Chapter 218
"The opponent is really strong, we have to fight hard, otherwise my Blood Claw tribe will be the first to disappear, and your tribe will not exist for long."

The wolf cavalry, residents and various slaves on the periphery of the Blood Claw tribe fled frantically towards the rear.

The black sandstorm did not stop at all. After knocking down the first high wall, it continued to move forward without any pause.

The seven elders stood in a row, looking at each other, and the strong aura of law filled the air.

Seven people simultaneously stimulated the potential in their bodies and squeezed the power of the small galaxy.

The smooth ground made a violent noise like an earthquake.

Then cracks spread from the ground to a very distant place.

Then the ground rose, rising higher and higher, and most of the tribe became dark.

An earth-colored wall tens of thousands of meters wide and tens of thousands of meters high, extending for dozens of kilometers, rose from the ground.

The seven people breathed a sigh of relief and took a big breath.

"This time it should be able to stop the opponent's black sand storm attack. This earth wall is enough to kill [-]% of the opponent's black sand storm attack."

The people of the Blood Claw tribe outside were dumbfounded. The crowd stopped on the high wall, with a ferocious black sandstorm on one side and a vicious black sandstorm on the other.

They became outcasts.

There are also many Earthlings among these people who originally paid people to sneak over. Unfortunately, what awaits them is a hellish life.

The only solace was the skills that could be practiced, but unfortunately there were no resources and not much time.

"Great Elder, let us pass." Someone from the Blood Claw tribe shouted.

But no response.

One slave shouted: "This is a strong man sent by the earth to save us. We are saved."

Another person quickly followed and shouted, even shouting in the direction of the black sandstorm.

It's a pity that Luo Cheng didn't hear it at all, his purpose was to destroy everything.

The appearance of the black sandstorm itself is also to destroy everything.

"Boom." Countless black sand penetrated the bodies of the people under the high wall. Whether they were wolf cavalry, residents of the Blood Claw tribe, or even slaves, they were buried by the wind and sand in the blink of an eye.

Thousands of gold worth of sand hit the high wall and was embedded in it instantly.

The sound of "bang bang bang." kept echoing.

The tens of thousands of meters thick wall perfectly removes the power of the black sandstorm.

The wind and sand became larger. With the impact, large areas of soil on the high wall were assimilated, corroded by Luocheng's laws, and blended into the wind and sand.

After a stalemate for more than ten minutes, the high wall was eroded and a huge slope reached the ground.

Luo Cheng took one step forward and appeared on the high wall in the blink of an eye along the slope.

Below is the entire Bloodclaw tribe.

The black sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun carried a large amount of sandstorms, and rushed downwards quickly from above.

The expressions of the seven great elders suddenly changed and they quickly retreated.

At this moment, Luocheng gave up control of the black sandstorm, and countless kilograms of sand fell freely from high altitudes to the ground.

"Boom boom." The sound was heard endlessly, as if countless meteors were falling from the sky and hitting the Blood Claw tribe below.

Many people were still praying in their tents when black sand passed through their tents and smashed their heads.

Luo Cheng was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Upgrading to the level of a small galaxy can already cause huge disasters, and it is easy to destroy a country.

The seven tribe elders kept retreating and building defensive barriers to block the black sandstorm's attack.

Luo Cheng took a step forward and smiled: "I'll give you something more exciting."

The strong aura of law filled the air, and an earth-colored flame emerged from "Peng".

The black sand floating in the sky quickly gathered to form huge black spheres, which began to burn with earth-colored flames. "boom."

A black ball fell like a planet falling from the sky.

The barrier shattered instantly, and the burning black ball hit the ground, forming a huge pit.

At this time, the sky was filled with countless burning black balls, all falling from the sky.

In an instant, the entire Blood Claw tribe was covered, including seven elders.

"Boom boom boom."

The deafening impacts completely submerged the Blood Claw tribe, along with seven elders.

Luo Cheng stood on the high wall and watched all this. The prosperous tribe in front of him completely disappeared, replaced by countless sands.

Countless laws once again covered the entire area, burning with earth-colored raging fire, obliterating all the laws.

A figure rose up from the ground. It was a buried elder. He fled outside as soon as he emerged.

Luo Cheng jumped down from the high wall, walked through the earth-colored flames, closed the distance between the two sides in a few steps, and punched him.

The opponent noticed the movement behind him, turned around quickly, and punched out as well.

The two law shock waves collided together, and Luo Cheng's fist almost crushed the situation, defeating the opponent's law storm.

Immediately afterwards, the shock wave hit the tribe elder, directly turning the body into dust.

It took more than ten minutes for the reorganization to be completed.

Luo Cheng walked over, grabbed the opponent and threw him into the law flames behind him.

The blazing flames continuously annihilated and burned the elites of the Black Wolf Empire who understood the law to ashes.

Until the flames died out, no one from the Bloodclaw tribe stood up alive.

At this point, the Bloodclaw tribe was destroyed.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged and put pieces of flesh and blood essence and spiritual essence into his mouth to replenish his body's consumption.

These essences are all ninth-level essences that can only be extracted from strong people at the constellation level.

They were all obtained by Luo Cheng using the essence he had accumulated before and smelting them from the small tree.

In more than two hours, Luo Cheng not only recovered to his peak, but also improved his strength.

This kind of control of a large-scale black sandstorm is a great test of Luo Cheng's control of the law.

As the steps were taken, new black sandstorms began to gather from small to large again.

Luo Cheng's next target is the Snow Wolf Tribe, the tribe that was severely damaged by the armored beasts at the beginning.

In the vast wilderness, a tall, handsome and ferocious black wolf galloped. On the back of the black wolf, wolf king Hante let out sharp whistling sounds from his mouth.

As the wolf king Hante chirped, a large bird wandering in the sky also chirped and flew into the distance.

"Divert to the Snow Wolf Tribe. The Blood Claw Tribe has disappeared."

The faces of the elites following Wolf King Hunter changed drastically.

The Blood Claw Tribe is an elite tribe in the Black Wolf Empire. I heard that the elders of five tribes gathered this time, but now the Blood Claw Tribe is gone.

"Your Majesty, could it be that the elders of the five tribes were also killed?"

Hante showed a ferocious smile and said: "Yes, kill my seven generals, and when I capture Luocheng, I must prepare it well.

After I capture Luo Cheng, I will torture the slaves captured from the earth and let them know the consequences of resistance. "

In the Snow Wolf tribe, an eagle kept circling in the sky and chirping.

The Great Elder, who was recovering from his injuries in the tent, suddenly woke up from his training. He was too familiar with this sound. This was a falcon raised by the Wolf King himself and only obeyed his orders.

Now that the falcon is out, it means that the Wolf King has left the royal court and is about to come to the Snow Wolf Tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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