My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 208 Where are my subordinates?

Chapter 208 Where are my subordinates?

Deep in the fusion area of ​​the Black Wolf Empire, in the large tent of the Blood Claw Tribe, the three elders of the Blood Claw Tribe sit with their golden swords on their faces.

Sitting next to him were several burly figures of the same stature.

"Intelligence shows that the dark forest has appeared on the border of Earth's China.

We didn’t understand the division of the earth’s forces before, but now we have a large number of slaves and we also know the division of the earth’s forces.

Now is the best time for us to invade and capture a large number of slaves.

These slaves in the Shadow Tribe Games are not enough points at all, and there are fewer and fewer of them. No one will always be a fool and be deceived by them.

While China was busy taking care of itself, it was time for a large-scale operation.

I wonder if the Bloodscarred Tribe and Canlang Tribe are willing to act together. "

"We, the Bloodscarred Tribe, can participate. There are too few slaves in the Shadow Tribe, and we need a large number of high-quality slaves.

Moreover, our Bloodscarred Tribe has signed a slave agreement with the Sirius Empire, and we will send 500 million high-quality slaves within three years. "

At the mention of the Sirius Empire, everyone immediately sat up straight.

"Our Canlang tribe is also participating."

"Okay, with the help of two of you, we will definitely be able to rob a large number of people this time. I will personally lead the team this time. I hope you two can help me.
As far as I know, there is currently no real strong person at the small galaxy level in mankind, and they are only relying on some battleships to hold on.

This time we use ten airships and multiple elite arrow arrays to try to cripple the opponent's fleet in one battle.

You two, please go back and organize manpower. We will assemble at the border in seven days. "

Soon, countless wolf cavalry from the three major tribes were mobilized and began to gather towards the fusion zone.

Ten airships in the sky cast a large number of shadows on the ground.

Square formations of ten thousand people advanced rapidly.

A large number of joint forces are stationed outside the American Fusion Zone.

Countless reconnaissance drones are wandering around the Black Wolf Empire area.


Arrows shot down the drone from a distance of thousands of meters.

Countless wolf cavalrymen on the ground came like a tide.

Quickly appeared in the fusion area, the troops divided into two groups, one south and one north advancing rapidly.

"The enemy is attacking, the Black Wolf Empire has launched an attack."

Countless cannonballs covered a large area of ​​the sky, but before the cannonballs landed, they were assimilated by the shrouded rules and turned into sand that drifted away in the wind.

Each brigade is like a huge arrow, rolling towards the hinterland of the two continents in an instant.

Four small galaxy level experts, two on each side, commanded the battle on both sides.

The Blood Claw Tribe is different from other tribes because it has three elders, all of whom are strong men at the level of a small galaxy. They are also direct descendants of Wolf King Hante.

The battle was almost crushing at the beginning. The elites of the three tribes were concentrated, and the defense line was broken through instantly.

The battle in America attracted the attention of the whole world. Rockets and missiles in the sky were like raindrops, but they completely turned into sand before they hit the ground.

Two small-galaxy-level powerhouses were paired with an elite phalanx of tens of thousands of people. Even before the nuclear weapons landed, the outer metal shell was turned into sand, leaving only some radioactive fuel scattered on the ground without causing any harm.

Domestic headquarters.

"Commander Qin received a call for help from America."

Qin Wuwei thought for a while and said: "Send the warships docked inland to support us. This time the opponent is obviously well prepared and powerful.

Let the fleet act according to the situation. Advisor Luo went to the dark forest to investigate the situation. At present, we cannot contact him to explain the situation to him. "


Compared with the nameless world, the earth is equal to a whole, but if it is taken separately, the domestic world is obviously more important.

The Black Wolf Empire obviously has no intention of occupying the earth, but rather captures slaves.Dark forests, withered in great numbers.

This is where a large group of flame boars live.

"Boss, the sun is shining in, the ancient trees are withering, and many of our small tribes have no news in the past few days."

In the middle of the forest was a huge wild boar. Hearing this, he opened his eyes.

Thirty kilometers away from the wild boar group, Luo Cheng sat cross-legged under a big tree. This big tree was rarely absorbed by the smaller trees, providing him with a large amount of shade.

Luo Cheng's perspective is now shifting to the small tree, observing the many mutant biological groups within 160 kilometers.

This group of hundreds of wild boars is the first small galaxy-level wild boar group discovered so far, and may also be the subordinates of the Flame Pig King.

To be called king, one must at least have constellation-level strength.

Hante is called the Wolf King because of his constellation-level strength.

The small galaxy level is not worthy of being called the king.

A black shadow flashed past, and the wild boars on the periphery howled and were pulled into the darkness.

The remaining wild boars instantly became energetic and gathered together.

Rich law fluctuations filled the forest, and flames soared into the sky burning brightly.

Countless roots suddenly appeared from the ground, pulling the wild boars into the ground and disappearing.

The leading wild boar was a little confused, why the flames were getting less and less, and the laws were getting thinner and thinner.

When the flames extinguished, he was the only wild boar left on the scene.


The piercing screams filled the dark forest, full of unwillingness and disbelief, my group of more than 100 animals.

This is because the Flame Pig King saw that he was doing well, so he just gave him fifty tribesmen, and he just gave him the wings of the tiger, so that he could reach the current scale.

Unexpectedly, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Not only the subordinates given by the Wild Boar King disappeared, but his original subordinates also disappeared.

In the distant sky, a transport ship landed in the dark forest, with thousands of cattle inside.

The rich concentration of mutation factors in the dark forest not only made the ancient trees here dense, but also caused dense grass to grow on the ground. Each of these grasses contained a thin amount of mutation factors.

Luo Cheng believes that after breeding, these cattle will soon mutate.

It won't take long for the earth's original high-quality beef to be thrown out of the eight streets.

Eating beef can increase the mutation factor, and drinking juice made from the tentacles of the Mind Hunter can increase energy.

Luo Cheng seemed to see his own chain of fast food restaurants all over the unknown world.

The cows came down in confusion, smelling the rich green grass in the air, and couldn't help but begin to eat the grass on the ground.

Deep in the forest, the wild boar leader discovered the sudden attack of roots. The rich law of flames instantly formed a huge field, isolating the roots.

Luo Cheng suddenly smiled. He liked the appearance of the wild boar leader. This was an opportunity for him to gain more nutrients.

The battle instantly reached a stalemate. The wild boar leader was bigger than the elder of the Shadow Tribe, and his laws were stronger. If he were worn to death, he would get at least 80 to 120 million nutrients.

Get a few more and you'll be able to upgrade.

The phone rang.

"Orange, have you received the thousand cows?"

"I got it, but it's a bit small. This time I'll ship [-] heads at a time. I'll give you the money right away."

"Chengzi, you are not going to open a breeding farm without doing your job, are you?"

"What do you mean by not doing your job properly? The real job is the breeding farm. This is a long-term business. When my first batch of cattle comes out, I will let you taste the beef raised by my brothers. It will definitely beat the current beef eight streets.

My cows are all mutated creatures. "

(End of this chapter)

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