My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 247 Enjoy equal treatment

Chapter 247 Enjoy equal treatment
A piercing scream suddenly sounded, and the power of powerful sound waves enveloped the entire gathering place.

Many sleepy mutated creatures suddenly cheered up.

"The Golden Retriever Lion King, the Titan Snake King, and the enlightened city lord come here quickly. The mutated creatures of each tribe remain awake and ready to deal with possible unexpected changes."

Soon three figures entered the hall.

"Brother Tongtian, why are you so anxious? Did you receive an order from the Dark Dragon King?" A golden lion with a shoulder height of nearly five meters stepped into the hall.

“Brother Golden Retriever, it’s not the Dragon King’s order, but something strange happened here just now.

The Shadow Leopard King disappeared for no apparent reason, along with a large number of his elite men. "


The other three Xinghai powerhouses couldn't sit still for an instant.

"Did he know some inside story and retreat in advance?"

"No, it's impossible for us not to know about such a huge movement of retreat."

"Is there really some unknown secret here? Otherwise, why did the dark dragon suddenly disappear?"

The Titan snake coiled its huge body nearly 40 meters long, and its narrow eyes exuded a vicious light.

"The best way is to evacuate here. There are countless mutant creatures moving outside the gathering place, and these are all the men of the dark dragon.

In other words, the anomalies here are only for the gathering area, no more than two hundred kilometers away. "

"Brother Taitan is right. Let's leave now and ask our confidants to gather our men." Tongtian Rat King said.

Everyone was stunned, but they quickly reacted, and they still couldn't figure out what was causing trouble.

Mobilizing mutated creatures in a large area is likely to alert the source of the mutation. It is better for the leaders to go first and see what is causing trouble on the periphery.

"Let's go directly from the sky and fly away from here."

The small tree in the corner could clearly hear the conversation in the hall. Luo Cheng changed his perspective and sneered. There was no way he would let these guys slip away.

Countless roots lurking underground jumped out instantly, and the roots outside were also growing wildly, forming layers of thick nets that enveloped the main hall.

"What is this?" The Babel Rat King made a piercing scream.

A huge phantom of a rat emerged from the body. The paws and front teeth of the phantom were shining with silvery white luster.

This is the accumulation of light caused by too many stars gathered together.

The little tree clone felt the relatively peripheral laws such as the solidity and sharpness of the earth laws in these lights.


The Babel Rat King grabbed it with one paw, and the shining star shadow also fell with his paw.

One root was broken in response, but more roots rushed over, with a heavy and destructive aura emerging from it.

In an instant, the whole body of the Tongtian Rat King was trapped tightly.

"What is this? I don't want to die here. Just go and die."

A large amount of thunder and lightning shot out from the golden lion, and thick thunder snakes shot out from the body. All roots struck by the thunder snakes were instantly paralyzed in place.

Two huge illusory wings extended from the back of the golden lion, and it quickly flapped and flew towards the roof.

The solid stone was instantly turned into powder by the huge thunder and lightning.

Countless thick nets of roots enveloped it from all directions.

The golden lion and other powerful men were all covered up.A python shadow appeared around the Titan Snake King, and its two snake teeth exuded a strange black color.

It exudes an aura of destruction and poison.

The roots began to change from green to purple as soon as they got closer, but as the tree activated its decomposition ability, it started to change from purple to green again.

But it immediately changed from green to purple, changing in this constant poisoning and detoxification.

Roots from all directions instantly passed through the poisonous zone, binding Titanoboa tightly and entering a war of attrition.

Small trees are least afraid of wars of attrition. The huge area covered by roots can provide large amounts of nutrients to small trees at all times.

Moreover, just decomposing and absorbing the attack power from the enemy is almost enough nutrients for the growth of the roots of the small tree when it attacks.

Kai Ming thought he could successfully level the Dark City this time, but in the end, he didn't even see the shadow of the Dark City, so he was about to lose it here.

"Get out of here."

A pair of flame hooks appeared out of thin air, and the temperature of the hall rose instantly. The surrounding stones that built the hall quickly melted into magma, flowing slowly, and the ground became hot and began to melt.

The three beasts swept around each other. The previously dense group of mutated creatures were already empty. There was no living creature in sight, just like when they first came here.

"Everyone, please risk your life and find a way to escape. Otherwise, death is the only thing waiting for us."

The four powerful creatures instantly understood the reason why the dark dragon and the gathering group disappeared, and also understood the reason why the Shadow Leopard King and his elite disappeared.

The thick root network covering the four creatures instantly ignited into a raging fire,
Immediately afterwards, a thick color and aura of destruction appeared above, extinguishing the flames and wrapping around Kaiming from all directions.

The flame hook kept swinging, quickly cutting off the roots of the attack.

Suddenly, the magma in the ground disappeared and was decomposed and absorbed by the small tree, and countless roots emerged from the ground.

Suddenly there were roots in all directions, up, down, left and right, entangling the flame hook in the blink of an eye, and the decomposition ability was activated instantly.

After only two seconds of stalemate, the soaring flames burned the entangled roots to ashes, but the flame hook's flame ability dropped a bit.

As the owner of the flame hook, Kai Ming knew the power of the flame hook best, and he suddenly had a lot of premonitions in his heart.

After waving for less than a minute, I got caught again.

Repeating this process, the color of the flame hook itself gradually dims.


A sharp root suddenly penetrated the Titanoboa's body and dug out a purple heart of law that was filled with poison.

Titanoboa instantly weakened as if its bones had been ripped out, and was pulled into the ground by roots in the blink of an eye.

The pupils of the other three powerful creatures contracted violently. At this shocked moment, the roots of the small tree accelerated their attack speed again.

The roots on their bodies became even tighter, and the golden-haired lion and the Sky Rat King also quickly became weak. The little tree dug out the heart of law from their bodies, and they became extremely weak and were completely pulled underground.

The battle situation changed so fast that before Kai Ming could react, he was the only one left.

And with the battle, the power of the flame hook became weaker and weaker, and the hot red color on it was no longer bright.

Until an unwilling roar, Kai Ming was also pulled underground.

The flame hook was completely digested, and the enlightened law planet was dug out by the small tree.

Luo Cheng originally planned to let Ming Yima go, and maybe he could find other strong men to provide nutrients to the little tree.

But now that the four of them are together, Luo Cheng feels that there is no need to favor one over the other. An enlightened man should also enjoy the treatment that the other three beast kings enjoy.

(End of this chapter)

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