My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 248 Enlightenment falls and Luocheng is full

Chapter 248 Enlightenment falls and Luocheng is full

The Ice Rats are a small and weak group under the Tongtian Rat King, and their leader is only at the level of a small galaxy.

Because the group is weak, they can only stay on the outermost edge of the four major gathering areas.

At this time, the Ice Rat leader couldn't believe his eyes. There was clearly a group of flaming lions a few hundred meters away.

Right under his nose, it suddenly disappeared, just disappeared.

He was still lying on the same spot before, but the moment he blinked and distracted, the flame lion group had disappeared.

Although the Ice Rat leader is weak, he is not stupid.

He quickly screamed to wake up his tribe, and they all quickly retreated.

Witnessing the disappearance of an ethnic group with your own eyes is simply scarier than mountains of swords and seas of fire.

After exiting for more than ten kilometers, I gradually relaxed and continued to wait for orders from above.

Like the Ice Rat leader, there were countless other groups waiting outside, but 25 hours had passed, fifty hours had passed, and 75 hours had passed.

Not to mention the order, there was not even a movement. All ethnic groups realized that things were not simple, just like the dark dragon and the entire gathering place disappeared before.

A flying bird quickly rose into the sky and hovered over the central area to conduct reconnaissance. The central area, which originally contained all the elites of the four major gathering areas, was now empty. Not to mention life, there was not even a corpse.

"No, the four kings are gone, along with the elites at the gathering place."

The many big birds that observed the situation below were frightened and panicked, and some even fled directly towards the dark forest in the distance, intending to become wild mutant creatures.

What happened at the gathering place was so terrible. Counting the group of dark dragons that disappeared before, it meant that the gathering place led by the five star sea powerhouses was all gone in name only, and the only ones who survived were just some little minions.

The panicked shouts caused the remaining ethnic groups gathered here to instantly become confused. The ethnic groups here are basically small ethnic groups from the middle and lower classes of the gathering place, and there is no strong person who can give unified orders.

Soon these groups fled in all directions. Some returned to the original group to report the situation, while others took the group directly into the dark forest to find a quiet place to develop slowly.

In the boundless dark forest, there are simply too many wild mutant creatures that are not under the control of the Dark Dragon King.

The gathering place that was bustling before became empty in the blink of an eye.

In the Dark City, Luo Cheng opened his eyes, feeling very satisfied with the actions of the little tree clone, which could be regarded as weakening the power of the mutated creatures in the dark forest.

Kaiming died in the dark forest, and there was no need for the city lord's palace in Kaiming City to exist.

Luo Cheng doesn't want to expose himself at the moment. The Dark City is enough. He doesn't need another Enlightened City.

You can even wait for Kaiming City to be destroyed and build a new city next to it. This is more convenient than occupying Kaiming City and attracting a lot of attention.

The Nameless Realm is boundless, and it is not unusual for a star sea powerhouse to die or to destroy a city.

Luo Cheng came to the underground space and picked up a newly separated decimal clone.

Boarded the battleship and disappeared into the dark city in the blink of an eye.

The excitement in Kaiming City has obviously dropped by a notch compared to when Luo Cheng came here for the first time.

Nearly half of the population was attracted to the Dark City. No wonder Kai Ming couldn't sit still.

If this situation continues for a few more decades, it is estimated that Kaiming City will either move or close down.

Luo Cheng sat still in the battleship, and the small tree in the cockpit began to branch out with countless roots, decomposing a huge hole in the ground of the cockpit.

Countless roots penetrated in, and the hard ground was as fragile as tofu in front of the roots of the small tree.

In the blink of an eye, it was broken open by roots and entered the ground. The tear spread over a large area underground in Kaiming City, bypassing some buildings that had sunk into the ground.

A large number of roots went straight to the city lord's mansion in the center.Luo Cheng has some understanding of the main forces in the City Lord's Mansion. The power of the Kaiming City Lord's Mansion has not been a secret for so many years.

Ten constellation-level leaders maintain the normal operation of the entire Enlightenment City.

Kaiming's two sons and one daughter are all strong men at the constellation level. In recent years, relying on Kaiming's power, they have often done some shameful things in Kaiming City.

But in the end, enlightenment came out to calm things down.

For more than two hours, the entire Enlightenment City was under his surveillance, and countless roots gathered under the city lord's mansion.

Then countless roots appeared in the green belt of the city.

At the same time, they targeted every cultivator in the city lord's mansion.

[Action, kill all the creatures in the city lord's mansion without being noticed, find valuable items to decompose and absorb, and convert them into nutrients]

[Receive instructions from the humanoid body and start executing the orders]

Kaiseru is an enlightened special driver. He went with him when he visited Luo Cheng in the Dark City.

After following Kai Ming for many years, Kaiseru understood the character of his city lord very well. This was the rhythm of killing Luo City and leveling the Dark City.

Young people should learn more lessons, otherwise they will not understand the cruelty of this world.

Just when Kasailu was enjoying his future, a root suddenly shot out from the ground, pierced directly into Kasailu's body from the sole of his foot, and quickly spread inside his body.

It emerged from the mouth in the blink of an eye, completely obliterating the opponent's laws, and continued to decompose and absorb the energy of the corpse.

In the blink of an eye, Kaiseru's body disappeared into the room.

The same scene kept playing out throughout the city lord's palace.

Some powerful commanders can still feel themselves dying quickly, while other weak ones have died completely without even feeling the pain.

Luo Chengduan sat in the cockpit seat, shifting his perspective and watching the tree clone strictly carry out his orders.

Kaiming City is a city that has existed for countless years. The family is rich and has many good things hidden away.

Luocheng was decomposed, absorbed and rebuilt bit by bit from the most central location.

It seems that nothing has changed, but many secret rooms hidden in the dark have been found by the roots and directly absorbed.

A thick early warning wall was decomposed into a large hole, inside which were densely packed high-level essences, all of which were level nine and ten. .

Luo Cheng stood up from his seat in shock.

There are almost 50 pieces in the entire warehouse.

[All are smelted and extracted into eleven-level essence, which is generally converted into nutrients for absorption, and some are retained]

The exchange ratio between level [-] and level [-] is as high as [-] to [-] or even [-] to [-] in many places.

Even so, no one is willing to change. In abnormal channels, the price is even as high as five to six hundred to one.

Soon the second warehouse with high-grade essences appeared in sight. Three warehouses containing 50 high-grade essences in a row made Luo Cheng understand how rich these neutral cities that have been open for countless years really are.

Next is a warehouse full of low-level essences, this time there are more, from fourth- and fifth-level essences, all the way to seventh- and eighth-level essences.

There are more than 20 warehouses in total, followed by five warehouses storing various law weapons, from low to high, and even two Xinghai level weapons were discovered in Luocheng.

It is really enlightened that Luocheng has eaten enough. It is estimated that after absorbing these nutrients, the little tree can be upgraded again.

(End of this chapter)

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