My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 235 The Power of Orion

Chapter 235 The Power of Orion

Luo Cheng opened his eyes. He had just undergone the second assimilation, and the number of stars in his body increased from 25 to [-].

The surging power of law and the constellations he saw seemed to be on two levels.

Of all the constellations he encountered, there were basically no more than twenty stars, including the Wolf King Han Te and the two elders of the Iron Hoof Tribe, White Mountain and Black Horn.

"Commander Luo, Elder Baishan of the Iron Hoof Tribe is here and wants to visit you."

"Okay, bring Elder Baishan to the conference room, I'll be there right away."

Luo Cheng stood up. After all, Elder Baishan was his first client from outside the earth. Luo Cheng did not intend to neglect him, and he was not one to act according to the changing circumstances.

When I walked to the conference room, Elder Baishan and his assistant were already waiting inside.

"Elder Baishan, I haven't seen you for a while, but you still have the same style."

Bai Shan looked at Luo Cheng who appeared and felt the strong law fluctuations that were inadvertently emanating from it.

I couldn't help but take a breath. When we last met, Luo Cheng was not a constellation even though he was very strong.

The law fluctuations now emitted have already crushed the elder Baishan, and the progress is so fast that it is staggering.

"City Lord Luo, I didn't expect that you would progress to such an extent after not seeing each other for a few days.

It is our Iron Hoof Tribe that has failed to keep up with the times. This time I convinced other elders and clan leaders of the Iron Hoof Tribe.

Twelve constellation-level mutant creatures were collected to redeem the essence. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Dark City welcomes friends from the Iron Hoof Tribe to come over at any time.

The conditions I promised Elder Baishan last time are still valid. After redeeming the essence, I will show Elder Baishan the totem pole that I have built, which will definitely satisfy you. "

After helping Elder Baishan finish the essence exchange, Luo Cheng took a few people to an empty training ground.

A dark red totem pole is placed in the center of the training ground.

"Elder Baishan, this is the totem pole. Let's see if it works for you."

Elder Baishan fell in love with the totem pole the first time he saw it.

"Haha, it's really good and suits my taste."

He picked up the totem pole and slammed it on the ground of the training ground. The rich fire laws surged, and surging flames began to burn crazily from the totem pole to the surroundings.

"Okay, it is indeed a high-quality totem pole at the constellation level, Luo Cheng, thank you very much."

Luo Chengdao: "Elder Baishan is my first foreign guest, and the totem pole is just a trivial matter.

Does Elder Baishan still plan to continue to develop technology? "

Elder Baishan sighed and said: "The situation is not optimistic. Even within the Baishan tribe, there are voices of opposition.

If I enforce it forcefully, I'm afraid the tribe will fall apart in an instant. "

Luo Cheng nodded, expressed his understanding, and sent Elder Baishan away.

Luo Cheng wandered around the city, which was different from the deserted state when it was first built.

Many stores have been opened, and products from different races in the Nameless World are concentrated in the Dark City.

This strange feeling of seeing products from a different cultural country every few steps gave Luocheng an unreal feeling.

On this day, Luo Cheng was practicing in seclusion in the high tower in the center of the Dark City.

An urgent message came from the little tree clone of the Black Wolf Empire.

The perspective shifted, and a small part of the newly built city was destroyed by the weapons carried by the airship.

On the bow of the airship, a strong man of the constellation level stood, bending his bow and arrows, aiming at the battleship in the distant sky. As the bow and arrow flew out, a cruiser exploded directly in the sky.

Luo Cheng was a little surprised, where did these guys come from.

Observing the airship carefully through the small tree clone, the Sirius logo on it was so conspicuous, and I immediately understood that this was the airship of the Sirius Empire.

Luo Cheng originally thought that after destroying the Black Wolf Empire, he would have to wait a few years before the other party would appear in the Black Wolf Empire area.I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Luo Cheng doesn't care much about the Sirius Empire now.

Even if the Xinghai powerhouse comes in person, as long as he enters the area covered by the small tree, he will only die.

Luo Cheng called Qin Wuwei.

"Commander Qin, I heard that the Black Wolf Empire area has been attacked and asked all our people to evacuate.

I'll address each other later. "

"Okay, Luo Cheng, I will ask people to retreat immediately. Do you know where the other party came from? Why did they attack the building we just built?"

Luo Chengdao: "This matter was caused by Hante. Hante was from the Sirius Empire, and this airship was sent by the Sirius Empire to contact Hante.

But don’t worry, I can handle even the Sirius Empire. "

Since being promoted to the constellation, Luo Cheng has not made any moves yet. This time he just used the strong men of the Sirius Empire to test the attack strength of his Orion constellation.

Qin Wuwei's order was quickly passed to the large infrastructure command center.

Li Yaoming immediately informed the warships stationed here to retreat after receiving the notice.

The master of the Sirius Empire, who was on the airship with his bow and arrows ready, smiled.

"What a group of guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death. They actually retreated. His Highness Hante fell into the hands of these weak countries. They are really useless."

"Leader Carter, be careful what you say, some words are taboo. His Highness Hunter is the prince of our Sirius Empire no matter what.

No matter who it is, it is forbidden for our Sirius Empire to show face. This newly integrated planet called Earth actually directly killed His Highness Hunter. It seems that he has never seen the cruelty of the Nameless World. "

"Really? I think you have lived too comfortably and have forgotten the cruelty of the nameless world."

A battleship stopped above the airship, and Luo Cheng's voice came from the battleship.

Walking out of the cockpit, standing on the deck of the battleship, looking down at the airship below.

"Hante is ignorant of current affairs and wantonly plunders the residents of our earth. Death is just an advantage for them. You guys don't leave today.

Let alone you guys, even if Wang Meng from the Sirius Empire comes, he will have to shed his skin if he wants to leave. "

Luo Cheng made the aptitude for bending a bow and setting an arrow, and a huge hunter constellation instantly appeared behind him.

Forty stars shone on the huge hunter's shadow.

Carter was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the forty stars of the hunter's shadow behind Luo Cheng.

"Wait a minute, there may be some misunderstanding."

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "There is no so-called misunderstanding. Hunter should not have gone far on Huangquan Road. You should be able to catch up with him now and walk side by side with him. Let's be his companions together."


A white light that penetrated the sky and the earth instantly penetrated Leader Carter in front of the airship, and a large hole was instantly penetrated in the airship behind him.

Then the flying arrows exploded instantly, and the rich earth law formed a huge ball, surrounding the entire airship.

Both the laws and life were instantly wiped out, and the entire airship was assimilated into sand by the rich laws, drifting in the wind.

Luo Cheng also didn't expect that it was so powerful that the masters at the constellation level were completely annihilated without even a chance to regroup.

Some memories about the Sirius Empire emerged in Luo Cheng's mind.

These guys are the forces left to Khante by the previous head of the Sirius Empire.

In the years since Hante left the Sirius Empire, he has kept in touch.

This time, I heard from Hante that he had captured a large number of slaves and wanted to conduct a large-scale slave trade.

Unexpectedly, by the time these people arrived, Hunter was already dead.

(End of this chapter)

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