My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 207: Diet items that fill the gap in the nameless world

Chapter 207: Diet items that fill the gap in the nameless world
The roots of the small tree penetrate into the ground and begin to lay a large network of roots underground.

Luo Cheng changed his perspective and gave new instructions at the same time.

[Search for mutated organisms, kill them, decompose them and convert them into nutrients for absorption]

Luo Cheng also jumped off the battleship and entered the dark forest. His vision suddenly turned from bright to dark.

The ancient trees that cover the sky are thick and lush all around, and their branches and leaves cover the sky. Looking up, there is only a little light cast by scattered gaps in the light spots.

The name of the Dark Forest is well-deserved.

As soon as Luo Cheng landed, a giant python suddenly swallowed him in the darkness, and black venom even oozed from its ferocious fangs.

Luo Cheng felt that his body was being eroded in waves.

A root shot out from the ground and wrapped around the python's tail.

The venom-filled fangs were only twenty centimeters away from Luocheng, but twenty centimeters was like a chasm. Even though the python spent all its strength, it could not move forward one step.

On the contrary, he became weaker and weaker.

Luo Cheng touched the python's head. The python kept struggling, trying to inject the poison into Luo Cheng's body, but failed.

[It would also be nice to keep the two fangs and make them into collectibles]

The roots extended and wrapped around the python. No matter how hard the python struggled, it kept roaring and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only a pair of sharp fangs remained, which sank into the ground and disappeared.

There are many mutated creatures in the dark forest.

More than a dozen flaming wild boars were constantly rummaging for food under a big tree, emitting slightly chaotic mental fluctuations.

"Dad, you said last time that there was delicious pig fungus here. Why didn't you find it for a long time?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it may have been eaten by other wild boar groups, hurry up and look for it, this is the territory of the winged tiger.

These guys are unreasonable. If they find out, they will have to fight.

It's strange today. I didn't hear the meows of these big cats. Please look for them quickly. "

The extended roots quickly approached the wild boar group and captured their mental fluctuations.


A root quickly stretched out and tied up a wild boar. The law fluctuations emitted could not break through the defense on the surface of the root at all.


The captured wild boar kicked the ground with its legs and let out a piercing scream, but to no avail. In the blink of an eye, it was dragged away by the roots without a trace.

"What the hell, come out and catch my child, I will kill you."

The leading wild boar let out a harsh roar and glanced around with its blood-red eyes.

Dense black shadows flashed past, tying up many surrounding wild boars, and were pulled into darkness amidst the wild boars' screams.

Xiaoshu instantly captured the dense mental fluctuations.

"Dad, save me, I don't want to be eaten."

"Dad, you have to come to Zhu Gongjun to harm me."

A large net of roots fell from the sky and wrapped the big wild boar.

"Let me go. I have a background. The Flame Pig King is my ancestor. He will avenge me."

The little tree strictly followed Luo Cheng's orders without any hesitation. In the blink of an eye, the big wild boar was pulled underground and turned into nutrients.

A large number of ancient trees have also begun to wither.

Many ancient trees look like they have survived for countless years, and their trunks are even harder than steel.

Luo Cheng cut down a big tree, and there were dense lines inside.

An ancient tree provides even more nutrients than absorbing one of the planet's basic mutated organisms.The boundless dark forest seemed to Luocheng to be countless nutrients.

Luo Cheng walked leisurely in the forest. The sunlight dispelled the darkness. The dense old trees withered and disappeared. In just a few minutes, a sun-paved avenue appeared in front of Luo Cheng. .

A root protruded out, with a creature tied to it. Luo Cheng smiled and took the creature in his hand.

This was a mind hunter that Luo Cheng was familiar with. Its claws kept beating and screaming, but Luo Cheng remembered the smell of this thing.

Cut off a few tentacles and throw them into your mouth to chew.

"The taste hasn't changed, it's still as fresh. Little guy, you're just lucky to meet me."

Then Luo Cheng put the whole octopus into his mouth and chewed it. It was like drinking a cup of strong coffee, and he instantly felt more energetic.

I didn't expect it to have this effect, but I could just raise some and make it into refreshing food or break it into drinks for people to eat.

"I originally thought this guy was an aquatic creature, but I didn't expect it to exist on land, but that's right. When this guy entered the earth, he basically never spent time in the water. He was all on land."

[Capture the Mind Hunter and establish a breeding ground in the dark forest]

[After receiving instructions from the humanoid body, it was detected that the mind hunter needs to absorb the spirit. It is recommended to decompose the tree of all things and raise it in a mixed manner. Raise part of the edible livestock spirit to feed the mind hunter. The meat can be provided to other humanoid creatures]

[Good suggestion] Luo Cheng accepted Xiaoshu's suggestion with a smile.He knew that the Mind Hunter could continue to grow its tentacles after cutting them off.

It will only be weak for a while, so there will be a steady source of materials.

It seems that this kind of food is rarely sold in Wumingjie. Maybe a chain store can be opened in Wumingjie to fill the food gap in Wumingjie.

However, this requires breeding a large number of mind hunters.

Mental power is the most difficult to cultivate, which can be seen from the exchange ratio between spiritual essence and flesh and blood essence.

Mind Hunter may not work on the strong, but the weak always make up the majority in this world.

In the forest, about a hundred kilometers away from Luocheng, there are hundreds of mind hunters gathered here.

Their transparent bodies lying on the trees give them the best camouflage.

The most powerful of these mind hunters is only liquid, and none of them can understand the law.

In their own words, they were rejected by fate.

Hundreds of mind hunters gather together and send out mind waves at the same time. Even planet-level mutant creatures are likely to be controlled and turned into food.

This is why these guys are safe and sound.

The forest was silent, but there were countless roots running through the ground.

A large network of roots was soon built underground.

The surrounding trees also have dense roots climbing along them.

Luo Cheng shifted his perspective and watched this scene with interest.

A mind hunter raised his head, and the dense branches and leaves were connected, as if there was a big net weaving between the branches and leaves.

A harsh scream came from his mouth, but it was already too late.

Up, down, left, and right, countless large nets completely wrapped these mind hunters.

The screams came one after another, and even connected together to form a huge scream, but it had no effect, and was completely surrounded by a circle.

The eight claws were tied separately, and the soft head and even the mouth were tied up by roots, like an animal with a bit.

Luo Cheng walked out of the forest with a smile on his face, sending out soothing mental waves.

"Don't be nervous, I won't deal with you, and you won't die, but I just want you to make a little sacrifice.

You don’t have to worry about food anymore. There will be enough food every day, but your freedom will be restricted. "

(End of this chapter)

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