My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 250 I am undefeated within 5 kilometers

Chapter 250 I am undefeated within 50 kilometers

Luo Cheng looked at the small tree light curtain that was almost upgraded and gave the order.

[Absorb half of the smelted essence]

Soon the little tree began to take action, and its countless roots began to decompose and absorb the high-level essences.

Soon, a pleasant voice sounded in my ears.

[Decompose the tree of all things to meet the upgrade conditions, whether to upgrade]

[No, perform the last assimilation first, and you can upgrade after the assimilation is completed]

[The third assimilation at level [-] begins]

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, and in an instant, countless torrents of laws and mutation factors rushed into his body, strengthening the huge galaxy, and the stars continued to condense.

At the same time, the two cyclones are constantly changing and becoming more and more solid. Each cyclone particle is like a bright pearl.

The third assimilation lasted for two hours before it ended, which was significantly longer than the previous assimilation. This time the smelting assimilation had a feeling of accumulation, and the strength was stronger than the previous two assimilations.

The number of stars in the body has reached more than 400, and there is still more than half of the way to advance to thousands.

Luo Cheng is not in a hurry. He does not have much time to advance to the Xinghai realm. He still needs time to settle down and become familiar with the strength that the Xinghai realm can show.

【Start upgrade】

[This upgrade takes 72 hours, please wait a moment]

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment. The last time it was 48 hours, this time it was directly increased to 72 hours.

The longer the upgrade time is, the stronger the growth of the small tree is.

Luo Cheng was somewhat looking forward to what abilities the upgraded little tree would have.

The phone rang at this time.

"Luo Cheng, I just received a message from our store in Kaiming City that all residents in Kaiming City are missing, including the Xinghai-level powerhouse, the city lord Kaiming."

"Commander Qin, I just received the message. I don't know who did it. The Dark City is currently safe and no abnormalities have been found.

Commander Qin is relieved. "

Qin Wuwei said: "Luo Cheng, be careful."

After Jian Jian explained the situation to Qin Wuwei, Luo Cheng hung up the phone.

At this time, a huge battleship with a length of more than a thousand meters slowly stopped above the main palace of Kaiming City.

Kaiming City is under a restricted air condition. Even if the city lord's palace is missing, no one will violate this rule, which can easily cause public outrage.

The battleship hatch opened, and a total of ten figures slowly landed in the city lord's mansion, checking for possible traces.

Many people gathered outside to watch the fun.

"Who are these guys? Aren't all of the Kaiming City Lord's Palace missing?"

"Silence, this is an alliance warship. It must be here to investigate the disappearance of the Lord of Kaiming City."

"Alliance? What alliance."

The other party glanced at him and said: "You are too low-level and don't deserve to know."

"Team leader, no abnormalities were found east of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Team leader, nothing unusual was found in the west."

"Team leader, no abnormalities were found in the north."

"Team leader, no abnormalities were found in the south."

As the news came back, the team leader who had been exploring in the middle frowned.

"Look for the warehouse in the city lord's mansion and see if the things in the warehouse are still there."


The news quickly spread back that all the warehouses were emptied, and there was not a single thing of value. The current Kaiming City Lord's Mansion had nothing but buildings.

"I understand. Let's continue the investigation. At the same time, we start to spread out and visit the shops in various empires to see if there is anything unusual." "Yes."

The investigation in Kaiming City is still continuing, and the 72 hours of Xiaoshu's upgrade time have passed by Luo Cheng unknowingly.

Open the light curtain:

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: [-] kilometers

Abilities: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent Clone] [Smelting] [Entity Clone (can be divided into nine clones, with ten points of the main body) One of the strengths)】【Resurrection from the Dead】

[Travel space (within a distance of no more than 50 kilometers, the human form can summon the roots of the tree that decomposes all things to travel through space)]

Nutrients: 700 million [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level [-]]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

Looking at the light curtain, Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile, gaining the ability to travel through space.

Luo Cheng can be more bold in his future actions. When encountering a strong enemy, he can directly summon a small tree to take over, making him invincible within 50 kilometers.

At this moment, Xiaoshu sent back a message that warships thousands of meters high appeared in the sky. Compared with the small galaxy-level warships in Luocheng, they were literally in the sky and on the ground.

Luo Cheng was in a good mood. Now that Xiaoshu had just upgraded, he had a target that could establish his authority.

This battleship can obviously directly harm Xinghai-level powerhouses. It would also be a good result if the battleship could be snatched away and studied, or even copied a few.

The power of the vast law has just unfolded.

Mental fluctuations came from the battleship.

"City Master Luo, we are the alliance's investigation team, and we plan to find out about the situation from you."

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Alliance, what kind of alliance? I've never heard of any alliance."

There was another fluctuation in the battleship: "Human Alliance, we need to meet and discuss the specific situation in detail."

"Okay, you park the fleet in the parking lot outside, and I will send a car to pick you up."

Luo Cheng came to the conference room, and soon the driver picked up all four of them.

Luo Cheng's eyes swept over the four people, and he couldn't help but be surprised. The four of them were all Xinghai level powerhouses.

When did the powerful people of Xinghai become trashy and worthless?

The leader stretched out his hand and shook Luo Cheng's hand.

"City Lord Luo, you may have a lot of doubts about our identity, we can talk about it slowly."

Luo Cheng nodded and said, "How is the situation in Kaiming City?"

“We have no clue, our team leader and several members are currently investigating the situation in the city.

City Lord Luo probably broke through the Star Sea within the last 100 years, and this dark city was also built within the last 100 years. "

Luo Cheng nodded and admitted that as long as you pay attention to the investigation, you can find out this kind of thing quickly.It's not a secret.

"What is the Human Alliance and why have I never heard of it."

The other party smiled and said: "Because this alliance only recruits strong people from the Star Sea and above, people under the Star Sea will not know.

We do this every 80 years, and it's been [-] years since the last count.

Similarly, the neutral cities and major empires or forces in the nameless world are also counted once every hundred years.

Those below the Xinghai level are not counted, only Xinghai and above are counted.

The nameless world is not peaceful. Human beings can occupy a huge territory and develop safely because there are alliances fighting life and death battles with foreign races on various borders.

The intensity of the war has gradually decreased over the years, and there are signs of stopping, so it seems that the presence of the Human Alliance has become less and less. "

(End of this chapter)

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