My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 217 Black Sandstorm

Chapter 217 Black Sandstorm

At the front, the captain of the Arrow Formation narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Luo Cheng coming off the battleship.

Luo Cheng's name has long been spread in the Black Wolf Empire.

He quickly bent his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at Luocheng.

In the past, this kind of arrow formation with tens of thousands of people was a huge threat to Luocheng, but looking at it now, it was just that.


The long arrow shuttled through in the blink of an eye, and the force it carried even drew a huge ravine on the ground.

Luo Cheng moved his steps and exploded with majestic power. He escaped from the locking range of the long arrow, charged up his strength, and punched out.


The terrifying power was released, and a huge fan-shaped law spread infinitely forward.

Countless black sand formed an overwhelming sandstorm and pressed down overwhelmingly.

Each grain of these black sands is condensed by laws and weighs a thousand gold.

Countless black sand formed a terrifying sandstorm that buried the entire phalanx of tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye.

The thick barrier only lasted for two or three breaths before it completely shattered.

The wind and sand buried everything, as if nothing had happened here.

The knight of the Black Wolf Empire buried under the black sand was quickly wiped out by the black sand and the laws in his body were completely destroyed.

"Luo Cheng, thank you for saving us." Many people shouted in less proficient Mandarin.

Luo Cheng waved to the crowd, a burst of sand blew past, and Luo Cheng disappeared on the spot.

The black storm that covered the sky seemed to swallow up the world, and it quickly pressed in the direction of the Black Wolf Empire.

Along the way, countless wolf cavalry were overwhelmed by black sandstorms.

These black sands are a new ability that appeared after Luo Cheng was promoted to the small galaxy level. It is a kind of heavy sand that is quickly condensed through laws. .

A grain of sand weighs a thousand gold, but under the control of the law, it is as weightless as dust.

The confused people were staggered away by the wolf cavalry, like lambs without the power to resist.

Someone walked for too long and fell on the road. A wolf rider came up and whipped him, leaving his skin and flesh torn, leaving him dying.

"Lord, save us." Someone was lying on the ground crying and wailing loudly, and received the same whip in exchange.


A grain of black sand passed through the void and instantly smashed the head of a Wolf Cavalry into pieces, leaving only the twitching body.

What followed was countless black storms. Wherever they passed, all the wolf cavalry were shot in the head. Even the captain who understood the law was not spared.

Luo Cheng's body was hidden in the wind and sand.

"Go back, you are saved."

"God, thank you for coming to save us." Someone shouted, praying and kneeling in the direction of Luocheng.

Luo Cheng didn't pay much attention to these. The black sandstorm was like a sky curtain, starting from West Asia and rushing towards the fusion area.

Along the way, countless wolf cavalry were killed, buried and died by sandstorms.

Countless captured humans regained their freedom and ran towards home.


Three long arrows were shot from a few hundred meters away. Before they even got close to Luocheng, they were drowned by a black sandstorm.

In the distance, three thousand-person elite arrow formations appeared.

Luo Cheng's footsteps still didn't stop and he continued to move forward. The scale of the black sandstorm became larger and larger.The law of diffusion continues to condense more sand to form new black sand and expand the scale of black sand storms.

The clear sky turned gloomy, and large tracts of land were plunged into darkness.

Countless wolf cavalrymen changed their expressions.

The captains of the three thousand-man arrow formations looked solemn.

"Withdraw and report to the Great Elder. It is no longer something we can handle."

A pair of three thousand people turned around and ran away, but it was already too late.

The black sand storm accelerated, and countless amounts of wind and sand were swept up together. In the blink of an eye, the three-person phalanx of [-] people was completely submerged, and then countless amounts of black sand covered it, obliterating the defensive barriers of these [-]-person phalanxes. and internal laws.

After the wind and sand passed, there was only countless sand in the place, and the phalanx of tens of thousands of people had long since disappeared.

The earthlings who were driven here by the wolf cavalry were not harmed. The black sandstorm seemed to have bypassed them and continued to move forward.

Countless people knelt on the ground and prayed in the direction where Luo Cheng walked.

Countless wolf cavalry abandoned the slaves they had finally captured and turned around to run in the direction of the Black Wolf Empire.

In the central tent of the Blood Claw Tribe, all the elders of the five tribes gathered here.

Last time, three tribes took the initiative and captured a large number of slaves, making other tribes jealous. This time, in addition to the original three tribes, two more tribes joined in.

A few people were having a lively discussion when a wolf cavalry ran in and said: "Great Elder, a black sandstorm blew up from the direction of the earth, and a large number of our elites were buried.

There were heavy casualties, and many phalanxes of tens of thousands of people lost contact. Now the black sand storm is rapidly approaching the fusion area and is about to enter the territory. "

The three tribal elders involved in this operation stood up at the same time.

"Does the earth also have powerful people at the level of small galaxies? It's really unexpected. Let's meet the guy who caused the black sandstorm."

They are both at the level of a small galaxy. As long as they understand the Law of Earth, they can basically create a black sandstorm. However, to set off a black sandstorm requires strong control of the laws and strong physical fitness. Otherwise, your body will collapse before the sandstorm is formed.

A total of seven tall elders walked out of the tent.

Even though they haven't seen the black sandstorm yet, the seven people have already felt the violent airflow in the air and the rich laws of earth and violent energy in the distance.

Within ten minutes, a sandstorm covering the sky appeared in sight.

The seven people looked at each other in shock.

"Now only the seven of us can suppress the opponent by joining forces. In addition, we can quickly send a message to the capital. It is best to ask the king to take action in person. The opponent is too strong.

We are far from being able to eliminate them. Even if a few of us join forces, we will only be in an undefeated state.

The opponent's black sandstorm has reached a large scale. Each grain of these black sands that cover the sky weighs a thousand gold. Now they are rolled forward by the power of the law, and they don't know how much power they have accumulated. "

"First build a defensive barrier to weaken the power of the black sandstorm layer by layer."

Seven people stood side by side, and the strong power of law emanated from their bodies.

In front of them, a thick and continuous high wall hundreds of meters high and hundreds of meters wide suddenly appeared, extending into the distance.

Luo Cheng saw seven people standing in the distance through the endless wind and sand.

The steps continued, and as the high wall rose, a black sandstorm exploded at an unprecedented speed and hit the solid earth wall.

The roaring sound never stopped.

Luo Cheng kept walking, suddenly raised his fist, and punched out.

The huge fan-shaped impact envelops the black sand and speeds up instantly, hitting the wall.

"Kaka." The hard wall was full of cracks and then turned into a pile of ruins.

As Luo City approached, countless wind-sands in the ruins formed new black sand and blended into the sandstorm, rushing towards the Bloodclaw tribe like it covered the sky and the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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