My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 209 The Pig King Attacks

Chapter 209 The Pig King Attacks
[Construct a pasture with a radius of [-] kilometers near Luanhai City]

A new order was issued, and all mutant creatures in this area have been cleared away by Luo City.

The [-] square kilometers of pasture is not ranked high in the country, but it is enough for Luocheng for now.

Three-meter-high metal networks rise from the ground.

pen a thousand cattle in spacious pastures.

Luo Cheng nodded with satisfaction, turned around and walked in one direction of the dark forest.

In a radius of 160 kilometers, the roots of the small tree have discovered several groups composed of powerful people at the level of small galaxies.

Waiting for the small trees to be destroyed and earn more nutrients.

After a period of stalemate between the leader of the flame boars, the flame field has shrunk to 100 meters.

In the blink of an eye, it was extinguished by countless roots, entangled and sank into the ground and disappeared.

In just a few days of transplantation, the sapling's nutrients increased by more than 200 million.

The tree does not necessarily die if it is moved. Moving it to an area rich in resources will help it grow.


Countless black wolves shuttled through the dark forest. This was a group of two hundred black wolves, hunting prey.

“Boss, the number of prey items has decreased significantly in the past few days, something is wrong.

The winged tiger clan that had been wandering nearby also seemed to have disappeared.

Should we evacuate this area temporarily to avoid the limelight? I am worried that some powerful creatures have appeared. "

The leader of the wolf pack is a huge black wolf with a shoulder height of two and a half meters, and a clear scar at the corner of his eye.

"Have you seen that group of smelly wild boars in the past few days?"

"I've seen this a lot. One of our brothers was hit by a wild boar leader and had his leg broken. If he hadn't run fast, he might have entered the wild boar's mouth."

"Since these wild boars are fine, we have nothing to worry about."

At this time, black shadows flashed past from front to back, left and right, and before the black wolves could react, they were dragged away by the roots and disappeared.

The leader of the wolf pack was stunned and said: "All black wolves gather and release the law."

The roots were not affected at all and attacked the wolves from all directions.

Every time a black shadow flashes, a black wolf disappears.

The wolf pack leader's teeth were about to burst when he saw them. These were the men he had worked so hard to train.

"Break through, only one can survive."

The violent wind and sand swept around, turning countless plants into sand. The leader of the wolf pack ran wildly outside, but before he could run 200 meters, he was blocked by a thick network of roots in front of him.

Countless roots kept surrounding them, but within half an hour, the wolves were wiped out and only one leader remained in a stalemate.

Luo Cheng sat leisurely on a big tree and watched the scene in the distance, especially the rapidly increasing nutrients that made him feel happy.

If it can swallow the entire dark forest, it will probably be upgraded to three levels in a row.

Luo Cheng was thinking wildly.

After a stalemate for about an hour, the leader of the wolf pack was swallowed and digested by the small tree out of unwillingness.

Xiaoshu continued to search for groups of mutant creatures in the forest to eliminate, and some lone mutant creatures could not escape.

Living things within a radius of 160 kilometers are disappearing rapidly, and the tall ancient trees that make up the dark forest are also disappearing rapidly.

In the outside world, in America, a huge elite army composed of three powerful tribes is overwhelming.Of the many warships supported by the country, six were shot to pieces by a few arrow formations as soon as they showed up, and the rest quickly moved away from the battlefield. Even one cruiser hid in space and did not escape the opponent's lock.

You can only break away from the battlefield and conduct long-range attacks.

Although some of the elites of the Black Wolf Empire were eliminated, it was only a drop in the bucket.

In the fusion zone, an endless line of people walked toward the interior of the Black Wolf Empire. These were prisoners captured by the three major tribes. There were 2000 million people, and several cities had been emptied.

A large area close to the integration zone became a no-man's land.

In this battle, the American coalition forces suffered heavy losses, which seriously dampened the spirit of many countries and made these people realize the power of the Black Wolf Empire.

Many people inevitably have the idea that without Luo City, the gap between us and the Black Wolf Empire would be so huge.

Qin Wuwei was also thinking about this problem. There were many warships dispatched, which was similar to the previous battles. The only thing missing was Luocheng, but the result was heavy losses.

The situation was quickly passed to Luo Cheng. He did not expect that such a big thing would happen after just a few days away. However, even if he was not in the dark forest, he did not have the energy to provide support.

After all, the dark forest is the top priority, and it directly borders the country.

Part of the reason for Luocheng's operation this time is that there are a lot of nutrients here, and part of the reason is to eliminate hidden dangers in domestic border cities.

After clearing out a buffer zone, a large number of forests disappeared and a large number of mutant biological groups were wiped out, effectively reducing the crisis in Luanhai City.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye. The Black Wolf Empire captured a large number of prisoners and withdrew its troops. The fusion zone returned to calm again, but the Internet became lively.

The public opinion manipulated by the Shadow Tribe instantly created countless heat.

Why does the earth have to compete with the Black Wolf Empire? We can completely integrate with them.

There is a 1-year gap in strength between the Earth and the Black Wolf Empire, and they will be plundered in another 100 years.

There are also people calling on all mankind to surrender to the Black Wolf Empire, which can reduce casualties and so on.

Today’s short video platforms are simply a mess.

At this time, Luo Cheng was still in the dark forest, and the smile on his face could hardly be controlled.

In the past few days, several groups have been wiped out one after another, and the leader of each group is at the level of a small galaxy.

Now the nutrients have reached the upgrade standard, and the dark forest with a radius of hundreds of kilometers has turned into a grassland with lush grass.

In just a few days, the cows in the pasture have completely changed. They are like two different species from before. Their hair is smooth and shiny, their barks are powerful, and they even have bulging muscles on their bodies.

Luo Cheng slaughtered one, and the beef inside was as shiny and smooth as a gem. The so-called marble texture was completely incomparable with this one.

The second batch of [-] cattle also arrived.

In the dark forest two hundred kilometers away from Luocheng, there are groups of wild boars living on a huge mountain.

This is the lair of the Flame Boar.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Tou San has not sent back any news for a while. I sent people to inquire and report that something happened there. Many mutated creatures have disappeared, and even large areas of the forest have disappeared.

The subordinates estimate that Zhu Tou San may be in trouble. "

The Flame Pig King is huge, with a height of four meters at the shoulders. Its huge body makes people afraid to look directly at it even when lying on the ground.

"Whoever dares to touch my subordinates is so impatient. It seems that I have been staying here all year round without going out to establish my authority, which makes many guys think that I am dead.

This time I will go there personally to see who attacked the subordinate I admire. I will make him into bacon and chew it slowly. "

The huge body stood up from the ground, but it was not bloated when walking, but was extremely flexible.

Chapter 1 will be updated first, Chapter 2 will probably be updated at night
(End of this chapter)

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