Chapter 219 Flat Push
The black sandstorm kept moving forward, and all the wolf cavalry encountered along the way were buried by the black sandstorm.

Sporadic wolf cavalry from the Snow Wolf Tribe have begun to appear on the road.

Along the way, Luo Cheng killed countless elites of the Black Wolf Empire, and the memories of these elites were selectively absorbed by Luo Cheng.

He gained a better understanding of the distribution of the twelve tribes, and also knew that the seven small galaxy-level powerhouses he had killed in the Blood Claw tribe belonged to five tribes respectively.

But there is no great elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe.

Luo Cheng stood on a high ground and looked down. The Snow Wolf tribe had become empty.

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "It seems that he got the news and ran away in advance. The wolf cavalry can run, but I don't know if others can run faster than the black sandstorm."

Taking one step forward, Luo Cheng sped up.

Many buildings of the Snow Wolf Tribe turned into ruins in the blink of an eye, and Luo Cheng chased in the direction of the Snow Wolf Tribe's retreat.

In that direction, there is also a tribe, the Canlang tribe, the tribe of the great elder who has been killed by Luo Cheng.

It just so happens that the two tribes can be solved together.

As long as the Wolf King does not appear, Luocheng can even push the twelve tribes of the Black Wolf Empire.

Within half an hour, a huge transfer team appeared in Luocheng's sight.

Countless slaves were carrying goods, groups of Snow Wolf tribesmen were walking quickly, and ferocious wolf cavalry were cruising on both sides of the team.

At the front, the great elder of the Snow Wolf tribe rode a tall white wolf forward quickly. Feeling the strong power of law in the air, he turned his head and saw that the black storm that blocked the sky and the sun had appeared in his sight.

"Everyone, speed up and run. The Wolf Cavalry doesn't have to continue patrolling. They can run in all directions, as much as they can."

After shouting, the elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe slapped the Snow Wolf on the butt, causing the Snow Wolf to run wildly with its long legs.

The remaining wolf cavalry also fled in all directions. The husband and wife were originally like forest birds and flew separately when disaster struck. This sentence is more appropriate to put here.

The tribal elders don't even want their own people, and they can run faster than all the wolf cavalry.

The one Luo Cheng wanted to kill was the great elder, and the other minor characters were less important.

The black sandstorm went straight towards the elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe and covered it. All the tribesmen on the road, including ordinary people and even slaves, were buried in the desert.

Luocheng showed no mercy, and all lives along the way were deprived of life by black sandstorms.

In his sight, the figure riding a snow wolf was getting closer and closer.

The fist suddenly waved out, and the rich power of law suddenly exploded, pushing countless black sands to accelerate in the sky.

The fleeing elder of the Snow Wolf Tribe quickly stopped and constructed a thick law barrier.

Luo Cheng smiled happily, not afraid that you would stop fighting, but afraid that you would run away regardless.

Stopping also means death.

As soon as the law barrier was constructed, it was blasted into pieces by countless black sands, and the black sand storm that followed directly submerged it.

Countless black sand smashed down, constantly erasing the rules imprinted on the opponent's body.

The great elder of the Snow Wolf tribe died.

At the same time, Luo Cheng also knew why the Snow Wolf tribe chose to escape before he came.

Looking towards the blank, on the outskirts of the black sandstorm, several falcons kept wandering in the sky, occasionally flying away and then returning.

These Falcons were obviously back to report intelligence.

"You are such a nuisance. Now that I have discovered it, there is no need for you to exist."

Luo Cheng shifted his perspective, and Xiaoshu connected with the smart clone. The smart clone controlled the warship patrolling in the sky, and streams of light flashed across the sky.

This is the plasma cannon of a high-altitude battleship. The Falcon only has a planetary level. One shot can directly kill one and obliterate all laws.In less than 2 minutes, all the falcons flying nearby were reduced to ashes.

Luo Cheng also wanted to test the strength of the Wolf King Han Te, but now it was obviously more cost-effective to continue to eliminate the tribes of the Black Wolf Empire.

Black sand storms will become more and more powerful as time goes by.

Even the black sand storm on the periphery is somewhat out of control. As the laws gather more and more, a lot of black sand is being swept forward together. There is no fine control, but the power will only become greater.

The one in Luocheng is the Canlang tribe.

Looking in the direction of the Canlang tribe, he took a step forward and his body disappeared into the black sandstorm again.

The Snow Wolf tribe members who fled in this direction were all submerged in the desert.

Wherever the black sandstorm passed, only a piece of yellow sand was left, burying and obliterating all the items that originally had a sense of civilization, including life.

A tall black wolf slowly walked into the Canlang tribe. The chief elder of the Canlang tribe had died in the Blood Claw tribe.

"My subordinates respectfully welcome the king." Countless members of the Canlang tribe knelt down on one knee.

"Everyone, get up. The Great Elder of the Canlang Tribe is dead. We need to elect a new Great Elder as soon as possible. Now we must gather the elites to help me destroy the incoming enemies."

Everyone was awestruck, wondering what kind of enemy the Wolf King needed to deal with personally, and even the Great Elder had died in the battle.

But this is not something they dare to ask.

"Yes, my subordinates will gather the tribesmen immediately. However, the elite troops have followed the Blood Claw tribe to attack the earth. There is only one elite arrow formation brigade of ten thousand people in the tribe and five ordinary captains."

"Talking is better than nothing."

Hante still couldn't figure out Luo Cheng's strength, and said that the small galaxy seemed to be a bit underestimated. After all, he killed seven tribal elders who joined forces.

Said constellations are a bit overestimated. These assembled captains are the cannon fodder used by Han Te to test Luo Cheng's strength.

The sky in the distance gradually darkened, and a storm of black sand came to cover the sky.

Hunter felt the concentration and intensity of the law in the air, and felt relieved.

Judging from the strength, Luocheng's law has not yet reached the height of a constellation, but it is considered very strong at the level of a small galaxy.

And being able to control such a huge black sandstorm, the power of the law completely overwhelmed the tribal elders of the Black Wolf Empire. No wonder many elders were no match for Luo Cheng even if they joined forces.

Thousands of people gathered in an arrow array quickly, and a long arrow shot out quickly like light and shadow. Before it even touched Luocheng, it was already submerged by a black sandstorm.

Wolf King Hunter's interest aroused and he showed a ferocious smile.

"You should retreat first, don't hinder my fight."

Two tribes were destroyed and many elders died in the battle. Even though Han Te was brutal, he did not want his subordinates to be affected and die at this time.

If the losses hadn't been too great before, Hante wouldn't have bothered to care whether the wolf cavalry of these remnant wolf tribes would suffer losses.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The wolf cavalry of the Canlang tribe can move quickly, calling on the ordinary people of the tribe to flee in the distance.

Hante took a step forward and appeared on the back of the black wolf. The thick defensive barrier directly blocked the black sandstorm.

"Luo Cheng?" Hante's voice penetrated the black sandstorm and rang in Luo Cheng's ears.

Luo Cheng stopped, the black sandstorm was still spreading. .

"Wolf King Hante? I didn't expect you to appear here."

"Haha, if I don't show up again, you will continue to slaughter many of my people."

(End of this chapter)

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