My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 237 Black Wind Thief

Chapter 237 Black Wind Thief

In the Dark City training room, Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, and a shadow of a hunter with a bow and arrow appeared behind him.

Densely packed bright spots appeared on the phantom's body, and each bright spot was a star.

A total of sixty stars outline the hunter vividly.

Only then did Luo Cheng realize how huge the gap between the constellations and the sea of ​​stars was.

At this time, a message came from the clone of Xiaoshu who was following Feiyu.

Luo Cheng changed his perspective.

This is a small battleship. Feiyu is driving the battleship to escape crazily. In the sky behind, three small battleships are chasing after each other and launching attacks continuously.

"These guys must have been targeting me since Tianfeng City. They were careless this time and exposed too much wealth."

A burly figure suddenly flashed on the cockpit screen.

"Hand over the essence of the spaceship obediently, and we may consider sparing your life, otherwise you will just wait for death.

We have completely seen that you exchanged high-level essence for low-level essence in Tianfeng City. "

Feiyu's expression changed drastically.

"Black bandit?"

"Knowing that we, the Black Wind Bandits, don't stop and surrender quickly, we Black Wind Bandits only rob wealth, not life."

This is just a lie, and Feiyu, as a traveling businessman, knows that.

The Black Wind Bandits claimed that they only robbed money but not lives, but those who came out to testify were all on their behalf, and few of those who were actually robbed survived.

Luo Cheng, who shifted his perspective, saw all this clearly.

[Destroy the Black Wind Bandits in the rear]

To rob Feiyu was to rob Luo Cheng. Twenty level ten essences were a huge fortune even for Luo Cheng.

The flower pot holding the small tree instantly turned into powder and was absorbed by the small tree.

Then countless roots extended from the small tree.

The sudden change made Feiyu a little confused, not knowing what happened.

Countless tiny roots grew thick in the blink of an eye, and instantly flew out of the spacecraft's narrow gaps and some vents.

Twenty kilometers behind, there were hundreds of people sitting on the three spaceships that were chasing each other at high speed. Each one of them was a strong person who understood the law.

"Captain, what's ahead is coming towards us."

"No matter what it is, just blow him away."


Shells hit the roots floating in the sky one after another, but they were like eggs hitting rocks, without any consequences.

Feiyu also saw Xiaoshu's actions through the monitoring devices around the spacecraft.


Countless roots passed through the void with lightning speed, like whips whipping down one after another.


All three spaceships were pulled into pieces, and then countless roots extended, binding all the life-bearing breath they felt, obliterating the laws within them.

Then countless roots returned and restored their original appearance.

Feiyu looked at the small tree that was as thick as a finger and more than one meter away, but he did not expect it to have such power.

When Luo Cheng handed it over to him, Feiyu didn't take it seriously because he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Although these people are not the real elites of the Black Wind Pirates, they can easily deal with ordinary caravans.

If he dares to escape with many essences.Feiyu couldn't imagine the consequences.

Returning to the main body from Luocheng's perspective, Feiyu's actions will attract some nameless bandits and even forces to intercept and kill him.

This was what he had thought of a long time ago. The benefits were too great. Many people in power in the empire would never see a level [-] essence in their lifetime.

This is an item that can only be extracted from a strong person at the Xinghai level.Although there is a difference between the sea of ​​stars and the constellations, their rarity increases day by day.

"Commander Luo, there have been many sneaky people in the Dark City and Mercenary City recently." A staff member reported.

"I know, don't panic, everything is under control."

Unlimited redemption of premium essences, and it lasts for a month without any intention of stopping.

Luo Cheng originally thought that someone would jump out in just half a month, but he didn't expect that it would take more than a month before someone infiltrated into the Dark City to investigate.

Luo Cheng's perspective shifted to Xiaoshu. In an instant, every move within a radius of 640 kilometers was under his surveillance.

There is a hotel in the Dark City. There are potted plants in the hotel, with tiny roots hidden among the flowers.

"Have you found out about the secrets hidden in the Dark City? They released so much high-level essence in exchange for a large amount of low-level essence.

It must be possible to extract low-level essence into high-level essence, otherwise even Tianming City, the richest city nearby, would go bankrupt by exchanging unlimited amounts at a high ratio for more than a month. "

"No, our people approached some Dark City staff. They didn't know anything. They just went to work here after being trained.

The only job is to exchange, regardless of anything else.

We have also had contact with the people who maintain law and order in the city, but they don’t know anything.

City Lord Luo Cheng is leading everything behind the scenes, and only he knows all the secrets.

Should we attack Luo Cheng? As long as we capture him, we can get the secret.

In less than ten years, a city richer than Tianming City can be built.

Then it will be easier for me to attack the sea of ​​stars. "

"It's not that easy. Luo Cheng killed Wolf King Hante before, and if he dares to let him go, he might have a trump card to win.

Let's take a look first. There must be some people who can't sit still. Let others test it first so that we can observe Luo Cheng's strength.

If the opponent succeeds in taking Luocheng, we can take advantage of the chaos and plunder it.

Each exchange point must have countless high-level essences and various powerful weapons. "

The house fell into silence.

The same scene is played out everywhere in the Dark City.

More than one force is coveting the wealth of Dark City. Luo Cheng had thought of this when he exposed Dark City and opened unlimited exchanges.

When the sea of ​​​​stars comes down, he can take care of it. When the sea of ​​​​stars comes, he can take care of the little tree.

Above the sea of ​​stars, Xiaoshu may take a little effort, but he will definitely be able to kill his opponent in the end.

A spaceship parked in the parking lot of Dark City. Feiyu got out of it and went straight to the tower where Luo Cheng was located.

The road went smoothly all the way to the top floor and saw Luo Cheng.

"Thank you for your hard work this time, Feiyu."

"Thanks to City Lord Luo's little tree, he killed the Black Wind Bandit who came to intercept him, allowing me to escape.

The low-level essences exchanged are all on the spaceship. Do you need to transport them here now? "

"No need to trouble you, this is your reward."

A tenth-level essence contained in a brocade box was pushed in front of Feiyu.

Looking at the crystal clear flesh and blood essence exuding a powerful aura, Feiyu's breathing quickened.

This is different from the previous twenty, this one belongs to him.

"City Lord Luo, do you want to come here a few more times?"

"You don't want to live anymore, Xiaoshu can indeed defeat some enemies, but not all enemies.

This time it was just a small team of the Black Wind Dao, next time it might be the leader of the Black Wind Pirates.

Even the little trees can't save you by then. "

(End of this chapter)

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