My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 238 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 238 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

After sending Feiyu away, Luo Cheng came to the underground space.

As for whether Feiyu will continue to acquire low-level essences with compensation, this has nothing to do with Luo Cheng.

The most indispensable thing in Wuming World is traveling merchants. As long as he puts out words, there will be countless traveling merchants wanting to cooperate with him tomorrow morning.

In the underground space, countless essences were smelted by small trees, and then smelted into a tenth-level essence.

Then the tenth-level essence was absorbed by the little tree, and its nutrients skyrocketed.

Luo Cheng looked at the light curtain and saw that it was about to be upgraded.

In order to cope with this upgrade, Dangdao has already prepared the essence of Dark City that can be redeemed for 48 hours.

At the same time, he got up and went to the top of the tower.

A shadowy figure of a tall and sturdy hunter with a bow and arrow appeared behind him.

The purpose of Luo Cheng this time is to intimidate. Those who cannot be intimidated will be eliminated now, so as not to cause trouble when Xiaoshu upgrades.

Luo Cheng let go of the suppression of the constellations in his body, and in an instant, the dark city turned into night.

Countless people looked up to the sky.

Some people who were sneaky and had been planning Luo City also looked outside.

In the vast sky, a phantom of a hunter bent his bow and set an arrow, covering the entire dark city.

Following the movements of the hunter's shadow, sixty stars emitted bright light.

"This is the manifestation of a constellation. Could it be that someone took action and prepared to rape it in the Dark City?"

"No, this wave is emanating from the central tower. This is the constellation of Luo City. It is intimidating the sneaky people in the city."

"How is it possible? How can Luo Cheng be so powerful? This is contrary to common sense."

Some people know how Luocheng started.

A city suddenly rises in the nameless world, and an unlimited amount of high-level essence can be redeemed.

Every force must inquire and investigate the origin of the Dark City.

Luo Cheng's origin is easy to investigate. He is from Earth and not very old.

However, when Luo Cheng showed the sixty stars in his constellation, many people overturned the previous findings.

Even if there is enough essence to practice continuously, it is impossible to reach the current height. It would be good to understand the rules.

Moreover, cultivation is not something that can only be achieved by having the essence. Many big forces do not lack the essence, but not all of them are masters.

Decomposing the assimilation of the Tree of All Things is simply cheating.

The phantom of the hunter bent his bow and set an arrow, and the sixty stars exuded huge law fluctuations.

An arrow quickly condensed and shot into the sky.

A huge explosion was followed by strong winds blowing down from the sky.

Many people felt awe-inspiring and put away their inappropriate thoughts, while others sneered and planned to continue to see the situation.

The roots all over the city watched everyone's performance.

[The Decomposition Tree reaches the upgrade standard, whether to upgrade it]

[Yes, upgrade]

The small tree gradually fell into silence, and the stars covering the whole process all shrank into the central tower, and the dark city returned to normal again.

But many people feel a little more in awe.

Tianshui City is a city 30 kilometers away from the City of Darkness. A warship landed in the city.

Feiyu stepped out of the battleship.

Luo Cheng is unwilling to take risks because he is the city lord of the Dark City and can earn countless essences every day by doing nothing.

But he, Feiyu, was different. He was a traveling businessman. What would a traveling businessman be called if he didn't travel around to do business?

The last time he was targeted by the Black Wind Bandits in Tianfeng City, this time he was targeted by Tianshui City.

A city larger than Kaiming City, and not in the same direction as Tianfeng City.I quickly rented a booth and started exchanging low-level essences.

Within ten minutes, a long queue formed in front of the stall.

Feiyu is not stupid either. His experience in Tianfeng City last time taught him that he should not reveal too much wealth.

This time he only exchanged twenty pieces of ninth-level essence and closed the deal.

Then continue to wander around Tianshui City, looking for a place to set up a stall.

The huge Tianshui City spans dozens of kilometers and takes less than a day.

Feiyu exchanged all ten-level essences for low-level essences in Tianshui City.

Then he secretly entered the battleship and left Tianshui City.

Just after flying more than 2 kilometers, more than ten warships suddenly rose from the ground, and then densely packed warships almost surrounded him from all directions.

Feiyu was dumbfounded by the sudden change.Somewhat overwhelmed.

Many of the robbers who robbed were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that so many of their colleagues were targeting Feiyu.

Soon the battleship was forced to stop, and Feiyu walked out with his hands raised.

Also being moved out were countless low-level essences.

There were densely packed people around, and everyone exuded a ferocious aura.

A master's figure swept across the crowd and laughed: "I didn't expect that a traveling businessman would attract so many peers, 26 organizations, it's really a big honor.

Boy, who are you? You'd better tell me honestly, otherwise all the methods of our 26 organizations will be used on you. "

Feiyu himself was not a man of integrity, so he quickly explained the situation in the Dark City clearly.

"I exchanged so many low-level essences because I planned to go to the Dark City to exchange for high-level essences. One round trip is a profit of 5.00% and [-]%."

"This is much more profitable than our robbery. Damn it, take this kid to the Dark City to redeem it. If it's true, we'll kill the city lord directly.

We are here to be the city lords of the Dark City. With these countless resources, Xinghai is not yet at our fingertips. "

Many people laughed.

One person lifted Feiyu and threw him directly onto a battleship. Then more than 100 battleships took off and headed straight for the Dark City.

Feiyu didn't expect such a thing to happen, but a dead Taoist friend would never die a poor Taoist.

I wonder if Luocheng can deal with these bandits.

"Your Majesty, I will lead the way for you, can you not kill me?" Feiyu asked tremblingly.

"If what you said is true, not only will we not kill you, but we will also reward you. After all, you have provided us with a good opportunity to make a fortune.

But if you lie, each of our forces will test their torture methods on you to let you see what true cruelty is. "

"I'm telling the truth."

"I hope you're telling the truth."

In the dark city, Luo Cheng was practicing with his eyes closed when he suddenly opened his eyes.He sensed the auras of many strong men from the constellations approaching quickly.

These guys barely concealed their aura and exuded it unscrupulously.

Luo Cheng walked out of the retreat room, went to the top rooftop of the tower, and looked into the distance.

"The chicken is here, just kill it and show it to the monkeys. The previous deterrence was almost meaningless."

Similarly, many strong people with keen senses looked towards the sky in the distance.

More than 100 warships appeared in sight.

Luocheng bent his bow and set an arrow, a huge hunter's shadow appeared, and the huge bow and arrow quickly condensed out.


Silvery white light passed through the sky and passed through the group of battleships.

More than 20 warships were penetrated instantly. The warships, together with the practitioners inside, quickly turned into sand and dispersed in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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