Chapter 268
Luo Cheng stepped on the ground, and dark armor appeared on his body.

The shadow of a large earth-colored mountain enveloped him, and a thick aura instantly enveloped the earth.

At the same time, hundreds of times the gravity was activated, Blue Ring Du Mang felt his body sink, and suddenly fell downwards.

Xiao Lan also fell quickly, and didn't stop until he was almost to the ground. He quickly flew up, trying to escape the area covered by gravity.

Luo Cheng picked up the strong bow at his feet, bent the bow and set an arrow. This time it was a solid arrow with a strong power of law attached to it.


The arrow flew out in an instant and passed through Xiaolan's head. The python that had just flown screamed and fell into the forest behind, completely lifeless.

The blue-ringed poisonous mang had teeth that were about to crack. When he came, there were nine stars in the sea, but now he was the only one left in just a few minutes.

Xiaoshu's actions were very secretive, and Lanhuan Dumang didn't notice anything. He just thought it was because of Luo Cheng's arrow light.

The huge body withstood the huge gravity and appeared in front of Luo Cheng in an instant.

The huge tail swung over suddenly. Apart from the rules, the body is where mutated creatures are stronger than humans.

"Boom." The full-force attack could not shake Luo Cheng's immovable mountain.

This is an immovable mountain with the blessing of armor.

"It seems that you, the pinnacle of Xinghai, are just a parallel import."

Luo Cheng suddenly took a step forward and punched Lanhuan Dumang in the head.

A huge shadow appeared, and the tail of the giant snake composed of countless stars suddenly swept over and directly smashed Luo Cheng out.

In the Dark City, many Star Sea experts were stunned.

"City Lord Luo's strength is indeed tyrannical. He can kill the mutant creatures in the Star Sea Realm with one arrow. I didn't expect him to be so strong. No wonder he doesn't care about the revenge of the dark forest.

Unless the masters of the big galaxy take action in person, as many strong men as there are in the star sea will die. "

"Don't forget that there is also Blue Ring Du Mang. Xinghai Peak is not that easy to kill."

Luo Cheng stood up from the ground without any injuries on his body.

"Blue Ring Du Mang, you disappoint me a bit."

Blue Ring Du Mang was so angry that he rushed forward again, and the python pattern composed of thousands of galaxies suddenly slammed down.

Luocheng's feet were on the ground, motionless as a mountain. The huge shadow hitting it only made the earth-colored mountain sway slightly, but it could not shake it at all.

Luo Cheng quickly bent his bow and set an arrow, and arrows pierced the sky, constantly causing wounds to Lanhuan Dumang.

Luocheng transformed into a fixed fort, but I stood still and only bent my bow and arrows.

With the blessing of armor, Fudoyama's defense is doubled, and Blue Ring Poison's attack is almost the same as tickling.

Poisonous gas bombs like purple suns were sprayed out and hit the phantom of the mountain, constantly corroding the earth laws contained on it.

A few tiny roots penetrated along Luo Cheng's trousers and wrapped around his waist. In the blink of an eye, they decomposed and absorbed all the gas bombs and turned them into nutrients.

Hundreds of times the gravity constantly affects Blue Ring Du Mang's actions, and the light of the arrows quickly cuts across the sky.

In just over half an hour, Lanhuan Dumang's whole body was stained red with blood.

The huge body slowly landed in the forest. It was very difficult to fly in the sky with a hundred times gravity.

Luo Cheng showed a smile: "Now that you're down, don't go up."

Blue Ring Du Mang didn't understand what Luo Cheng meant. In an instant, his tail was pierced by a root, and then countless roots pierced his body, quickly decomposing and absorbing it.

Lanhuan Dumang suddenly realized that his men had died not from Luo Cheng's arrows, but from this evil plant.

The blue-ringed poisonous man wanted to shout loudly, but countless roots pulled him directly into the ground.

At the same time, Luo Cheng kept bending his bow and arrows at the place where Blue Ring Du Mang disappeared, creating the illusion of attacking the opponent. This situation lasted for more than ten minutes. Luo Cheng flew up and turned into a stream of light and returned directly to the Dark City.

"City Lord Luo, how's Blue Ring Du Mang doing? Do you need our help?" asked a star sea powerhouse.

"Thank you, but it's no longer necessary. Blue Ring Du Mang and many of his men have all been killed by me.

The Dark City is currently safe, so you don’t have to worry about me. "

As soon as Luo Cheng said these words, the crowd was in an uproar, and then countless messages were quickly transmitted from the Dark City to all directions.

A remote villa in Tianming City, where She Fei now hides and practices.

He was waiting for the City of Darkness to be pacified and Luo City to be ruined before going back, so that he could vent his anger.

But soon She Fei received the news that Lan Huan Du Mang and many of his subordinates had been killed by Luo Cheng.

Especially among them was his huge assistant Xiaolan, who he had raised together since childhood.

"Luo Cheng, I and you are at odds with each other."

He immediately stood up and turned into a stream of light and headed straight to Kaiming City.

The Blue Ring Du Mang is dead, and the Dark Qilin doesn't know when it will come. At least Kaiming City is safe now.

But when Shefei arrived at Kaiming City and looked at the quiet city lord's mansion, an ominous premonition instantly enveloped his body.

Pushing open the secret room where precious items are stored, the empty room seems to tell the desolation of this place.

She Fei was confused for a moment and his mind went blank.

When he took pictures of Kaiming City, it was actually for this set of armor, but it was stolen before he even wore it.

Huge roars mixed with angry voices came from the Lord's Mansion of Kaiming City.

Many people have accelerated their departure. With the disappearance of She Fei and the news that the Dark Forest is about to attack, the business in Kaiming City is getting worse day by day.

Now that the city lord has finally come back, he seems to be crazy. Many people are even more disappointed with Kaiming City and plan to move to other cities.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes. Just now, Luo Cheng's roots in Kaiming City conveyed the message, and he felt the message from She Fei in the Lord's Mansion of Kaiming City.

In the yard, Snake Fei was constantly venting his anger, and the huge city lord's mansion was almost smashed into ruins.

Luo Cheng did not take action immediately. He planned to wait for Shefei to leave Kaiming City and kill him directly.

He is still a little afraid of the Human Alliance and doesn't know the specific details.

In Yanlong City, Zhao Yanwen's residence, Zhao Yanwen knocked on Zhao Nanfei's door.

"Teacher, I just received news that Luo Cheng killed Lan Huan Du Mang, the commander of the second defense circle of the Dark Forest."

Zhao Nanfei was a little surprised this time.

"Blue Ring Poison is at the pinnacle of the Xinghai. Even with my strength, there is no guarantee that I can defeat Blue Ring Poison.

It seems that we underestimated Luo Cheng. No wonder we knew that the Dark Forest was going to deal with him, but we were always confident.

You should try to stay as far away from Luocheng as possible from now on. For the sake of Changwei, there is no need to put yourself in trouble. "

Zhao Yanwen said: "Teacher, does Luo Cheng still dare to take action against me?"

Zhao Nanfei asked back: "Why not? No matter how big your background is, the first thing you learn is respect for the strong, because he can kill you.

As for the family's revenge afterwards, you can't see it at all. "

Zhao Yanwen felt awe-struck and agreed happily, but in his heart he kept thinking about ways to kill Luo Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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