Chapter 266 As expected
In the same conference room, Luo Cheng received a team from the Human Alliance station here.

"City Lord Luo, I'm really sorry, because of the armistice agreement signed between the Human Alliance and the Dark Forest, we can't help you.

This place already belongs to the Dark Forest. People from the Human Alliance cannot enter the Dark Forest to kill mutant creatures. "

Luo Cheng had already thought that the other party would say these words.

"Can I ask why the Alliance agreed to the Dark Dragon King delimiting a land of tens of millions of kilometers in our human area.

These lands are enough to accommodate hundreds of large empires and produce many strong human beings. "

Several members of the alliance looked at each other, and one of them said: "It is said that when our human race was in crisis, the mutant biological tribe helped us, and one of the conditions was to ensure the existence of the dark forest.

But countless years have passed, and the agreement has long expired. As for why the Alliance has never touched the Dark Forest, this is not something we know. This is a higher-level matter. "

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "I already understand what the alliance means, please do as you please.

Since the Alliance does not care about the life or death of the Dark City, the Dark City will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the Alliance in the future. As for the tax, it will be cancelled. "

The leader of the team who came said: "Luo Cheng, this time you caused the trouble yourself, you can't blame anyone.

If you want to protect the Dark City, the best way is to cooperate with the Zhao family. They are powerful and can send out strong men who can rival the Dark Qilin. "

Luo Chengdao: "No, to be honest, I'm very disappointed with the alliance. The Dark Qilin hasn't arrived yet, but just by saying something, you guys couldn't wait to cut off the relationship.

You will no longer be welcome in the Dark City from now on, and people from your alliance will be less likely to come to the Dark City to wander around. "


Many people stared at Luo Cheng, not expecting the other party to speak so harshly.

They automatically joined the Human Alliance and were polite wherever they went. Even the masters of the Zhao family who were a level above them were polite when they spoke.

I didn't expect that I would be kicked out now.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your long speech. Let's go. Don't force me to take action. None of you are my opponent."

After the people from the visual alliance group left in an angry manner, Luo Cheng went to the underground space and sat down cross-legged to start practicing.

Outsiders are panicked, thinking that the Dark City will be destroyed at any time, but Luo Cheng knows that the Dark Qilin is his subordinate, and the Dark Qilin will not take action unless he nods.

Dark Kirin is the only large galaxy in the top three defense circles and has absolute say.

In the past two days, the flow of people in the Dark City has not decreased, but has increased. There are even many humans in remote places redeeming high-level essence.

Many people thought that the Dark City could exist for at most three months, so they took advantage of the last moment to exchange all the essence in their hands for high-level ones.

The nutrients of the small tree are refreshing every day. It takes 1000 billion to upgrade, and now it has reached tens of billions.

Every day, the main roots of small trees travel through the void for 50 kilometers.

Xiaoshu traveled through the void according to the summons of the human form. Luo Cheng directly selected the coordinates in his mind, and then shifted his perspective to search for mutant creatures and kill them.

In the third defense circle, Dark Qilin received a new order from Luo Cheng and contacted the commander of the large galaxy level in the fourth defense circle.

Attacking the Dark City together, Luo Cheng took the opportunity to capture the strong men of the large galaxy in the fourth defense circle, kill several strong men of the star sea, and add nutrients to the small tree.

Dark Qilin received the message and immediately held a meeting, calling all the more than 50 Xinghai powerhouses.

"The attitude of the Human Alliance makes me confused about the situation. According to the news, the Alliance has stated that it will no longer participate in the war in the Dark City.

But I suspect that this is a conspiracy of the alliance. It is such a shameful thing. The alliance is trying to increase the prestige of others and destroy its own ambition. This is not in line with common sense.

So I plan to contact the commander of Feitian Mangniu in the fourth defense circle. Feitian Mangniu is also at the level of a large galaxy, and is stronger than me.

We have more than 50 star sea realm experts under our command, and with the help of the mutant creatures in the fourth defense circle, we can easily take down the Dark City, even if the Human Alliance regrets it.

Two large galaxies are enough to handle it, and we will wait until we destroy the Dark City to deal with the rest. "

Blue Ring Du Mang didn't know what to say. Originally, after hearing Xiaolan's message, he directly destroyed Luocheng and obtained the twelfth-level essence to advance to the big galaxy. What a smooth development of the story.

How did it develop into what it is now? If it continues to develop, will it become a big melee between the Human Alliance and the Dark Forest?

Lanhuan Dumang said: "Commander, are you making a fuss out of a molehill?

Luo Cheng is just a cultivator in the Star Sea Realm. It takes no effort for us to kill him.

I can kill him directly without the commander taking action. "

"Then go ahead. You can take your men to find trouble in Luo Cheng. I will also contact the fourth defense circle. If you die at the hands of Luo Cheng, don't blame me for not warning you."

Lanhuan Dumang was a little dazed. He was so happy that he didn't even react.

Blue Ring Du Mang looked at the Dark Qilin and said, "The Commander-in-Chief is really going to agree to let me go and directly destroy the Dark City and Luo City."

Dark Qilin swept across the audience and said: "Whoever is willing to act with Lan Huan can come forward and I will never stop him.

But if the blue ring is used as a shield or a scapegoat, don’t blame me for not warning you in advance. "

Lanhuan Dumang's face suddenly darkened, indicating that he didn't want others to follow him.

"I am willing to follow Commander Lan Huan Du Mang." She Fei's partner Xiao Lan was the first to stand up. He was the one who initiated this matter, so he naturally wanted to follow him.

This matter has been delayed for too long.

According to the original plan, he informed Blue Ring Poison, and Blue Ring Poison led the mutated creatures to destroy the Dark City.

The whole thing took more than 100 hours at most, and the results were one incident after another.

Several more mutated creatures stepped forward and were willing to follow the Blue Ring Poison Mang.

The dark unicorn swept across the many mutated creatures and said: "You five can go if you want to, but I still say the same thing. If you die, don't blame me for not discouraging you in advance."

Lanhuan Dumang couldn't wait to say: "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your support. We will immediately lead our tribe to destroy the Dark City and Luo City as quickly as possible."

"Let's go."

Watching Blue Ring Du Mang disappear into the sky with his men, Dark Qilin passed the message to Luo Cheng, and then began to contact the commander of the fourth defense circle.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes and smiled. Countless stars appeared behind him. More than 700 stars were densely packed.

Blue Ring Du Mang was deliberately released by Luo Cheng to test his strength.

See how big the gap is between yourself and the peak of Xinghai, or whether you are stronger than the opponent.

These need to be verified through life and death battles.

As Luo Cheng walked out of the Dark City, a stream of light flashed and quickly landed in a forest thousands of kilometers away from the Dark City.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of Blue Ring Poison.

(End of this chapter)

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