[Unknown metal detected, start recording, unknown plant detected, start recording, unknown mineral detected, start recording, unknown energy detected, start recording]

Four unknown sounds sounded in a row, Luo Cheng was in a good mood, and now the real hunting time began.

(End of this chapter)

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