My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 267 Ambush of Blue Ring Poisonous Mang

Chapter 267 Ambush of Blue Ring Poisonous Mang
Luo City stopped a thousand kilometers away from the Dark City and sank into the ground.

The small tree has built a huge space here. Within the scope of the small tree, Luo Cheng has nothing to fear.

Let alone the peak of Xinghai, even if it were two realms higher, Luo Cheng would have nothing to fear.

Luo Cheng closed his eyes and rested underground.

The information that Blue Ring Du Mang led his men to attack the Dark City was spread earlier.

Xiao Lan also sent a message to the hidden She Fei.

Nowadays, many people enter the Dark City, intending to see the excitement if Luocheng loses.

Maybe he could still rob someone in the Dark City. It had long been known to everyone that Zhao Nanfei spent [-] level essences to exchange for [-]th level essences.

Zhao Nanfei basically maintained a non-publicity attitude, but his apprentice Zhao Yanwen did not promote much.

He had long disliked Luo Cheng and killed Chang Wei in front of him. This was a slap in his face. He did not take the young master of Yanlong City seriously at all.

Because the entire Nameless World is flat, people can still see the sky far away even if they stand in the Dark City.

In the dark forest, the blue-ringed poisonous manang was completely out of the third defensive circle. Not to mention how happy he was, he even secretly swore in his heart that when he advanced to the big galaxy, he would teach the dark unicorn a lesson first.

"King Blue Ring, now that there is no interference from the Dark Qilin Commander, we will definitely be able to pacify the Dark City and directly capture Luo City to obtain the level [-] essence.

When the time comes for the king to advance to the big galaxy and make great contributions to the dark forest, it will only be a matter of time before he is appreciated and promoted by the dark dragon king.

Your Majesty, please don't forget me then. "

Lan Huan Du Mang laughed loudly: "Don't worry, you are all my brothers. I, Lan Huan, cannot be where I am today without the help of you brothers.

When I rise, your cultivation resources will be doubled. You all know that I, Lan Huan, am a person of my word. "

"Thank you very much, King Blue Ring."

On the way to the Dark City, Blue Ring Du Mang was joined by several Xinghai who came here to join the team.

In the first three defense circles, Blue Ring Du Mang's famous name is still somewhat useful, and many wild star sea powerhouses have heard of his reputation.

Nine rays of light flew across the sky.

In the Dark City, many people from the Star Sea Realm came to watch the excitement.

"Why didn't you see Lord Luo Cheng? You were frightened and hid first." Some people have a good relationship with Luo Cheng, and naturally there are also people who don't like him.

Unlimited redemption of high-end essence, I don’t know how many people have been offended.

"City Lord Luo has left the Dark City and gone to the Dark Forest, intending to kill the enemy outside the city. When the battle starts, we can see it directly.

However, I would like to remind everyone that Blue Ring Du Mang has a cruel personality. If City Master Luo is not his opponent, it will be very dangerous for you to watch the fun here.

It's better for us to take action together to help City Lord Luo tide over the difficulties. "

Someone sneered and said: "It's easy to say, but this is a life-and-death risk. The huge Dark City makes an unknown amount of money every day, why doesn't Luo City say we should get a share?"

Various opinions are filled with many experts in Dark City.

Luo Cheng slowly opened his eyes, and Blue Ring Du Mang appeared, along with eight Xinghai powerhouses.

There are roots of small trees all over the forest, and every move of the other party is within Luo Cheng's perception.

A huge shadow appeared behind him, and when the strong fluctuations spread to the edge of the surrounding space, they were all absorbed by the small tree, without any breath leaking.


A black arrow filled with the aura of destruction instantly shot up into the sky.

The nine Xinghai were still chatting and enjoying the time when they would show off their power in the dark forest.

In an instant, the huge aura of destruction caused the expressions of many mutated creatures to suddenly change. A thick purple barrier instantly appeared in front of Blue Ring Poison, and in that instant, the two men beside him were directly penetrated by arrow light.

Like a kite with its string broken, it fell directly into the forest below.

The destructive power derived from the laws of the earth element constantly destroyed the laws in the two beasts' bodies, causing them to completely lose their ability to move.

The roots of the small tree penetrated directly into the bodies of the two beasts from below, and began to absorb the essence in the body in just the blink of an eye.

The two Xinghai powerhouses died completely.

Lanhuan Dumang's face was gloomy. He didn't even notice Xiaoshu's appearance. He just thought it was Luo Cheng who killed two of his confidants with an arrow.

"Luo Cheng, get out of here."

Blue Ring Dumang couldn't feel the direction of Luo Cheng at all, and the little tree absorbed and transformed all Luo Cheng's aura.

"Whoa." There were another arrows full of destructive aura.

Locked in many of the men around Lanhuan Dumang.

Various defensive means bloomed in the sky, but they could not stop Luo Cheng's arrow of destruction at all.

Mutated creatures either fell from the sky or were shot down by arrows, but as long as they fell into the dark forest, it was not up to them to decide whether they could survive.

Small trees continue to emerge from the ground, burrowing into the bodies of mutant organisms, completely decomposing and absorbing them.

The huge body of the blue-ringed poisonous mang suddenly emitted a huge cloud of purple mist.

The ancient trees below withered instantly as soon as they came into contact with the poisonous mist.

The scope of the poisonous mist kept spreading, and the blue-ringed poisonous mang kept sensing the possible location of Luocheng in the poisonous mist.

Luo Cheng's sneak attack caught him off guard this time, and he didn't expect that Luo Cheng could be so strong.

The weakest of his henchmen is a mutated creature that condenses two hundred stars.

He was eliminated by Luo Cheng's arrows almost instantly, which was completely different from his original thoughts.

The Blue Ring Poisonous Mang looked in one direction, and a highly concentrated poison gas bomb with a diameter of one meter was spit out instantly.

The ground melted directly into a large pit, revealing a wide space and the figure of Luo Cheng.

The dense roots directly decompose and absorb the gas bombs.

Luocheng turned into a stream of light and shot up into the sky.

At this time, there was only one blue python following Lanhuan Dumang, and Luo Cheng estimated that this was Xiaolan, Shefei's companion python.

"Blue Ring Du Mang, you and I have no grievances at all, but in the end you had to run to the edge of the dark forest to die. Is it because you were bewitched by the python next to you?"

"Luo Cheng, you are talking nonsense. You were the first to tear up the peace agreement between humans and the Dark Forest. King Blue Ring eliminated you to eliminate a harm to our Dark Forest."

Lanhuan Dumang stopped Xiaolan from continuing to speak, stared at Luo Cheng and said: "Take out a level [-] essence, I can withdraw now.

Or I'll beat you to death and go to Dark City to get it myself. Choose one, Luo City. "

Luo Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't choose either of them. Since you dare to show up here, I can't let you escape."

The huge tail of the blue-ringed poisonous mang suddenly swung over.

The scales on the thick tail stood upside down and separated from the tail in an instant, like sharp blades, forming a dense storm of blades.

For a time, everything in the sky and on the ground was filled with blades, and countless thick ancient trees below were cut into countless pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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