Chapter 244 Dark Dragon
In half an hour, all the roots of the tree clone were arranged.

[Let’s take action, don’t let go of any life in the covered area]

The dense network of roots spread over more than 100 kilometers came into action instantly.

This is a group of flame rats that live underground all year round. Countless flame rats have almost formed a nation of flame rats.

A small galaxy-level flame rat leader the size of a civet cat was lying on the ground practicing, surrounded by piles of various foods.

Suddenly, the ground shook slightly. The leader of the Flame Rat opened his eyes and looked towards the underground space. There was nothing unusual.

Just when the Flame Rat King was about to lie down and continue practicing, the lower part of his abdomen.

A root like a steel needle suddenly pierced into the body and grew wantonly.

In the blink of an eye, the Flame Rat King was hung on the roots. The laws in the body were wiped out before they even had time to explode. The size gradually shrank until it completely disappeared.

The same scene keeps happening throughout the underground space.

Even if the clone of the tenth-level small tree is not as good as the main body of the ninth-level small tree, it is not much different. The only huge difference is the coverage range, which is only one-tenth of the original coverage range.

Many underground ethnic groups were still living a normal life, but their bodies were pierced by roots that suddenly shot out, obliterating the rules and turning them into nutrients.

Even some powerful creatures at the constellation level have no chance to escape from the underground.

Everything was blocked by roots in all directions, and many mutated creatures died unknowingly even in their sleep.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged and quietly watched the roots killing all directions in the underground space. Hundreds of kilometers of underground space became empty in just half an hour, and all living things were decomposed into nutrients.

The roots of the small tree began to spread rapidly upward, and the dense network gradually locked every mutant creature.

Mutated creatures with higher strength are allocated more roots.


In an instant, all mutant creatures on the ground within a radius of 120 kilometers were pierced by roots, and the roots grew rapidly, like a dense forest emerging out of thin air.

The mutated creatures hanging on it were like dried bacon, shrinking visibly to the naked eye until they disappeared.

Then all the roots retract underground and hide.

Deep in the city, a huge figure opened his eyes. At that moment, he felt something was abnormal in the city, but he didn't know the source of the abnormality.

At the border of the roots, countless mutated creatures stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence. The lively gathering place was completely emptied, which impacted their outlook on life.

The familiar tribe and leader completely disappeared under their noses.

Many mutated creatures were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were split apart, and they fled away in the distance while peeing.

"Commander, it's not good, there's a monster."

Deep in the city, in a huge stone palace, a huge creature stood up from its couch.

This is a giant dragon with a huge body, and its whole body is covered with pure black scales.

Hot breath came from his breath, and his dark wings were marked with flame patterns.

Slowly walked out of the hall.

"Commander, it's not good. Monsters appeared in our gathering place. Many ethnic groups suddenly died. Many tree roots emerged from the ground, killing many ethnic groups."

The commander suddenly slapped away the mutated creature that was sending the message, and his body flew up, hovering in the sky.

I saw a huge area completely cleared, and not a single mutant creature could be seen.

After advancing to the Star Sea realm, he accepted the order of the Dark Dragon King and stationed himself at a gathering place of mutant creatures at the outermost edge of the dark forest.

For thousands of years, he has killed countless humans who came to the dark forest for adventure. Occasionally, when he was interested, he would go to the human kingdom to capture some humans and keep them in captivity.

As the dark dragon clan, they have unique advantages. They are born arrogant and powerful. Even if they do not practice, they can reach the constellation level in their youth and reach the star sea realm with a little effort.A huge black shadow hovered in the sky, but nothing unusual was noticed.

Dense roots wrapped around Luocheng and sank into the ground. Through the roots, everything outside was observed.

Naturally, he also sensed the black dragon in the sky. Is this the dark dragon clan? It is indeed powerful and powerful. They are both in the realm of the sea of ​​stars. Luo Cheng's two pets were almost crushed in terms of momentum.

The great commander Zhou frowned, and all living creatures within a radius of hundreds of kilometers disappeared without a trace.

Unable to find any clues, dark red fireballs full of explosive pressure suddenly appeared around him, and they suddenly hit the ground.


Fireballs kept appearing in the sky and falling from the sky. The entire area of ​​a hundred kilometers was bombed. The ground instantly became pitted, with countless large craters hundreds of meters high.

The commander became even more confused and controlled his body to descend slowly.

That's it.

Countless thick roots suddenly shot out from the ground, and two thick roots suddenly emerged from the ground and wrapped around the two giant claws of the commander.

The dense roots on all sides formed a large net and rushed towards the dark dragon.


A huge roar echoed across the ground, and black flames full of destruction emerged.

Countless roots were continuously burned to char, but more roots rushed over, and a black aura of annihilation emerged from all of these roots.

Wrapped around the body of the dark dragon.

"Who are you? If you dare to be an enemy of our Dark Dragon Clan, you are dead."

Luo Cheng just watched all this calmly.

The huge wings tried to break away from the roots and escape from here, but the struggle was obviously in vain.

The toughness of the tenth-level small tree clone cannot be competed by the beings of the Xinghai level.

The roar of the dark dragon is getting weaker and weaker. From the moment it was entangled in the small tree, the dark dragon has been getting weaker.

The decomposition and extraction ability of Xiaoshu is performed all the time, weakening the strength of the dark dragon.

Until a flame crystal exuding rich rules was dug out of the dark dragon's body by Xiaoshu, the dragon completely gave up its struggle, and its whole body's strength was infinitely weakened, and was gradually decomposed and absorbed.

[Detect the heart of law, whether to absorb it]


The Heart of Law is the core of the powerful people in the Star Sea and the hub for the unified mobilization of power.

Even in major cities, there are very few people selling them, and even if there are, they will be snatched away by major forces as soon as they appear.

It is rumored that strong people in the constellations can use the Heart of Law to break through the realm of the sea of ​​stars. This is the best auxiliary tool for breaking through the realm.

At the same time, it is also the core material used to create weapons in the Star Sea Realm.

A heart of law can't provide much nutrition, but it can be collected and used in the future.

Soon, a completely sealed box filled with the breath of fire was created.

Luo Cheng put the Heart of Law into the box and sealed it.

The dark dragon had been completely absorbed by Xiaoshu and turned into nothingness. Luo Cheng came to Xiaoshu, pulled out Xiaoshu, and continued walking towards the depths of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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