My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 249 I, Luocheng, do things the fairest

Chapter 249 I, Luocheng, do things the fairest
A Kaiming City commander in charge of patrols and his team had just finished patrolling and planned to return to the city lord's palace to resume their duties.

He just walked to the outskirts of the street of the City Lord's Mansion and stopped. Today's City Lord's Mansion is a little different.

It was surprisingly quiet. Even when it was the quietest time, there were countless people coming in and out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Today, the door is closed. This door will only be closed for an hour during the alternation of black and white once every hundred years, which heralds the end of a day in the nameless world.

But now there are still decades before the transition between black and white, but the door is closed, and no one comes in or out.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number inside the city lord's palace, but no one answered.

The patrolling Constellation Powerhouse began to panic and quickly contacted other commanders who were patrolling.

Within half an hour, a total of four commanders arrived, and together with the patrols, there were thousands of people in total.

"The current situation of the City Lord's Mansion is unknown. What are your plans?"

"Wait, maybe due to some accident, contact with the outside world has been cut off. Let's wait for 25 hours."

"I agree with the Third Commander's opinion. If there is no movement within 25 hours, we will go in and take a look together."

Luo Cheng, who had been paying attention to a few people, was still waiting for these people to enter the city lord's palace, just in time to eliminate them all together.

"You will really find high-sounding excuses for yourself. Since you are willing to wait, it just so happens that I am also willing to wait.

We, Luo City, always do things fairly and justly, and we must let you enjoy the same treatment as the people in the City Lord's Mansion. "

Luo Cheng leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest, and his consciousness shifted to Xiaoshu's clone.

The battleship's warehouse is now filled with high-level essences.

They are all high-grade essences that have been smelted and re-extracted from the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion.

A root placed an eleventh-level essence in his palm, and vast energy emitted from it.

This is a more advanced essence than Xinghai.

There is another essence in my hand again, a level [-] essence.

The energy contained can become more vast, as if every essence contains a universe, and substantive laws even appear on the surface of the essence.

Even if he wasn't practicing with it, Luo Cheng could feel his strength slowly growing.

Originally, Luo Cheng planned to smelt a few more, but in the end, he only smelted two, which consumed too much.

Twelve and eleven are even more qualitative differences.

After sealing the level [-] essence, Luo Cheng observed the underground situation in Kaiming City.

Most of the major empire shops have opened underground spaces in Kaiming City, but they do not store anything too valuable.

Basically, after accumulating for one month to one year, it will be transported back to the faction it belongs to.

25 hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The five commanders who had been guarding outside the city lord's mansion swallowed their saliva.

They were basically certain that there was an accident in the City Lord's Mansion.

I had never gone in before, but I felt that even if there was an accident, after 25 hours had passed, the person who caused the accident should have left.

“Let’s go in and take a look together, and if something goes wrong, retreat immediately.

Everyone formed an offensive formation and broke directly into the goal.

The Lord of the City will definitely see your bravery, and you will be promoted to a higher position, and you will be put into important use today, rush. "


With the person in front of them supporting them, even if there is an accident, the five of them can escape quickly.The five people followed closely behind the charge formation. The powerful attack directly smashed the door made of precious wood into pieces, and everyone rushed in quickly.

The entire city lord's mansion was empty, not even a single figure.

The five of them breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that they didn't see the enemy.

Suddenly, a commander pointed to the rear, and everyone looked back.

The door that had just been smashed had returned to its original state, as if it had been standing in place without any attack.

"Is this haunted?" a commander said tremblingly. When he turned his head, all four colleagues around him disappeared.

"Damn it."

"Huh." A root suddenly grabbed the opponent's feet and pulled him directly into the ground. The huge city lord's mansion became quiet again.

All the elite members of Kaiming City who had just rushed in disappeared without a trace.

The small tree was retracted and became harmless to humans and animals again, and the big hole under the cockpit was restored, as if it had never been opened.

The warship took off, mixed in with countless warships coming in and out, and left Kaiming City.

After destroying the Kaiming City Lord's Mansion, Luo Cheng suddenly felt relieved.

From the familiarity between the other party and several powerful creatures in the dark forest, it can be seen that this is probably not the first time this kind of thing has been done, and Luo Cheng does not have any psychological burden.

In the dark forest, where the Tongtian Rat King is located, a group of ice rats finally ran back after going through all kinds of hardships.

"Third Commander, what's wrong, all the elites from the four gathering places gathered this time, including the king, are missing."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you trying to escape from the battlefield?"

"Absolutely not. If you don't believe it, the third commander can ask other people." The same scene was played out one after another in the four major gathering places.

Then the other three gathering places got the news.

Although the eight gathering places on the outskirts of the dark forest are all affiliated to the Dark Dragon King, they are also in competition with each other, and there are also many wild forces that have been coveting several gathering places.

Just like winged tigers, there are many star-level powerhouses like Sky Eagle.

"Haha, I didn't expect such a good thing. I have long disliked those yellow-haired lions. This time, no one can stop me from occupying his territory.

Gathering the elite, we took down the gathering place of the Golden Retriever Lion King in one fell swoop. It was a wealthy place among the eight major gathering places. "

"King Lieyan, why don't you calm down for a moment? Five of the eight star sea powerhouses in the eight major gathering places are missing now, and only three including the king are left. There must be something fishy among them."

The Flame Tiger King also began to think deeply. He knew the strength of the other five gathering kings. One-on-one, he was somewhat confident in dealing with the Shadow Leopard King.

A tiger quickly ran into the hall and said: "Your Majesty, the Golden Crystal Monkey King has sent out troops and plans to attack the gathering place of the Golden Retriever Lion King."

"I haven't moved yet. He moves very quickly. He can't control that much. As long as we don't go to the territory of the dark dragon, nothing big will happen."

As the news spread back, chaos instantly broke out in the outer reaches of the dark forest.Fighting broke out in the only three remaining gathering places.

In the past, there was joint governance from all parties, but now it is a three-legged alliance. The ambition that was originally suppressed in the heart is now burning like a prairie fire.

The three major gathering places were all focused on grabbing territory, but no one thought of reporting the situation to a higher level first.

Maybe it's not that I can't remember it, but it's a tacit understanding that I want to grab the benefits that should be taken first, otherwise the higher ups will send new leaders of the gathering place, and they won't get any benefits.

Luo Cheng was practicing in the underground space of the Dark City, and the information about the disappearance of everyone in the Kaiming City Lord's Mansion was not concealed after all.

At the 25th and [-]th hour, an imperial businessman who had a good relationship with the City Lord's Mansion planned to visit Kaiming, and finally discovered the disappearance of all Kaiming City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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