My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 212: Smelting Oneself

Chapter 212: Smelting Oneself
The root network is dense and rapid, surrounding the gathering place of mind hunters.

Beings below these laws are as weak as ants in front of an eighth-level tree. They may be crushed to death if they are not careful.

One by one, the mind hunters were captured, and the rest could only watch, constantly launching mental attacks, trying to control the roots that sprang out or control the small animals in the forest to help them.

But everything is in vain in front of the little tree.

Soon, a group of two hundred soul hunters were left with only the third highest level. At the peak of liquid transformation, they could even condense the law.

But they are all stuck in this realm and cannot break through until they die.

Luo Cheng walked out from the countless roots.

"You should be able to communicate normally." A mental wave carrying Luo Cheng's will emitted.

Mind hunters are good at the spiritual field, and it is impossible for them not to communicate spiritually.

"Who are you and why do you want to arrest our people?"

"Haha, I want to make a deal with you. I am going to raise the Yousos family and use your tentacles to open a chain of restaurants in the unknown world."

Although the three mind hunters had made all kinds of preparations, including death, they never expected to hear such words from Luo Cheng's mouth.

"We are the noble Yuzos family, but we have been abandoned by fate. We would rather die than be allowed to be raised by you as low-level creatures.

We are a noble and intelligent race, not big fools like the eight-armed beasts. "

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile.

"At least the strong ones of the eight-armed beasts can cultivate to the realm of laws, but you don't even have laws."

Luo Cheng's words went straight to the heart of the three mind hunters.

"Whatever you want, it's up to you whether you want to kill or cut into pieces."

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in killing you. I hope you can cooperate with me and help me build the hearts of these Yousos.

The reward is that I will do my best to help you rise to the realm of law.

You have not been abandoned by fate, and fate probably does not look down on a weak race like yours.

It’s just that the spiritual laws are too powerful, and your accumulated foundation is not enough to break through.

I can provide you with enough food, and of course you tribesmen will not die.

I just get their tentacles, just like fruit trees blossom and bear fruit, people plant fruit trees, water and fertilize them, and finally pick the fruits.

In a peaceful environment, you can reproduce freely. Why are there so few Yuzos? Because they are weak, they can only become food for other races.

This great tonic is the favorite food of all beings. I am telling you all this just because I don’t want Yousos to cause trouble on purpose.

If you don't agree, death is what awaits you, and I will continue to raise the remaining Yuzos. "

After Luo Cheng's coercion and inducement, the three Yousos agreed to Luo Cheng's request and asked their tribesmen to cooperate.

In exchange, Luocheng will also provide them with enough food to help them advance.

All the Yousos tribes were captured, and Luo Cheng raised them in two places, one for harvesting tentacles and one for satisfying their appetites.

The small tree quickly extended countless roots into the covered area.

At this time, a huge fleet flew across the sky.

One of the cruisers landed slowly, and out came a three-meter-tall man with black scales all over his body.

"Hello, we are from the Black Scale tribe, and we are going to Wanshan City to participate in the centenary event."

Luo Cheng looked at the other party, wondering what the other party meant.

He had an impression of Wanshan City. It was a huge force that would hold grand gatherings every hundred years.

At the grand event, outstanding talents will be recruited to join Wanshan City.Anyone who is below the constellation level can participate.

The so-called Black Wolf Empire and the Iron Hoof Tribe are only inconspicuous to Wanshan City.

Entering the small galaxy level is just an ordinary disciple.

"I think brother has good qualifications. He is obviously at the stellar level, but has a strong background. I wonder if you are interested in going to Wanshan City together.

Maybe there is a chance to become a disciple of Wanshan City. "

Luo Cheng didn't expect that this guy was here to recruit him.

Wanshan City rewards the factions of disciples who pass the assessment.

If Luo Cheng follows the Black Scale Clan and passes the assessment, Wanshan City will reward the Black Scale Clan in the end.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have something important to do. You should have discovered that our world will soon merge into the nameless world.

At this critical moment, it is impossible for me to give up on my people. If given the opportunity, I would actually like to cooperate with you. "

The other party glanced at Luo Cheng in surprise. He didn't expect that a native in a remote corner who had not integrated into the nameless world also knew about Wanshan City, otherwise he would not have mentioned cooperation.

Many geniuses will choose to cooperate with some forces in order to join Wanshan City and share the rewards of joining Wanshan City equally.

These forces will handle all matters outside of the assessment for him.

In the nameless world, everything that is profitable has a shady background and certain unspoken rules. It is just a question of how much.

"It's a pity, but we don't force it. If you think about it, you can contact us. This is my contact information.

It is valid for one year. The assessment in Wanshan City is once a month, and there will be a steady stream of people coming every month. "

The other party took out a small contact token. After entering the information, the other party will receive the information.

The Nameless World does not have a network that spans the entire world. It is a local area network. Even primitive empires like the Black Wolf Empire do not have their own network.

"Okay, if I change my mind, I will definitely contact you."

After seeing the other party board the cruiser and disappear, Luo Cheng looked at the token and smiled.

The so-called Wanshan City, as the name suggests, is a city composed of tens of thousands of mountains, with an area even comparable to the entire world.

However, Luo Cheng has no plans to leave the earth at the moment. Even if he leaves, he will take Xiaoshu with him.

Xiaoshu is the foundation for him to become stronger, and no force's resource cultivation can compare with the resources transformed by Xiaoshu.

[Operation, clean up all forces except the Flame Boar force]

Turning his palm, a slave order appeared in his palm, which was prepared for the Flame Pig King.

If you don't want to die, be an obedient subordinate; if you don't, die.

Luo Cheng smiled and sat cross-legged on the ground.

[Performing the first assimilation at level eight]

[Decomposing the tree of all things unlocks the smelting function. Whether the human body is smelted or not, the laws, cyclones, physical spirit in the human body can be smelted]

This was an unexpected surprise. He thought that only essence could be smelted. In fact, various essences were the epitome of a living body.

Essence can be smelted, and life forms can naturally be smelted as well.


[To ensure that the will will not collapse due to the first smelting of the human form, please transfer the will to the Tree of Decomposition of All Things]

Luo Cheng was speechless, but he was still very concerned about Xiaoshu's reminder and immediately changed his perspective. He also wanted to see how Xiaoshu smelted his body.

(End of this chapter)

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