My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 245: Tongtian Rat King

Chapter 245: Tongtian Rat King
There are no humans or animals left in the area for hundreds of kilometers, and all life is decomposed and absorbed by the small trees.

The huge gathering place for mutated creatures was half empty.

The leader of the Star Sea level died, and countless powerful constellations were disintegrated.

A stream of light moved quickly through the gathering place.

Having covered a distance of hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye, the quiet gathering place became lively again.

Countless novel species are like a small society, carrying out various trades.

Luo Cheng placed the small tree on the ground and at the same time saw the deepest palace at a glance, which was probably the area where the dark dragon lived.

The small trees quickly spread underground, repeating the previous scene. The huge area once again turned into a dead land, and all life, both human and animal, perished.

Even the entire palace was decomposed and absorbed by the roots, and the few tenth-level essences collected by the dark dragon inside all went into Luo Cheng's pocket.

This trip to the dark forest is basically over here, and Luo Cheng has no plans to move forward.

This operation also gave him a deeper understanding of the dark forest. It turned out that there was really a country composed of mutant creatures, and it had developed to a certain level of civilization.

However, Luo Cheng did not intend to take these two small trees back because they were used to monitor the dark forest. If there were any mutant creatures planning to invade the dark city, they could be intercepted directly here as long as they were not strong.

The illusory wings spread out and disappeared into the horizon with Luo Cheng.

Deep in the dark forest, here is a gathering place for mutated creatures. On the main seat of an underground palace lies a pure white mouse the size of a tiger.

Below are various mutant creatures, with a human being mixed in among the many mutant creatures.

"Tongtian Rat King, Luocheng destroyed a lot of land in the Dark Forest and built the Mercenary City and the Dark City. This is because they did not take the Dark Forest or the Dark Dragon King into consideration at all."

The Tongtian Rat King said: "Be enlightened, we are all smart people, don't treat others as fools, just say what you have to say. Considering that you have provided us with a lot of cultivation resources over the years, maybe I can agree to your request.

As for the Dark City, we will definitely eradicate it. This was what the Dragon King said when he signed the contract with you humans.

We can independently kill and eradicate people or forces that enter the dark forest. "

Kai Ming also knows that it is difficult to get the support of the Rat King through empty words.

"Tongtian Rat King, to be honest, the City of Darkness does have its own unique features, but it has almost caught up with Tianming City in just ten years.

Don't you wonder what it relies on to develop such a prosperous city? "

This time the Tongtian Rat King was really surprised.

"How is it possible that we can catch up with Tianming City in ten years? I don't believe it."

"I didn't believe it before, but this is what I saw with my own eyes."

Then he took out his mobile phone and handed over a video he had taken.

The Babel Rat King has lived for more than 1000 years and is no stranger to technology. He immediately took the phone and started reading.

Looking at the city full of shops and busy traffic around him, his eyes exuded an unnatural look of greed.

"What a beautiful city. Tell me, what is the secret of the development of this city."

"They can exchange unlimited amounts of high-level essence. Dark City must have mastered the method of using low-level essence to extract high-level essence without damage.

I even saw level [-] and [-] flesh and blood essences in the Dark City. "

"What!" Tongtian Rat King was completely shocked.

The eleventh-level essence is one level higher than Xinghai. The Tongtian Rat King has never seen it in his life.

The huge and flexible body stood up from his seat and kept walking in the hall.

"Bird three, bird four, you two go to the gathering place of the dark dragon commander, invite him to come, and say that you have something important to discuss. In addition, inform the commanders who are closer."

"Yes, Rat King."

Two big birds soared into the sky, and the Tongtian Rat King said: "Kai Ming, it's probably because the existence of Dark City has squeezed your Kai Ming City's business.

I know you humans too well. If you don't benefit, you won't start early. In our world of mutant creatures, guys like you are traitors, but I like it because we are the ones who benefit. "

Kai Ming said: "I just don't want Luo Cheng to break the agreement made by the Dark Dragon King back then.

If the Dragon King is angered by what happened in Luocheng and completely launches a war in the dark forest against humans, then everyone will be in ruins again. "

The Tongtian Rat King secretly spat, it was so shameless, what he said was high-sounding, and it was not just for his own selfish desires.

"The Rat King plans to contact the leaders of how many gathering places this time."

"Four is enough. We only have a total of eight gathering places outside the dark forest. The one who can be the leader must be the star sea realm.

The remaining small groups at the constellation level are not included in the statistics at all. "

An enlightened person would have known this information for a long time, and it was not a secret at all.

Just a few hours after Luocheng left, two big birds descended from the sky.

Looking at the quiet gathering place, I was a little confused.

"This is the territory ruled by the dark dragon, why is it so quiet?"

"Maybe there is something important. What should I do? The Rat King's order is very important.

Humans dare to pacify the dark forest and build cities on it. They are simply seeking death. "

"Let's inform the commanders in other directions first." Just as the two big birds opened their wings and were about to fly away, they were suddenly pierced by spikes emerging from the ground. In the blink of an eye, they were skewered into candied haws and hung high. The visible shrinkage eventually disappeared.

Luo Cheng leaned against a big tree and opened his eyes. He heard all the mental fluctuations of the two big birds.

This place is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Dark City, and Luo City has already conducted a large-scale search of the surrounding area, and there are basically no powerful creatures left.

The fact that the news can reach here makes Luo Cheng have to think more. The most doubtful thing is Kaiming, the lord of Kaiming City.

Apart from him, Luo Cheng could not think of anyone else.

"It's been such an eventful time. If I find evidence that you colluded with the mutated creatures in the dark forest, Kaiming City may need to change its name."

Soon Luo Cheng returned to the Dark City and began his second assimilation.

The number of stars in the body increased by one hundred again, reaching three hundred, and three hundred huge stars were circulating in the body.

The heart of law in the middle is closely connected with every star, and can mobilize the power of three hundred stars in an instant.

The little tree clone once again conveyed the message. This time, a flying formation of twelve constellation birds appeared at the gathering place of the dark dragon, wandering in the sky, constantly looking downwards.

Luo Cheng did not act rashly. The opponent was high in the sky and too far away. If he alerted the snake, it would expose the existence of Xiaoshu.

Luo Cheng placed the small tree here just to catch him by surprise.

This time the flight formation did not land, but turned around and returned directly.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes and continued to feel the changes in himself.

No one could have imagined that the culprit of clearing the gathering place would be an inconspicuous small tree on the roadside.

(End of this chapter)

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