My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 271 Purchase Intelligence

Chapter 271 Purchase Intelligence
  After collecting the deposit and sending the middle-aged man away, Luo Cheng left the City of Darkness.

In an area cleared by small trees in the [-] mile dark forest, Luo Cheng slowly landed, sitting cross-legged and waiting quietly.

After more than an hour, a black escaping light fell in front of him, it was the dark unicorn.

"Boss." Dark Qilin's voice was full of resentment.

Luo Cheng threw out a level [-] essence, and Dark Qilin grabbed it in his hand, his tone suddenly becoming flattering.

"Why are you so anxious to find me? Has something happened in the dark forest?"

Dark Qilin regained his seriousness and said: "Indeed, the Dark Dragon King asked the three commanders of the Sixth Defense Circle to solve the Dark City.

The three commanders are all powerful men in the realm of large galaxy clusters, one level higher than me, and they also have many powerful men in large galaxies under their command.

The entire first six defense circles are at their disposal. It can be said that there are many strong people gathered here. I am worried that the three major commanders will personally take action. "

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "Continue, whoever the three commanders plan to take action should do it together."

Dark Qilin saw that his boss was not anxious at all, but he was indeed a little anxious.

"Boss, no matter who takes action, Dark City cannot be saved. I'm not worried about whether Dark City can be saved. I'm worried about your safety, Boss."

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "You are probably worried about your own safety. Don't worry, I won't die that easily. What will happen if one of the three commanders suddenly disappears?"

This time the dark unicorn was really stunned.

"Boss, you don't have the means to deal with the three commanders, do you?"

The roots that bound him before suddenly rang in his mind, and even a strong man at the level of the Dark Kirin Galaxy had no power to fight back.

"That's right. Seeing how calm and calm you are, you know that you have confidence in your heart. It's just that I'm anxious in vain.

I should have thought a long time ago, how could you not have the confidence to make such a big fuss. "

"It's good to know this kind of thing. Be careful if you spread it randomly, your life will be in danger."

"Don't worry, boss, I'm not stupid."

Luo Chengdao; "You should go back first, always pay attention to the situation in the dark forest, and find out whether the three commanders will take action.

If you take action, which one will it be? "

"Good boss."

The dark unicorn turned into a black light and left, and Luo Cheng also left the place.

Returning to the Dark City, he went directly to the underground, where boxes of eleven-level essence were smelted by the small tree.

Luo Cheng also picked up an essence and put it into his mouth to practice.

The eleventh level corresponds to the level of a large galaxy. It is naturally impossible for Wanshan City to kill so many strong men at the level of a large galaxy.

Most high-level essences are smelted from low-level essences.

It's just that others suffer a lot from smelting, and some lose more than they gain.

But some big forces need high-grade essence more and must be smelted even if there is loss.

The small tree is smelted completely without damage.

Soon, thirty twelve-level essences were formed, and Luo Cheng put them in a small box.

Entering the state of seclusion again, the law planet is constantly condensing in the body.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

With the assistance of level [-] essence, Luo Cheng would occasionally take a level [-] essence, and the number of stars in his body had reached [-], and would soon reach [-].

Luo Cheng entered the conference room carrying an exquisite small wooden box.

The middle-aged man is already waiting here.

"Sir, these are the last forty twelve-level essences." Wan Sheng nodded and said, "Yes, they are all high-grade essences. City Lord Luo's strength is admirable.

I would also like to remind City Lord Luo that according to the information I received, the three commanders of the Sixth Defense Circle of the Dark Forest plan to take action against Luo City.

If City Lord Luo can't hold on, we Wanshan City need to intervene, just speak up.

I think City Lord Luo is very talented, but he is alone. If you are interested, you can join me in Wanshan City.

With the support of Wanshan City, the Dark Forest and the conflicts between all parties can be easily resolved. "

Luo Cheng took Wan Sheng's token and said, "Thank you very much, but the Dark City is still safe at the moment, so I won't bother Mr. Wan."

Wan Sheng did not force it and said: "I wonder if City Lord Luo can get the thirteenth level essence. We, Wan Shan City, can buy it at a huge price."

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "Level [-] is too high, we can't get it."

"Goodbye City Lord Luo."

Wansheng disappeared into the dark city in the blink of an eye.

Level [-] essence could naturally be smelted by Xiao Shu's ability, but Luo Cheng had no intention of taking it out.

Level [-] might not be able to arouse Wan Sheng's greed, but if he had the essence of level [-], Luo Cheng was worried that Wanshan City would take action against him directly.

He is a Xinghai cultivator with no background. He holds the thirteenth level essence in his hand. Isn't this bringing trouble to himself?

At the very least, you have to wait until you reach the big galaxy and Xiaoshu takes another level to be truly safe.

Luo Cheng's heart moved slightly. The roots that had just stayed at the city lord's mansion in Kaiming City detected that She Fei had left Kaiming City and moved at high speed in the direction of Tianming City.

In the wilderness outside Kaiming City, a space crack appeared, and then a thick root came out.

The snake flew by very quickly in the sky, and suddenly countless roots on the ground intertwined into a large net and suddenly covered it.

She Fei felt his eyes go dark. When he opened his eyes, he had arrived in an underground space and was tied up tightly.

"Who are you and why are you arresting me?"

Luo Cheng had no interest in talking to a dead man, nor in telling him how he died.

If someone could go back in time, wouldn't that expose his existence?

In just an instant, Snake Fei was decomposed into nutrients by the small tree and completely disappeared without a trace.

In the dark city, Luo Cheng came to an information company.

"City Lord Luo, welcome. I wonder what information you want, whether it is the three commanders of the dark forest or the specific situation of the fourth, fifth and sixth defense circles."

Luo Chengdao: "You have inquired clearly about this matter about Luo."

"Haha, City Lord Luo is out of touch. The Dark Forest has existed for countless years and has long been infiltrated by all forces of our species.

Although many mutated creatures will not betray the Dark Dragon King, they can occasionally reveal some insignificant information and receive a generous reward, so why not do it. "

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "That's not bad. I guess there are many spies of mutant creatures in human society."

"This is not something I can know, but our information company still admires City Master Luo very much.

One man pacified thousands of kilometers of dark forest, built two cities, and allowed the mercenary city to use the dark forest as a hunting ground to train his own kind.

For countless years, only City Lord Luo has done it, but many big forces dare not set foot in the dark forest.

Even the Human Alliance is barely interesting, which is disappointing. "

"Thank you for your respect for me, but this time I am not here to buy information about the Dark Forest, but about Wanshan City.

There should be no taboos. "

"Naturally, Wanshan City does not keep a lot of its information secret. This is also a way to scare outsiders."

(End of this chapter)

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