My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 210 Food Inspection

Chapter 210 Food Inspection
Luo Cheng leaned against the big tree and looked at the vibrant scene below, feeling very accomplished.

The vegetation is lush and countless cattle are feeding on the grass.

Before, it was a dark and frightening forest, but now it is a sunny pasture.

[Ready to upgrade] The nutrients have already reached the upgrade standard.

[A powerful life has been detected in the shrouded area, please make sure to upgrade now]

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment. Even when he met a strong person at the level of a small galaxy before, he was not described by Xiaoshu as a powerful being.

Could it be the constellation level?

Shifting his perspective, Luo Cheng's consciousness shifted to Xiaoshu, and many things within the 160-kilometer envelope appeared in his mind.

In his consciousness, a giant wild boar with four hooves burning with flames appeared in his consciousness.

Wherever the wild boar passed, the grass on the ground turned black and turned into ashes.

Many of the roots responsible for surveillance gradually became withered, yellow, and scorched black, and they completely lost consciousness.

The Flame Pig King stopped where he was and looked around. He had felt a sense of prying eyes before, but there was no life around him.

The rich power of law emitted, and flames burned into the sky in a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

In three or four seconds, everything turned into charred black.

Together with the small tree, the Flame Pig King lost its movement.

Luo Cheng felt awe-struck in his heart. This guy was obviously a strong man at the constellation level. Perhaps he was the Flame Pig King called by the wild boar leader.

【Can you keep the other party】

[The humanoid’s mental fluctuations have been detected, and the humanoid is advised to stay away]

Luo Cheng turned around and left, got on the battleship and disappeared into the dark forest in the blink of an eye.

Countless roots covered with thick earth energy began to gather. Luo Cheng stayed in the dark forest for more than a month, which was enough time for the small tree to reconnect with the earth energy.

The Flame Pig King raised his head, and countless thick roots emerged from the ground in all directions, forming sharp drills, heading straight for the Flame Pig King.


"You're the one who killed Pig Tou San, my pig son and grandson."

Flames soared into the sky, with thick roots constantly interspersed in the flames.

From a distance, Luo Cheng stood in the battleship and watched the battlefield situation through the big screen.

The flames burned fiercely all the time, even turning half of the sky red.

Even standing in a coastal city, you can see the red-hot sky.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged and shifted his perspective to Xiaoshu to watch the entire battle.

The battle lasted for more than two hours before finally ending with the retreat of the Flame Pig King.

Luo Cheng also had a general understanding of Xiaoshu's strength. In terms of consumption alone, a strong person at the constellation level would be consumed by Xiaoshu if he did not retreat.

The endless roots wrapped in the earth's energy will make everyone feel dizzy when they encounter them.

The warships have returned, and the lush grassland has turned into scorched earth.

Eleven thousand cows were completely reduced to ashes. Fortunately, the previously captured Mind Hunters were not raised on the ground, but in a separate space deep below.

Stepping on the scorched earth, Luo Cheng could still feel waves of heat coming from across the ground.

The little tree didn't change at all. Luo Cheng took a look at the scene and saw that after the battle, not only did the nutrients remain the same, but they actually gained 200 million more.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, Xiaoshu's battle was like cheating. The enemy became weaker the more he fought, but he became stronger the more he fought.

All kinds of power emitted by the enemy can be broken down and absorbed and converted into one's own power.

Just because the level is too low, the speed of transformation cannot keep up with the speed of destruction.

Countless roots penetrated the ground, the scorched earth disappeared, and large areas of grass grew again.

Luo Cheng contacted Zheng Xiao again and asked him to send another 2 cows and give him money soon. "Chengzi, your ranch is quite big. Counting these [-], there are more than [-]."

"No, there are still 1. A wild boar just came and burned all the more than [-] cattle that were raised before with a fire.

Now there's not even ashes left. "

"Are you fooling a fool? By the way, where do you raise cattle?"

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "My buddy has opened a pasture in the dark forest. As long as the trees are cut down, this will be a natural pasture."

"Damn, you're awesome. I'll contact you right now. I'll definitely deliver it today."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng walked to Xiaoshu.

The green trees swayed gently, as if saying hello.


[This upgrade requires 1000 million nutrients and takes 48 hours, please wait]

Soon, the little tree fell into silence.

The mutant creatures in a radius of more than 100 kilometers have been cleared away, and the flaming wild boar has been driven away. At least there is no danger in the short term.

Luo Cheng leaned against a small tree, swallowed two essences, and began to practice.

The two solid cyclones continuously separate particles for collision, and the formed earth laws are integrated into the stars.

Until the afternoon, the battleship descended from the sky, and Zheng Xiao followed.

"Chengzi, this is your ranch, it's so spectacular, it stretches as far as the eye can see."

"Well, help get the cattle into the fence. The grass on the ground is enough for them to eat. These are grasses that contain mutation factors.

In one week, the meat quality of these cattle can reach the top of the world, and in half a month, it can surpass other beefs.

Let's go, it's boring to stay here in the wilderness. I'll take you to Tianming City to see some things. I just want to go and check it out and see the eating habits of Tianming City. "

In two days, the small tree has almost been upgraded, and it will be just in time to hunt the flame boar.After solving the Flame Boar, other forces are not afraid.

Zheng Xiao said: "Brother, I haven't been out of the earth yet. This time I just want to see you."

The two got on the battleship, rushed directly into the dark forest, and moved quickly from the edge of the dark forest towards Tianming City.

"Luo Cheng, my brother has benefited from you."

"Yeah, so just go ahead and have fun."

The two of them browsed the scenery on both sides and chatted. Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Tianming City appeared in sight.

"Damn it, it's so spectacular. The Kaiming City in your previous video is even more spectacular. I have to take a photo of it and edit it into a short video. It will definitely go viral."

Although Luo Cheng was not here for the first time, he still felt shocked.

After parking the warship, Luo Cheng and Zheng Xiao chartered a carriage and began to wander around Tianming City.

Soon the carriage stopped in front of a fairly elegantly decorated hotel.

"Chengzi, isn't it a bit luxurious to eat here?"

"It's okay. I'll treat you to everything today. Don't worry, it won't break my heart. We're also here to inspect the market."

The two went in to find a seat, and the service staff came over.

"Do you have any food that can increase spiritual power? Just like the Yuzos, food made by creatures that specialize in spiritual power."

The waiter said: "No, but we also have food that can increase mental strength. We have three freshly killed giant shrimps to eat, and we use carefully raised giant shrimps.

Shrimp brains can replenish mental energy, shrimp meat can replenish physical strength, and the remaining shrimp heads can be used to make soup. "

"Come for two, and give us some signature dishes."

(End of this chapter)

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