In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 102 There is something inside the black hole

Chapter 102 There is something inside the black hole
There are several major events recently reported in Snowstorm City.

One is that after an extreme disaster, the area from the East China Sea to Snowstorm City turned into a land ice city.

Nowadays, some great master warriors go out to inspect. This area covers the coastal area of ​​​​the East China Sea, covering an area of ​​about 2000 million square kilometers.

The eastern coastal land of Shanhai Continent has turned into a land of extreme ice!
This area has become a place where it snows all year round and the temperature is extremely low.

The weather here is still very chaotic, and these chaotic weather will not disappear just because the ecology has changed.

So the living environment here is even worse.

Even warriors in the Mortal Realm can only barely live in Snow Wind City.

If you go outside, it's hard to say.

Maybe if you have a tougher life, there will be no accidents. If you have a bad life and suddenly encounter a natural disaster, you may not have any bones left.

Another incident was that after the Oracle Island was destroyed, an extremely terrifying black hole appeared there, swallowing everything.

At that time, some careless Grand Master warriors were swallowed into the black hole when they approached it, and they did not know whether they would live or die.

Afterwards, several Grand Master warriors joined forces to attack the black hole, but the black hole swallowed up all their attacks without causing any harm.

Another thing is that there are rumors that Oracle Island was destroyed by Emperor Zun.

The legendary Emperor Zun appears again. This news is shocking enough.

And this news is at least [-]% true.

Although the distance was far away at the time and no one saw the person's true face, Emperor Zun's signature skills were very famous. You might not be able to remember them at first, but after comparing them later, you will find many similarities.

If that person is not Lu Yuan, the former Heavenly Emperor, it means that the other person may have learned the emperor's secret skills, and his strength is also extremely terrifying.

Compared to this, everyone is more willing to believe that this person is Emperor Zun Lu Yuan.

No one wants to believe that another person like Emperor Zun will appear in the world again.

In a mansion in Snow Wind City.

The house has no signature, but it still looks grand and luxurious. The two stone lions on the left and right at the gate also look majestic!

The housekeeper opened the vermilion door, and an old man with a kind face walked out, carrying a medicine box on his back, just like a doctor!
There was an entourage following him, carrying a lot of things, and he looked like a medicine boy!

The old man and the young man walked out of the door, and the old man said to the people who followed him: "Mr. Murong, please come back. There is really no way to cure that girl's injuries. Her body is like broken glass now, and it will break down if touched." Broken, although Laochan has some medical skills, there is nothing he can do about this situation."

The person who sent them out was naturally Murong Yuxuan: "Then it would be better to trouble the old gentleman to make one more trip."

"It doesn't matter, this is my duty!"

After saying that, the old man shook his head and left, followed closely by his entourage.

Murong Yuxuan was just about to go back when Liu Suifeng suddenly appeared. Seeing this, he said happily: "Senior Liu, are you back?"

Liu Suifeng looked at the place where the old man left, "Well, was that just now?"

He just came back from the East China Sea and took a look at the black hole phenomenon. It was indeed weird, but there was no aura of Emperor Zun.

Of course, it may also be that I am not strong enough and cannot detect it!

He had been inquiring about Lu Yuan, and when the news came out, he went out as soon as possible.

At this time, the two were walking and chatting.

Murong Yuxuan also sighed and said: "Didn't you say that Miss Ye needs a famous doctor to treat her injuries? I just collected some information in Snow Wind City. That person is the most famous doctor here, Tian Qing. elder!"

"But he said that Miss Ye's body is as fragile as glass now, and there is nothing he can do."

Liu Suifeng let out a sigh, just as the two of them returned to the yard, everyone was there.

Seeing Liu Suifeng coming back, Murong Xue shouted, interrupting his words.

Murong Xue pouted and said, "Uncle, why is the famous doctor you mentioned so useless?" Liu Suifeng smiled and said, "I didn't even tell you which famous doctor it was, so you all rushed to find it. but……"

"But what?"

"I heard what the other party said, and I think he has good medical skills. He can tell Miss Ye's physical condition, and you have found the right person. Although I have never heard of this person, I think he has a way to cure it, but I guess The price is too high, and the other party can only choose to shirk it."

Liu Suifeng shook his head: "Of course, this is just my guess. Maybe the other party really doesn't have that ability."

Then, Liu Suifeng showed a thoughtful expression: "And Miss Ye's health is indeed very serious. Now I can only think of three people who can cure her injury."

"Which three?"

"Alchemy Saint Wuxin, Witch God Jueqing, Fairy Xi Ling!"

Liu Suifeng paused for a moment and said, "I can't find the person who is talking about the Alchemy Sage. Although I have never seen this person, I think the Alchemy Sage must be able to cure Miss Ye's problem."


They had also heard of Alchemy Saint's name, but they only heard his voice but never saw him. What was outrageous was that there was no portrait of him in the sky!
"It goes without saying that the pill-like things you are taking now were all invented by the Pill Saint."

Liu Suifeng shrugged and said, "There was no talk of elixirs before. Healing medicines were all in bulk, not in granules."

"So there is still such a saying, why is there no record of it?"

Such a big event is not recorded in the Six Realms Chronicles?
"Actually, there is, but no one has publicized it. Otherwise, where would the name Alchemy Saint come from?"

Liu Suifeng added: "But Alchemy Saint has quietly disappeared since the dissolution of Heavenly Court, so you can't find this person."

He had heard before that Alchemy Sage Wuxin was Heavenly Court's royal alchemist. After all, Heavenly Court's large quantities of elixirs came from the hands of Alchemy Sage.

These precious elixirs in his hands were all produced by the Alchemist Saint.

It can only be said that Emperor Zun's charm is so strong that even such a character is accepted as his disciple!

Thinking of this, Liu Suifeng added: "I guess you all know the remaining two, so you can target them!"

As he said this, Liu Suifeng thought of something else and reminded him, "By the way, you must not go to the Oracle Island just out of curiosity. I suspect that the black hole is very strange."


Murong Xue was not in the mood to travel now, and her mind was full of thinking about how to treat Ye Muli's injuries.

at the same time.

The location of Oracle Island.

The black hole has stopped expanding, but its dark, swirling shape does look weird.

At this time, the vortex suddenly changed into various shapes, as if twisted.

There are also various strange atmospheres in it, which is eerie, but now it has become a restricted area, and almost no one comes here.


Inside the black hole was a turbid land, with only a majestic figure standing against the golden light. Something seemed to be rushing around him, trying to break out of the black hole.

The figure waved his hand casually, as if he had captured something, but there was no substance. Lu Yuan looked around and asked, "What is it?"

Then I felt as if those "things" had encountered ghosts and gods, and they all retreated.

"Is this the world inside the black hole?"

It was a turbid and gloomy land, with no ground underfoot, like a sea of ​​blood, and the surrounding space was boundless, with no end in sight.

 Now that I've switched back to the protagonist's side, I can actually continue writing there.

(End of this chapter)

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