My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 225 Attack on the Black Wolf Empire

Chapter 225 Attack on the Black Wolf Empire
In the large conference room, there is a complete map of the Black Wolf Empire.

Among them, the Blood Claw Tribe and the Snow Wolf Tribe made a huge cross.

"Luo Cheng, do you have any specific plans, how we will fight, and where to start."

Luo Cheng first projected the world map on his mobile phone onto the big screen.

"Now with the emergence of the Iron Hoof Tribe, America is also moving away from us. Even they have broken away from the Black Wolf Empire, but the bordering areas in Asia are still there."

As the earth merges into the nameless world, the entire circular sphere is flat on the ground, and with the addition of some empires, even the terrain is distorted, which is completely different from what Luo Cheng imagined.

Originally, America was to the east of China, but now North America is to the northeast, and South America is to the southeast. There is a huge sea area between the two Americas.

Even as the earth merges, the sea is continuously divided and becomes an inland sea.

The original satellites of the earth have lost their function.

“Both Blood Claw and Snow Wolf were destroyed by me, and the Snow Wolf tribe is closest to the border of West Asia, and all the warships are under the command and control of Qin.

Sweeping away the peripheral tribes of the Black Wolf Empire, I will create a black sandstorm to approach the central royal court, contain and even look for opportunities to kill the Wolf King Hunter.

As long as Hunter dies, the Black Wolf Empire is ours.

The Black Wolf Empire is larger than ours, and these primitive people will not develop at all.

After occupying the Black Wolf Empire, we just brought into play our infrastructure-crazy nature. With enough resources, we can do many things that we couldn't do before with confidence.

Moreover, there are no so-called patents in the unknown world, and our scientists can also freely research.

Everyone, your task is to formulate the next policy, how to encourage people to have more children, increase the population, and at the same time reduce people's burden. "

Luo Cheng and Qin Wuwei left, leaving a group of people looking at each other.

One person said: "Luo Cheng is right. In the past, many policies could not be implemented due to various obstacles, but now they can be implemented.

Our strength is not good enough and we cannot play a big role in combat, but our leadership for so many years is not in vain.

Our talents can be used in people's livelihood. "

Luo Cheng and Qin Wuwei boarded the battleship respectively, while some troops who had been training secretly boarded the battleship in batches.

These elites are the country's trump cards. Luo Cheng took a quick glance and found that there were more than 30 people who understood the law.

There are also thousands of people who have transformed into liquid. It may not be able to compare with the Black Wolf Empire, but it is still fast.

Someone below took out their mobile phones to broadcast live, and countless people shouted the words "We must win, come on."

This is the first time that a war against the Unknown Realm Empire has been actively launched, and many people are paying attention.

Including private organizations hidden in some small countries in Asia.

Originally, there were many such organizations in the Americas and Africa, but as the earth merged into the unknown world, the distance between several continents was squeezed away, and these private organizations could only seek their own blessings.

The overwhelming number of warships headed towards the area of ​​the Black Wolf Empire. People from all the countries along the way heard the news and quickly walked out of their homes and looked towards the sky, hoping to witness the majesty of the Chinese fleet.

The original Earth had one superpower and two superpowers. In the current earth's structure, China has become one superpower, and other countries have been left far behind. Even because of their integration into the Nameless World, the five continents have been separated.

Self-preservation is a problem for many countries, and they may end up becoming slaves.

In West Asia, the Black Wolf Empire spies who infiltrated became anxious.

One after another, the birds soared into the sky, but before they could fly into the fusion area, they were reduced to ashes by lasers.

The staff had long thought that infiltrated enemies and spies might reveal information, and deployed warships near the fusion area.

The development of the Black Wolf Empire was primitive, and the transmission of information still relied on birds instead of electronic information.

Soon, Luo Cheng's battleship stopped, and below was the Snow Wolf tribe area covered in sand.

Qin Wuwei shouted: "Luo Cheng, leave the rest to us. Don't worry about dealing with the Wolf King Han Te. Don't worry about the rest."

Luo Cheng waved his hand and the fleet went away.

Affected by the law, the yellow sand on the ground began to float and gather, gradually forming particles of black sand.Within ten minutes, an overwhelming black sandstorm formed.Luo Cheng's figure blended into the wind and sand and moved forward quickly.

After half a year of training and the third assimilation, controlling the black sandstorm again was much easier than before.

Luocheng moved forward quickly.

In the Royal Court of the Black Wolf Empire, Wolf King Hante is practicing in the palace.

A battle with Luo Cheng made Han Te feel very uncomfortable.

He is the king of an empire and has been a strong star in the constellation for many years, but he is helpless against a weak person at the level of a small galaxy.

What a shame.

Hante was immersed in the constellations within his body, constantly absorbing mutation factors to strengthen the two cyclones.

At this time, a guard stumbled in.

"Your Majesty, the sky in the distance suddenly darkened, as if someone set off a black sandstorm to destroy us."

Wolf King Hante suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light shot out from his eyes, which contained rich laws.

The men reporting from the front suddenly froze on the spot and turned into a ball of sand, drifting away in the wind.


He stood up, came to the door of the hall and looked into the distance.

The originally clear sky in the distance seemed to be blocked by a layer of darkness, constantly approaching the royal city.

Hante took a step forward and jumped up suddenly.

A black shadow jumped out from the side of the hall and appeared under Han Te's crotch. It was his mount Black Wolf.

"Take me to the city wall to see who dares to set off a black sandstorm near the royal court."

A bad premonition emerged in Hante's heart.

The black wolf rushed up the 20-meter-high stone city wall in just a few clicks.

Then he ran wildly on the city wall, and soon rushed to the tower of the city wall, where Han Te looked into the distance.

The familiar black sandstorm appeared again just half a year later. This time it was no longer targeting his tribe, but heading straight for the royal city.

"Luo Cheng, if you want to destroy my royal city, you are seeking death."

"Send the order and ask the wolf guards in the royal city to form an arrow array to contain the incoming enemy. This time, I will personally kill him."

The black wolf jumped up, jumped off the city wall, and ran across the ground with long strides. The city gate opened behind him, and groups of elite black wolf cavalry rushed out, forming a huge arrow formation, following in the footsteps of the Wolf King. .

Luo Cheng saw Hante's figure at a glance.

The black sandstorm in the sky began to condense into huge black spheres, and the spheres were burning with earth-colored flames, like bolide stars.

The black sand is filled with the power of rich nuclear energy.

Fireballs fell from the sky at high speeds, trailing long tail flames.

A huge throne emerged from Hante's body, forming a barrier that stood on the ground like a chasm.

A bolide hit.


The nuclear energy and the power of law wrapped inside were detonated, and then countless black spheres hit the throne.

Emit a continuous explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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