My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 242 Enlightenment Visits

Chapter 242 Enlightenment Visits

"Roar" The winged tiger roared suddenly.

Luo Cheng leaned against the big tree and closed his eyes to study the power of law in his body. When he heard the roar, he slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that the injury has recovered well. Now that I have recovered, come with me and I will show you the door.

So that my family will not recognize my family in the future. "

He stood up and landed lightly, then stepped on the back of the winged tiger. The winged tiger roared and suddenly rushed into the sky.

Luo Cheng stroked the tiger's head twice and said, "Lighten some weight for you, speed up, and see how fast you can reach."

The gravity instantly decreased, the winged tiger's speed suddenly surged several steps, and the dark forest underground quickly disappeared.

"Hey." A sharp bird call sounded between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, a large bird of Star Sea level flapped its wings and appeared in sight.

This is another contracted beast in Luocheng, the Sky Eagle.

Luo Chengdao: "From now on, you two are my contracted beasts. From now on, we will live in peace, and the benefits of both of you will be indispensable."

The two beasts looked at each other, neither of them pleased the other.

Luo Cheng suddenly laughed: "Since you are not convinced, you two can find a clean place to have a fight and tell who is the boss and who is the second child."

The winged tiger suddenly became unwilling and exuded strong mental fluctuations.

"I was just injured by the boss and I haven't recovered yet. It would be disgraceful for me if this guy wins."

Luo Cheng was speechless, trying to make excuses for himself.

"Since you don't want to fight, forget it. Now go back to the Dark City and show you your home, so that you won't be bullied outside in the future and don't know who to ask for revenge."

Qing Tianying looked at the winged tiger and said, "Some kittens probably don't even know where their nest is. You'd better let me, a senior, take you there."

Luo Cheng sat on the back of the big bird and soared into the sky, followed closely by the winged tiger.

The surrounding laws gradually became thicker, the air began to twist, and the Sky Eagle suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the sky.

The Winged Tiger was left with a confused look on his face. Obviously, in terms of speed, the Winged Tiger was no match for Skyhawk.

But in the end, he relied on his connection with Luo Cheng to catch up.

More than 100 kilometers away from the Dark City, the Sky Eagle and the Winged Tiger all stopped.

"From now on, you can live in the dark forest. As long as you don't leave the dark city for a thousand kilometers, I can guarantee your safety."

Winged Tiger said: "Don't worry, boss, I have lived for more than 1000 years, and I have never seen a mutated creature above the sea of ​​stars.

Our place is at best the outskirts of the dark forest, and the real core area has to go at least [-] to [-] kilometers further in.

That is the real paradise for mutant creatures. I heard that there is also a country formed by mutant creatures.

However, these guys rarely go out and spend most of their time huddled inside the dark forest. "

Luo Cheng didn't expect that there were so many secrets in the dark forest.

"Okay, you two can move around freely. I'm going back to the Dark City first. I'll call you if anything happens."

The wings moved out of the way, and Luo Cheng disappeared in place. A stream of light streaked across the sky and landed on the rooftop of the central tower.

【Perform second assimilation】

Above the sea of ​​​​stars is the level of a large galaxy. It is necessary to build thousands of law stars in the body. Under the coordination of the heart of law, and mobilized in a unified manner, one blow can be the power of a thousand stars.

[It is detected that the human body has condensed the heart of law and begins to assimilate around the heart of law]

In an instant, the huge constellation disappeared, and hundreds of stars slowly rotated around the Heart of Law.

Constellations are constructed by condensing stars, until a constellation is completely perfected, the heart of the law is condensed, and the star sea is promoted.The realm of the sea of ​​stars breaks up the constellations and condenses the large galaxies in one's body.

Large galaxies can be condensed into various constellations at any time. As long as the main body outlines the constellations, they can be condensed at any time.

As countless roots enveloped Luo City, countless laws flowed into the body.

Stars rotating around the Heart of Law were generated out of thin air, and at the same time countless mutation factors poured into his body, strengthening it.

It was not until hundreds of stars were added to the body that it gradually stopped.

Two hundred stars rotate rapidly around the Heart of Law, like a vast galaxy.

With Luo Cheng's control, the two hundred stars gradually changed, forming a huge scorpion pattern.

Then a huge scorpion shadow was found on the back, with a sharp tail needle exuding a black aura.

A black light shot out from the tail needle and disappeared into the sky. Countless people looked up, only feeling lingering fear in their hearts. Although the feeling of destroying everything was only fleeting, it left a deep impression on many people.

The huge Scorpion phantom merged into the body and turned into a rotating galaxy again.

Time flies like water, and in the blink of an eye, the day comes when the Enlightened City Lord comes to visit.

A huge battleship appeared in the sky in the distance, and then a figure walked out of the battleship.

The huge wings flapped, and they arrived at the central tower in the blink of an eye.

Luo Cheng just smiled and didn't take it seriously. He obviously didn't take Kai Ming's show of power seriously.

Kai Ming is tall and tall, and he can feel a hot aura even from a long distance away. Obviously this is an external manifestation of the law of fire.

Luo Cheng walked over and said: "Enlightened City Lord, welcome to the Dark City."

Entering the living room with enlightenment, guests and hosts were seated separately.

"I have admired Kaiming City Lord for a long time. I still remember my shock when I went to Kaiming City for the first time. I didn't expect there to be such a huge city in the world."

Kaiming laughed loudly and said: "City Lord Luo praised it. The current Dark City is no different than Kaiming City, and it has a vague tendency to catch up."

Luo Cheng laughed and said: "This is also thanks to the favor of the surrounding forces, who like to come to the Dark City to open shops and stalls.

Next to it is the dark forest, which is a unique place. "

Kai Ming smiled and said: "I wonder how much City Lord Luo knows about the Dark Forest."

Luo Cheng was a little surprised and said: "Is there anything else the Dark Forest can say?"

"Yes, City Lord Luo thinks how big the Dark Forest is."

"Stretching for more than [-] kilometers."

Kaiming shook his head and said, "It's a hundred times bigger."

Luo Cheng was really surprised this time. One hundred times is 1000 million kilometers, which is completely different from what the winged tiger said.

Winged Tiger said that the core area would be tens of thousands of kilometers further in, and there would even be mutant creatures forming countries.

"If it's convenient, please ask the Enlightened City Lord to explain it in detail."

"It's not inconvenient at all. The higher City Lord Luo's level, the more he knows about many things.

The Dark Forest was created by the Dark Dragon King. It is a nail embedded in our human region. The core area is the dark empire built by the Dark Dragon King.

The periphery is guarded by countless mutant biological kingdoms. "

Luo Chengdao: "If Kaiming City residents hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that the Dark Forest had such a big origin."

Kai Ming said; "This is also the reason why no one has touched the Dark Forest. The reason why the Dark City seems to be safe now is because the matter has not spread to the mutated creature country inside. Otherwise, what awaits City Lord Luo will be an endless tide of beasts, until Flatten the Dark City."

(End of this chapter)

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