Chapter 224

"The Forest of Destiny has disappeared into the void. I don't know when it will appear again. Destiny is so unpredictable." The cloaked man said.

Luo Cheng was not interested in this and asked, "Why did you remember to come here?"

"Because of you, you are the first person who has not been favored by fate but is still living well and getting stronger and stronger.

I want to live in the mercenary city for a while and watch your growth experience. This may be of great benefit to me in cultivating the way of destiny. "

Luo Cheng said with a smile: "You can do whatever you want. With your strength, you can just kill one or two mutated creatures to live in the mercenary city."

The cloaked man looked at the busy streets: "It's a nice city, and the people are full of life and hope.

This city is full of your breath. You should have designed and built it. You are very thoughtful.

In the early stage of integrating into the nameless world, there was an unexpected effect.

I don't want to watch this prosperous city destroyed. Maybe it is the guidance of fate. There is a piece of information that may be useful to you. "

"Please say."

Luo Cheng has now reached the level of a small galaxy, and can even resist the level of a constellation, but still cannot see through the cloaked man.

"Wolf King Hunter and the Iron Hoof Tribe plan to join forces to invade and carve up the earth. They are plotting now. You'd better be mentally prepared."

This was something Luo Cheng could never have imagined.

He thought that Han Te was afraid of the Iron Hoof Tribe. He had been silent for the past six months, but it turned out that it was just a facade.

"Thank you for your information. All your expenses in the Mercenary City will be counted as mine. I will tell the people below later that I wish you a happy stay here."

The cloaked man smiled and said: "This is fate. Fate lets you know this information. It has nothing to do with me.

You go and solve your troubles first, I still want to walk around the city. "

The cloaked man gradually disappeared in front of Luo Cheng.

Back in the mercenary city, a map of the Black Wolf Empire was placed in a huge living room, with a total of twelve tribes guarding the central royal court.

The twelve tribes are like a flower with twelve petals, and the royal court in the center is the heart of the flower.

From any tribe, you can directly reach the royal court, the center of the Black Wolf Empire.

In the last battle, Luo Cheng had figured out Han Te's strength. Now, he had the capital to compete with Han Te and could even find a chance to kill him.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Commander Qin's number.

"Commander Qin, I am Luo Cheng."

"Consultant Luo, what's the matter?"

"Commander Qin, I have received information that the Black Wolf Empire plans to unite with the Iron Hoof Tribe to carve up the earth.

What I mean is to strike first. Let's take down the Black Wolf Empire first, and then find a way to deal with the Iron Hoof Tribe. "

Obviously Luo Cheng's explosive information made Qin Wuwei unable to recover for a while.

"Luo Cheng, is your information accurate?"

"It's accurate. Even if I try my best, I can only deal with one constellation level, while the Iron Hoof Tribe has multiple constellation levels.

The strength of the tauren and the maneuverability of the wolf cavalry, if a strong man from the constellation is randomly selected to contain me, the earth will become the opponent's hunting ground.

We can only act first to eliminate the Black Wolf Empire and frighten the Iron Hoof Tribe and the upcoming Golden Dragon Empire. "

Qin Wuwei pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I need one day to issue the general mobilization order."

Luo Cheng also gave Xiaoshu the latest order to build warships of various levels.If the Black Wolf Empire can be defeated this time, it will be a huge shock to the Iron Hoof Tribe.

Small trees spread over more than 300 kilometers quickly absorb various metal minerals from the ground, decompose and extract them to form various alloys.

The dark forest within the shrouded area sank nearly half a meter.

In the underground base space, warships were built one after another. It was not until all the minerals were consumed, and there were hundreds of warships of all types, that it came to a complete stop.

[Equip all small galaxy level battleships with smart clones]

There are a total of thirty newly built small galaxy-level battleships, and the rest are improved versions of the Radiant Empire's 03-level space carriers and cruisers.

Early the next morning, hundreds of warships flew out from the underground base, and the entire mercenary city was boiling.

"Where did so many warships come from? There must be hundreds of them."

"The country has declared war with the Black Wolf Empire. It has spread all over the Internet. Commander Qin has issued a general mobilization order. We are going to push back the Black Wolf Empire once and for all."

Not only the hundreds of warships above the Mercenary City, but also the warships patrolling and escorting from all over the country were gathered. These were sent out time and time again by Luocheng, and there were hundreds of warships in total.

Arrive at the capital headquarters.

Luo Cheng saw Qin Wuwei, and the two shook hands. Luo Cheng said: "Our strength is actually enough to push the Black Wolf Empire flatly.

I wiped out more than half of their small galaxy class last time, and we have a total of more than 60 small galaxy class warships, which is enough to wipe out the remaining tribal elders of the opponent.

The rest are some star-level captains, so there is nothing to fear. We have many battleships, and we can wear them to death. "

Someone said: "Luo Cheng, are you sure your source of information is accurate?"

Luo Chengdao: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's accurate or not. Everyone has heard how brutal the Black Wolf Empire is.

The Nameless World is a world where the weak can eat the strong. Since we have the strength now, why should we keep unrest around us?

Moreover, annihilating the Black Wolf Empire can also deter the Iron Hoof Tribe and make them dare not act rashly. "

"But what if the Ironhoof Tribe gets involved."

“The Iron Heel Tribe will not take action unless they are prepared to kill everyone below the constellation.

All our warships add up to more than 200 ships, and there are more than 60 small galaxy-level ships.

Although the Iron Hoof tribe is reckless, they are not fools. Now the offense and defense are in different positions, not when the fusion zone just appeared. "

Everyone looked out the window at the countless battleships wandering in the sky.

Luo Chengdao: "Moreover, the territory in the country is too small and there are too many of us. We need a larger territory and more resources to cultivate more strong people so that we can finally stand in the nameless world.

All we have come into contact with so far are only weak forces. A powerful force like the Glorious Empire can wipe out all of us by just sending a warship. "

Everyone was silent. Without Luo Cheng, the earth would probably have become the hunting ground of the Black Wolf Empire. In terms of understanding of the Nameless World, no one knows it better than Luo Cheng.

Qin Wuwei said: "I support Luo Cheng's show of hands vote." After speaking, he raised his hand first.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining people also raised their hands.

This war will continue even if the vote fails. The mobilization orders have been issued. The current vote is just a formality, giving a step down to the rights of the old era.

The first purpose of establishing the mercenary city in Luocheng is to increase the cultivation speed of domestic cultivators, and the second purpose is to weaken the influence of the former power on the cultivators of the new era.

Discover a new set of rules for a new era.

(End of this chapter)

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