My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 241 Advancement to the Star Sea

Chapter 241 Advancement to the Star Sea
[It has been detected that the human form has constructed the Orion constellation, whether to assimilate the constellation to the constellation]


Luo Cheng's face was full of confusion, what was this.

[What is perfect assimilation? Is there any other changes in Orion to carry out perfect assimilation]

[Assimilation will take place in ten seconds, please wait a moment]

Soon, countless tiny roots penetrated into Luo Cheng's body.

The torrent of laws enters the body mixed with countless mutation factors.

The huge hunter's shadow formed in the body became more solid, and with the integration of the torrent of laws, stars gradually extended from the back of the hunter's shadow.

Forming a pair of huge wings.

In an instant, the hunter's shadow appeared behind Luo Cheng, and his wings gradually solidified. With a gentle instigation, Luo Cheng's figure was everywhere in the large training room.

Assimilation continues.

More stars began to appear on the long bow in the hunter's shadow.

Luo Cheng kept watching the stars in his body increase one by one, from seventy to eighty, from eighty to ninety, until it broke through one hundred.

The complete hunter's shadow was completely formed, and countless laws gathered and poured into his body, changing all the cells in his body.

In the center of the huge hunter's shadow, a bright star is formed, which can control hundreds of law stars. Each strike can easily mobilize the power of hundreds of law stars.

This bright star is the Heart of Law, which was condensed by mobilizing the power of law from hundreds of stars after condensing hundreds of law planets.

This step is also a huge bottleneck for advancing to Xinghai. I don’t know how many people failed at this step when they broke through.

Luo Cheng did not feel any difficulty in succeeding. This was the greatest effect of assimilation.

The complete hunter's shadow emerged behind him, and then merged into Luo Cheng's body.

Two huge wings exuding the power of law emerged behind him, which was both illusory and real.


Luo Cheng left the training room and came to the platform on the roof. His wings appeared behind him and he fanned them gently. His body disappeared from the place and appeared in the sky.

Although Luo Cheng condenses the laws of the earth system, it does not affect his ability to fly in the sky at will.

Like a stream of light, traveling through the sky.

Countless people in the Dark City looked up, but they disappeared into the sky before they could see what it was.

Luo Cheng flew around the country and the area where the Black Wolf Empire was located at high speed.

We came to the sky above the dark forest again, flying very fast towards the depths. In the dense forest below, we could occasionally see one or two huge mutant creatures.

"Roar." A huge winged tiger flapped its wings and pounced forward.

Luo Cheng has penetrated thousands of miles into the dark forest and still has not seen the border.

As the rumors say, the dark forest is endless.

A huge fireball condensed in the sky, like a huge sun emitting super high problems.

Luo Cheng did not rush to take action, entered the realm of the star sea, understood the center of the law, and gained a deeper understanding of the earth law.

Mobilize the laws within the body and suddenly radiate out.

The sun in the sky instantly fell to the earth, causing a huge explosion. The winged tiger that rushed over seemed to be suddenly pressed down by something, and directly hit the forest below.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile. In the moment just now, he increased the gravity of [-] meters around him, adjusting the normal gravity to ten times the gravity.

Being caught off guard, Winged Tiger suffered a small loss.

The Xinghai Realm already has a deep understanding of the laws. Controlling gravity is only one of the inconspicuous abilities, but it is very practical.

When fighting the enemy, rapid changes in gravity can also disrupt the opponent's attack rhythm.Luo Cheng continued to increase the application of gravity, increasing it to a hundred times before finally reaching the limit.

The winged tiger roared angrily and flew up from the ground despite the huge gravity.

Luo Cheng bent his bow and set an arrow, and the breath of death locked onto the winged tiger.

The winged tiger flapped its wings frantically, trying to escape, but a hundred times the gravity restricted his movements.


The arrow light was like a meteor, passing through the space and instantly piercing the winged tiger.

The huge law exploded in the sky, leaving a huge hole in the body of the winged tiger. A large number of the laws in the body were wiped out, and he was directly hit hard.

Luo Cheng walked over and said, "Submit or die."

The winged tiger lay on the ground and buried its head deeply.

The slavery order turned into a white thread and penetrated into the winged tiger's brain.

The two essences were casually poked out. The winged tiger raised his head and swallowed the two tenth-level essences into his belly, then lay down on the spot to recover from his injuries.

Luo Cheng was sitting on a big tree, studying the abilities that could be used in the Xinghai realm.

Before, it was just a simple application of laws. With the condensation of the law center, it has many more abilities.

At the same time, through understanding the Law of Earth, Luo Cheng vaguely felt that there were even more vast laws hidden in the Law of Earth.

One of them is the Law of the Earth, and gravity is simply the application of the Law of the Earth.

Since it can increase gravity, I wonder if it can be reduced.

Luo Cheng began to conduct experiments. Almost instantly, he felt as if his body was weightless, as light as a feather.

The wings spread out and the speed increased at least twice as much as before. Luo Cheng's figures were everywhere in the sky.

He retracted his wings and landed lightly on the ground. The power of the heavy law immediately filled his body, like a towering mountain.

Immovable as a mountain, you will be invincible with your feet on the earth.

Here is the law of the earth among the laws of the earth system. It has the same purpose as the earth's energy, but the earth's energy and the law of the earth are indeed two kinds of forces.

A black sphere like a black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and Luo Cheng felt the power to destroy everything in the sphere.

This is the power of annihilation contained in the laws of the earth.

The black sphere was thrown, and the ancient trees it touched turned into dust silently, as if these ancient trees had never appeared.

After flying tens of thousands of meters, Luo Cheng gave up control of the black ball. Suddenly, the black ball suddenly expanded, forming a black ball that was hundreds of meters long. All matter in the ball was annihilated and turned into dust.

When the black sphere disappeared, a huge semicircular smooth pit appeared on the ground.

Luo Cheng bent his bow and nocked an arrow, an earth-colored long arrow shone with luster, and then the long arrow turned into a pure black that exuded a destructive aura, as if to annihilate everything.

As the long arrow shoots out, everything along the way is annihilated, whether it is ancient trees or mutated creatures.

It extended to a very far distance, forming a huge trace without any life breath.

Luo Cheng finally understood why there were many constellations, but the sea of ​​stars was extremely rare. Any one of these abilities could instantly kill the strong constellations.

There is already a qualitative gap between the two.

The laws of earth are all-encompassing, but these branch laws require Luo Cheng to understand and develop himself. The more he understands and develops, the faster his strength will improve.

Luo Cheng didn't know how strong other Xinghai experts were, and he had never competed.

But the upcoming enlightened city lord Kai Ming is a good experimental example.

(End of this chapter)

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