My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 272 The Heaven-Swallowing Taotie

Chapter 272 The Heaven-Swallowing Taotie
  With the information from Wanshan City, Luo Xiaobao returned to the central tower.

Wanshan City is said to be a city, but in fact it is more like an endless stretch of mountains.

More than [-] mountains, stretching for millions of kilometers, are ruled by one force, collectively known as Wanshan City.

In fact, it is more like a collection of many forces. The area alone spans millions of kilometers, and the radiation range is calculated in hundreds of millions.

The intelligence did not go into depth, but only introduced some superficial information that is widely known to the public.

This is also the basis for the survival of these information companies, otherwise death will be waiting for them.

A flying eagle flew straight from the depths of the dark forest to the Dark City, and landed in an area thousands of kilometers away from the Dark City. Xiaoshu took down the information carried by the flying eagle.

And fed the flying eagle a piece of flesh and blood essence, and then got into the ground.

Luo Cheng opened his hand, and Genxu sent the information to him.

It is a jade stone. Activate the jade stone and read its contents.

The three commanders of the Sixth Defense Circle were furious when they heard the message, and received orders from the Dark Dragon King. After many discussions, they decided that one of the three commanders, Commander Taotie, would lead four strong men from the galaxy to directly pacify the Dark City.

Then the nearby Human Alliance station was destroyed, which served as a lesson to the Human Alliance.

The dark unicorn was excluded from this operation, and all mutant creatures came from the sixth defense circle.

Luo Cheng smiled. Is there any better news than this?

After Luo Cheng finished carving the message into the jade, he asked Xiaoshu to take it to Fei Ying and send it directly back to the depths of the dark forest.

Four hundred thousand miles away in the dark forest, a crack suddenly appeared in the ground, and a thick root penetrated.

Along with the roots, there was also a small tree clone.

Soon the little tree clone took root here, and its dense roots spread for more than two hundred kilometers.

Then the crack disappeared and appeared in an area of ​​[-] kilometers. According to the law, another small tree clone was transported.

Luo Cheng has been transplanting three small trees in the dark forest and setting up three cordons.

As soon as these small trees were transplanted, they began to clean up the surrounding mutated creatures.

Deep in the dark forest, the Sixth Defense Circle is home to the largest and strongest mutant creatures in the first two million kilometers.

The dark unicorn is not even ranked here. There are more than ten large galaxy level powerhouses under the three commanders, both openly and secretly. They are completely different from the information he had before.

I hope Luo Cheng can hold on, the roots are really as powerful as Luo Cheng said.

Soon, a bell rang, which was the sound of gathering at the gathering place.

The dark unicorn quickly came to the main hall, and the three commanders sat at the top.

Among them, the three-eyed ape is the most powerful and is recognized as the commander and the unequivocal overlord of the sixth defensive circle.

Below are Lihuo Feilong and Tiantian Taotie.

Li Huo Feilong majored in Nan Ming Li Huo and ranked second. Tiantian Taotie had to settle for third because he couldn't swallow Nan Ming Li Huo.

The three-eyed ape glanced at everyone with a golden vertical eye between his eyebrows, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

Dark Qilin even felt like he had walked through the gates of hell just now.

"A human cultivator in the Star Sea Realm in Luocheng, pacified the dark forest, built a city, and killed the blue-ringed poisonous mango.

The reverse scale of my dark forest has been touched. The Dragon King was furious and asked us to solve the matter.

The third commander decided to take his people on a personal trip, and with lightning speed, he leveled the Dark City, killed Luo City, and instantly destroyed the Human Alliance garrison near the Dark City.

This was the price they had to pay for watching Luocheng tear up the armistice agreement.

Dark Qilin, you don’t need to take action this time, and Feitian Mangniu doesn’t need to be involved. This meeting is over. You all should return to your respective defensive circles to prevent the Human Alliance from jumping over the wall.

If there is any abnormal movement on the human side, you can quickly retreat to the sixth defense circle, or you can immediately send a message to me.

Now you can all disperse. "

The dark unicorn and many mutated creatures left the hall.

There were only three commanders left in the spacious hall.

"Brother, do you have any important information to share?"

"Well, you are not curious as to how a small human city could cause such a big commotion."

"Brother means there is something hidden inside." Li Huo Feilong asked.

"Yes, the first Blue Ring Du Mang heard about the twelve-level essence in the Dark City, so he became greedy and planned to destroy the Dark City and steal the essence.

As a result, this waste was killed by Luo Cheng in the Star Sea Realm. A few days ago, I got news that Wanshan City had just exchanged a hundred level [-] essences from the City of Darkness.

Among them, there are fifty flesh and blood essences and fifty spiritual essences. "

The two commanders suddenly took a breath of cold air.

They all know that the three-eyed ape has his own partner in Wanshan City.

I didn't expect to get such exciting news.

The three-eyed ape said: "If I hadn't been too conspicuous and promoted the Dark City too much, making them humans think that there is no one in the Dark Forest, I would have led you to kill it.

Luo Cheng could produce a hundred twelfth-level essences, and he must have more in his hands, even thirteenth-level essences.

Even if he can't find the essence, it would be fine if he could bring back his method of extracting the essence.

Lao San, this trip is not just about killing people, but more importantly, getting information.

If we can get a method to smelt high-level essence without damage from Luo Cheng, it will only be a matter of time before our dark forest rises.

It is a certainty that the three of us brothers will enter Central Dragon City.

Now, don't rush to kill Luo Cheng. You can slowly investigate and figure out the matter. "

Tuntian Taotie said: "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely find out the method of extracting high-level essences that Luo Cheng has in his hands and the many essences that he has in his hands."

Five figures flew past in the sky. It was Tuntian Taotie who was leading his four subordinates, but he remembered the words of the three-eyed ape.

The speed was not very fast, and the momentum was very weak, like a powerful person from the five-ray star sea, it did not attract the attention of any ethnic group.

"Boss, are we too low-key? I think we should quickly eliminate the Dark City and shock the Human Alliance."

"Shut up, you idiot. Since I told you to keep a low profile, it makes sense."

In the dark city, underground space, Luo Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

The first early warning set by Luocheng just passed the message. Five figures flew through the sky and were now flying towards the Dark City, but the aura they exuded was not strong.

Luo Cheng instantly shifted his perspective, and his consciousness appeared on the clone of Xiaoshu who had given the first warning.

He instantly sensed the faint aura emitted by five figures in the sky.

A space crack drilled out from a thousand kilometers ahead, and countless roots instantly covered a thousand kilometers around the ground.

With the message conveyed by the dark unicorn, Luocheng would give it a try whether it was to swallow the sky or not.

If not, then just kill it and turn it into nutrients. If it is, kill it and turn it into nutrients.

(End of this chapter)

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