My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 211 New Function [Smelting]

Chapter 211 New Function [Smelting]

In more than ten minutes, the so-called giant shrimps were served after three meals.

There is a big difference between the giant shrimps mentioned by the restaurant and the giant shrimps Luo Cheng thought.

This one was only over one meter. Luo Cheng thought the giant shrimp must be three or four meters long.

I took a bite of the shrimp brains. It was obviously heated, but when I put it in my mouth, it felt cold. It was like two fires and two heavens.

Luo Chengdian took the lead and said, "It tastes good, Zheng Xiao, you should try it too."

After feeling it carefully, I found that it was completely incomparable to the roots of the Mind Hunter. It only shocked people's spirits and did not increase their mental power much.

But the taste was very novel. Luo Cheng tried the shrimp meat again and found that it was also good. The effect was much better than the shrimp brains.

After eating, Luo Cheng made a general analysis, because mind hunters are semi-spiritual creatures.

The giant shrimp is a purely physical creature, and eating the roots of the Mind Hunter is equivalent to directly eating the spiritual power.

Eating shrimp brains is actually eating meat, but the flesh and blood contains a small amount of spiritual power, which will make people feel refreshed.

"Luo Cheng, this thing is really good. It would be great if you could buy it on Earth."

Luo Chengdao: "Not many people on earth can afford to eat this stuff, at least not many people can afford it now.

A set of giant shrimps eaten three times equals twenty second-level essences. Wouldn't it be better to use this money for cultivation? Only those who understand the law can afford it and don't take this money seriously.

But if you can breed them, it's a good business. "

After paying the money, Luo Cheng took Zheng Xiao to continue shopping in Tianming City and experience various delicacies.

Many hotels or restaurants have delicacies that increase the spirit, but they use the body to carry the spirit, rather than using the spirit to carry the spirit like the Mind Hunter.

There is a huge gap in effectiveness. This chain restaurant approach is indeed feasible.

"Zheng Xiao, do you have any idea of ​​becoming the general manager of my catering company?"

Zheng Xiao was a little stunned, but quickly responded: "Why, you want to set up a catering company to sell beef."

"Beef is only part of it. The real number one is the Mind Hunter. You should know about the Mind Hunter. This thing is actually a semi-spiritual body. As long as there is enough time to grow, it can continue to grow even if the roots are cut off. This is an endless resource. .

Using the mind hunter's tentacles as a selling point and matching it with other things, although it is not high-end, it is attractive enough.

When you get back to the ranch, I'll give you a taste of Mind Hunter. You'll definitely want to eat it once and want to eat it a second time. "

[The upgrade of the Decomposition of All Things Tree is completed] The small tree’s notification sound rang in my ears.

After inspecting the food market in Tianming City, the two took a battleship back to the ranch.

Luo Cheng took out a Mind Hunter, ignored the other party's screams of protest, cut off one of its tentacles and handed it to Zheng Xiao.

Looking at the tentacles that were still moving, he gritted his teeth, put it in his mouth and started chewing.

The spirit suddenly exploded from the end, turning into a warm current and integrating into his mind.

Zheng Xiao immediately gave a thumbs up and said: "I told you right, this is much more delicious than that bullshit giant shrimp three-eating."

Luo Cheng was speechless. Who said eating three giant shrimps is delicious?

After tasting the tentacles of the Mind Hunter, Zheng Xiao went to the battleship to edit videos online.

This time I filmed a lot of exciting subjects.

"Today I went to Tianming City with my buddy Luo Cheng to taste delicious food. Next, I will edit some of the food from the Nameless World to see how it is different from the food on our planet."

Soon several short video clips were completed and published on the short video platform.

It took only two hours to completely explode.

In the past, people only visited the earth's shops and appreciated the delicacies from various places, but now they have gone directly to the nameless world.

"I envy the host to have such a good friend like Luo Cheng. I will be able to go to Tianming City for a big meal soon."

"Practice hard upstairs. Once you understand the rules and hunt mutant creatures, you can go."

"I haven't even tasted Earth's delicacies, and someone has already eaten them all the way to the Nameless Realm."

Looking at the rising number of fans and likes, Zheng Xiao couldn't help but feel how beautiful it was.

Luo Cheng stood next to the small tree and turned on the light curtain: [Decompose the Tree of All Things]

Root coverage range: 320 kilometers

Abilities: [Decompose] [Extract] [Evolve] [Assimilate] [Purify] [Purify] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent Clone (number increased to one hundred)] [Smelting (low-level substances can be smelted into high-level ones) substance)】

Nutrients: 340 million [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level [-]]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

Luo Cheng looked at the light curtain carefully. The number of intelligent clones had increased tenfold. The new ability was smelting, which could smelt low-level ones into high-level ones.

The first thing Luo Cheng thought of was the essence.

At present, all Luo Cheng has come into contact with are strong men of the zodiac sign and below. He has never heard of people who can refine low-level essence into high-level essence.

The roots of the small tree quickly extended in all directions, 320 kilometers, which is equivalent to doubling the number out of thin air.

Soon, the Flame Pig King and his huge tribe appeared within the sensing range of Xiaoshu.

Now Luo Cheng's target is not the Flame Pig King, but other lone creatures.

Soon hundreds of mutated creatures were captured by the small tree and extracted into flesh and spirit essence.

Looking at the more than 100 level six flesh and blood essences in his hand.

【Carry out smelting】

[140 six level six flesh and blood essences were detected. After smelting, three level seven flesh and blood essences can be formed. Please confirm whether the human form is smelted]


The roots covered the sixth-level essence and absorbed it all in the blink of an eye. Within 2 minutes, three level-[-] crystal clear essences appeared on the ground.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Many ways to earn essence immediately came to mind.

The smelting function is simply a nameless financial system that can add unlimited value.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Good thing, the video has been sent."

"Well, I've stayed with you long enough, I still have to go home, otherwise my mother should be worried.

And I also have to learn management so that our restaurant cannot lose money. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Okay, then you should study hard, just in time to learn management."

Zheng Xiao disappeared from sight on the battleship.

Luo Cheng looked at the empty wilderness and saw that it was indeed lacking something. This would be his permanent area from now on.

Countless roots emerged from the ground, and soon, a villa covering a huge area rose from the ground, with a spacious swimming pool attached.

Luo Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

Next, you can start cleaning up the mutated creatures within the envelope.

The coverage range of the small tree is doubled, and the coverage area is equal to four times the original.

The first target is the Flame Pig King and his tribe.

This is a huge ethnic group.

From the ordinary wild boar who never understood the rules to the planets, stars and small galaxies, until the last flaming pig king.

Many of these ordinary wild boars have the ability to cyclone or liquefy, and can be raised to provide food for mind hunters.

Luo Cheng even saw three groups of mind hunters. The largest one had more than 200 souls, many of which had reached the level of liquid. However, they were not looking for their companions.

(End of this chapter)

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