My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 236 Travel businessmen seeking cooperation

Chapter 236 Travel businessmen seeking cooperation
By killing several masters of the Sirius Empire, Luo Cheng basically figured out Han Te's power in the Sirius Empire.

As Hunter left the Sirius Empire and the new Wolf King Monte came to power, the forces loyal to Hunter gradually collapsed.

These guys just kept in touch for the sake of the old Wolf King and the fact that Hunter could occasionally send a large number of cheap slaves.

Carter, the leader of an elite army under Monte's command, came this time, and Wolf King Monte already knew about it.

However, Hunter himself was an illegitimate child, and had already left the Sirius Empire, so he was no threat to Monte, so he allowed Carter to keep in touch with him and let his men earn some extra money.

Let Li Yaoming continue the construction of the city, and Luo Cheng returns to the Dark City.

Start the third assimilation of level nine, this time smelting.

The number of warships coming to the Dark City for essence exchange has not decreased at all, but there are fewer mutated creatures, but there has never been a decrease in the number of low-level ones changing to high-level ones.

In Tianfeng City, which is 50 kilometers away from the Dark City, a warship docked in the parking area. Feiyu came here with great expectations and directly started the business of exchanging low-level essence.

"There is no limit to the level or quantity of low-level essences that can be exchanged for high-level essences. They are all top-grade ninth-level essences."

Feiyu didn't even rent a shop, he just rented a stall and started selling.

This was the first time this happened in Tianfeng City. As the first person successfully redeemed the high-level essence, more and more people gathered behind him, and there was even a long queue.

Soon the high-level essence in Feiyu's hand was exhausted, and he had to take a battleship back to the Dark City.

But this time Feiyu thought of a good idea and cooperated with the Lord of Dark City.

Feiyu didn't know how Dark City relied on to make profits from this unlimited exchange.

But since this activity continues, it must be profitable. I have too little capital. If I can cooperate with the city owner, the profits will increase exponentially.

After returning to the Dark City and exchanging all low-level essences for high-level ones, Feiyu expressed his demands.

"I have an idea for cooperation, and I want to cooperate with your city lord. Can you please let me know.

I have been exchanging high-level essences with you recently. I am a traveling merchant, and cooperation with me will definitely create greater benefits for the Dark City. "

"Sir, please wait on the sofa over there. I will report your request to the superiors. As for whether the city lord will meet or not, it is not up to us."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Feiyu took out a fifth-level essence and handed it to the service staff.

The service staff put the essence into his pocket as if nothing had happened, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of his boss, passing on Feiyu's request.

On the top floor of the tower, Luo Cheng has been practicing here.

"Commander Luo, a traveling businessman named Feiyu wants to cooperate with you, would you like to meet him?"

Luo Cheng has an impression of traveling merchants. These people do not have fixed stalls and are mobile vendors who buy low and sell high.

If you want to cooperate with me, it seems that you are interested in the terms of Dark City's unlimited redemption of high-level essence.

Luo Cheng doesn't mind cooperating with a few more traveling merchants, as it can speed up Xiaoshu's upgrade.

The range of activities of these traveling merchants is very large, and the range of activities of senior traveling merchants can even reach millions of kilometers.

"Okay, ask the other person to wait for me in the conference room. I'll be there soon."

"Yes, Commander Luo."

Luo Cheng got up and came to the conference room. Feiyu was already waiting inside.

Luo Cheng glanced at it. The star level was not high, and no one with high levels was a traveling businessman. They were running around, and they might die on the road one day when they encountered a problem.

"City Lord Luo, I have admired his name for a long time, and today I finally met him in person."

"If you want to cooperate with me, let's talk about the cooperation content first."

Feiyu organized his speech and said: "City Lord Luo wants to exchange high-level essence for low-level essence. We have traveled to all parts of the world. I just came back from Tianfeng City 50 kilometers away today and exchanged a large amount of low-level essence." .

But because I didn’t bring enough high-end essence, I only redeemed a small part.

If City Lord Luo is willing to cooperate with me and provide me with a large amount of high-end essence, we can split the profit earned [-]-[-]%, City Lord Luo will take [-]%, and I will take [-]%. "

Luo Cheng suddenly smiled and said: "Your idea is very good, but I don't agree, why should I cooperate with you.

I proposed the unlimited exchange of high-end essences, and I also provided your capital. As a result, you and I are [-] or [-] points apart. There is no such good thing in the world. "

Feiyu's expression suddenly changed and he said: "That's what City Lord Luo means."

"95 to 5, I can give you half of the errand fee. You should know that even so, you have made a big profit."

Feiyu thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I agree. Thank you City Lord Luo for the opportunity."

Luo Cheng stood up and took out an agreement, which he bought from the trader.

"After signing the fair trade agreement, our cooperation officially takes effect."

Feiyu signed his name without hesitation.

Luo Cheng stood up and shook hands with the other party and said: "You are indeed a courageous merchant. Here are ten pieces of level [-] flesh and blood essence and ten pieces of level [-] spiritual essence.

You can test the waters with these essences. "

Looking at the crystal clear tenth level essence, Feiyu took a deep breath.

He has lived for hundreds of years and has never seen a level [-] essence.

Even in some large neutral cities such as Tianming City, it is extremely difficult to see the tenth-level essence.

Level nine is extremely rare.

Feiyu felt excited, he had indeed come to the right place.

"Thank you Lord Luo for your trust."

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Of course I trust the integrity of you merchants, but I can't trust your strength. You are too weak, only at the stellar level.

So I have equipped you with an assistant. Don’t worry, he will not interfere with any of your actions. He will only take action when there is danger. "

Feiyu nodded, but he didn't reject it. Luo Cheng took out twenty level [-] essences with real money.

Don't worry about anyone else, after all, he is only at the stellar level.

Even the Xinghai strongmen would covet the tenth-level essence. In the eyes of the Xinghai strongmen, stars were no more than ants.

Luo Cheng quickly took out a small basin with a small sapling growing in it.

"This is the guard I have equipped for you. This is an offensive plant. When you are in danger, it can help you fight against the enemy. Even if you cannot defeat it, it will still protect your safety."

As Luo Cheng finished speaking, the small tree stretched out countless roots from the flowerpot and began to sway in the sky.

Feiyu was dumbfounded and said, "Is this a plant pet? I didn't expect City Lord Luo to have such a rare pet."

Luo Chengdao: "Yes, he is indeed a well-informed traveling merchant, he even knows about plant life.

Don't worry, Xiaoshu will not interfere with any of your actions. He will only take action when you are in danger. "

Feiyu solemnly took the flowerpot and put the essence away solemnly. Luo Cheng kept watching the other party carrying the flowerpot into the battleship before returning to the tower.

Through Xiaoshu's clone, Feiyu's every move can be detected.

(End of this chapter)

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