My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 265 Attitudes of the Parties

Chapter 265 Attitudes of the Parties
The scolding of the dark unicorn echoed in the ears of the dark forest and many mutated creatures.

The mutated creatures that covered the ground could only lie down obediently, fearing that the dark unicorn would not like him, so he dealt with them easily.

Not to mention the frustration that Blue Ring Du Mang felt, he was also the commander-in-chief of the second defense circle of the dark forest.

As a result, now he is like a grandson, being scolded by the dark unicorn but not daring to refute, just because the other party is in the realm of a large galaxy and he is only a sea of ​​stars.

Even the peak of the sea of ​​stars is still a sea of ​​stars.

The dark unicorn swept across the many mutated creatures on the scene and shouted: "Where are my men, Blue Ring Du Mang, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation.

Even if you try to be punished by the Dragon King, I will kill you today. "

Blue Ring Du Mang was very angry, and his desire to advance to the big galaxy became even stronger.

He must conquer the dark forest and grab the twelfth-level essence, otherwise he will be angry to death sooner or later.

"The Dark Qilin Commander, the other Xinghai powerhouses have all returned to the third defense circle because of the disappearance of the Commander.

Now that the general is here, it is not easy to destroy a dark city.

A strong man from the Star Sea in Luocheng, we can kill him in our second defense circle and destroy the Dark City. "

The subtext is almost telling the dark unicorn to go back quickly.

"Idiot, do you think there is only one Luocheng that needs to be dealt with? If this is a conspiracy of the Human Alliance, if I don't follow these weaklings in the Star Sea Realm, I will die.

First, I and I return to the defensive circle, find all the subordinates, and then gather all the strong men from the three defensive circles to level the Dark City together.

Lan Huan, don't you want to disobey me and sneak away to the Dark City with the strong men in the second defense circle alone? "

Lanhuan Dumang was extremely angry.

"What the Dark Kirin Commander said is that we should indeed be on guard against the Human Alliance's conspiracy."

"Then go back to the third defensive circle with me first, and gather all the commanders first.

The City of Darkness is there and will not disappear, and Luo City is always there and will not disappear either.

Blue Ring Du Mang, you are too anxious. Even if you want to be on an equal footing with me, you must first consider the safety of your subordinates.

You don't want to let your subordinates use their lives to pave a path for you to advance. "

Lanhuan Dumang was so crowded that he was speechless.

Seeing the suspicious eyes of his subordinates, he quickly said: "I definitely don't have such thoughts, every commander is my brother.

How could I, Blue Ring Du Mang, use the lives of my brothers to pave the way for my rise? "

Dark Qilin nodded and said: "That's pretty much it. Now let's return to the third defense circle, and at the same time let out the news that I will personally lead the mutated creatures of the three defense circles to level the Dark City this time.

Within three months at most, the Dark City will inevitably become ruins. Since the Dark City cannot be destroyed first, it would be a good idea to scare them.

Also look at the attitude of the Human Alliance. I know that many of you have friends in the human world and spread the news. "

"Yes, Commander."

Lan Huan Du Mang didn't expect that Dark Qilin's brain was so good, and he knew how to play a public opinion war first to observe the enemy's situation.

The overwhelming mutant creatures retreated, but the news that the Dark Kirin planned to unite the mutant creatures in the three major defense circles to conquer the Dark City and avenge the mutant creatures that were killed for no reason spread through various channels.

Luo Cheng didn't expect that Dark Qilin was a smart guy and knew how to cooperate with him.

The Human Alliance is close to the Dark Forest Branch, which is [-] kilometers away from the Dark City in Luocheng.

There is a captain at the level of a large galaxy stationed here, and 24 people from the Star Sea Realm form four groups.

"Captain, we have received news that the Dark Kirin in the Dark Forest plans to lead the mutated creatures in the three defense circles to attack the Dark City. Now the Dark City is rising rapidly and is a rare city in our human world. I think we should not give up. "

"What you said makes some sense, but the Dark Forest is coming fiercely. It's not that we won't protect Luo City and the City of Darkness.

It's that he has violated the armistice agreement signed at the beginning.

Our agreement has stated that if the Dark Forest kills humans who break into the forest, the Alliance will not pursue them.

Moreover, the three major defense circles can gather at least more than 50 star sea powerhouses, as well as one large galaxy powerhouse.

Even if we all go up there, we will still be no match. We can only blame Luocheng for not being able to see the situation clearly and building a city in the Dark City without knowing the situation clearly.

I can't joke with the lives of my subordinates. Of course, if Luo Cheng withdraws from the Dark City and finds a place to hide, he may be able to ensure his own safety.

But because of the consequences of his angering the many mutated creatures in the dark forest, I hope he can bear some of it himself.

I took out some of the essence to supplement it. I remember that the Yanlong Zhao family had approached Luo Cheng before.

The Zhao family is powerful and can completely protect the Dark City, but Luo Chengtai doesn't know how to appreciate it and refuses the Yanlong Zhao family's conditions.

Your group should go there and explain the situation to Luo Cheng. . "


They did not comment on the captain's words. The captain usually had close contacts with the Yanlong Zhao family.

But this is normal. The purpose of their team's existence is to monitor the dark forest.

The Zhao family and the Dark Forest are old enemies and are the main force against the Dark Forest.

It is the right thing to make friends with the Zhao family.

The team of six quickly rose into the sky and streaked across the sky.

In the Dark City conference room, several Star Sea Realm people who usually interacted with each other came over.

"City Master Luo, we have received news that the Dark Qilin in the third defense circle of the Dark Forest plans to summon more than 50 star sea powerhouses to level the Dark City.

This is no longer a problem with Blue Ring Poison. If Blue Ring Poison at the peak of Xinghai takes action, City Lord Luo still has some chance of winning.

But now that the powerful people from the big galaxy are here, City Lord Luo might as well leave the Dark City as soon as possible.

Wait for the Dark Forest to withdraw its troops, then rebuild the Dark City, leaving the green hills without fear of running out of firewood.

Preserving life is more important than anything else. "

"Thank you for your kindness, but now the Dark Forest has not sent a single soldier. Just sending out a message and letting us flee would be too much for the prestige of the Dark Forest.

Shouldn't the Dark Forest be afraid that our human forces will bulldoze him directly? This is the territory of the human race.

Now we are afraid of them. Is the order reversed? "

"These" people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"City Lord Luo, this kind of thing should be considered by the top management of the Human Alliance. We are weak and do not have many connections or strength.

I don’t know why the Dark Forest has not been eradicated until now. "

Luo Chengdao: "Thank you for your kindness. Although Luo is not too strong, he is still willing to do his part to eliminate several star sea powerhouses in the dark forest.

Let them know that even if they can destroy the Dark City, they will still have to break two of their teeth. "

(End of this chapter)

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