In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 103: This is the first time I’ve come into contact with this realm. I’m not familiar with it

Chapter 103: It’s the first time I’ve come into contact with this realm, and I’m not familiar with it yet.

The world inside the black hole is turbid, and the bottom is like a sea of ​​blood!
The red sea of ​​blood was like a pot of chili soup, boiling and bubbling.

It's like a polluted area.

In such a strange space, Lu Yuan stood at the entrance of the black hole.

Lu Yuan noticed that the "things" that wanted to get out of the black hole just now were like ideological substances!

Similar to the power of true energy, although it is intangible, it has quality.

If his consciousness hadn't been powerful enough, he might not have been able to discover these strange substances.

Lu Yuan could sense that they had emotions, and they even knew they were afraid, but they had no physical body.

It's hard to evaluate what they are?

Here he also discovered the breath of consciousness, but it was in the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

But looking at those weird things facing the entrance of the black hole, they are trying to get out.

Although I don’t know what these things are, just because they are not things, it means they are definitely not good things...

If they were allowed to go out, there might be some trouble.

"You really made a trivial matter for yourself!" Lu Yuan said in a low voice.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it looks like you did it yourself, and you still have to wipe your butt afterward.

At this moment, those strange creatures seemed to have received some instructions, suppressed their fear of him, and seemed to want to rush out of the black hole.

Lu Yuan didn't know what the meaning of their actions was, and he discovered that these strange creatures were also a means of attack, and they could actually be put away by him.

Then he didn't know how many of these weird creatures he had put away, and a blood-colored ball condensed on Lu Yuan's waving right hand, which was the color of tears.

Moreover, Lu Yuan was surprised to find that the power of these things after being put away was quite good. Even if he didn't use it, he would at least be attacked by several Nirvana warriors.

But these weird creatures were also rushing toward him like crazy!
He is also open to all comers.

At this moment, the bloody ball above Lu Yuan was getting bigger and bigger, like a crimson energy bomb.

However, it revealed an evil aura. As the ball grew larger, when the red blood ball became several meters in radius.

These strange creatures were able to break through his control and try to invade his consciousness.

"court death!"

Lu Yuan snorted coldly, and an invisible force dispersed those strange creatures. At the same time, he also looked into the distance and waved his hand.

"I'll give you a roommate to have sex with!"

All things are collected, and nothing is transformed!The universe moves...

This time Lu Yuan didn't hold back, he started directly and counterattacked with a thousandfold increase.

The crimson blood ball instantly expanded hundreds of times when Lu Yuan threw it out.

The blood ball instantly burst out with a terrifying aura, as if it was about to collapse the space, the void shook, and the area seemed to be shaking and collapsing.

Wherever the blood ball passed, it instantly killed the strange creatures nearby without leaving any breath behind.

The power of this blood ball is not only that, the blood sea below where it passed was drawn across an abyss of blood, which was bottomless!

Can not heal for a long time.

Looking at this seemingly unstable space, Lu Yuan curled his lips: "Ha, it doesn't seem to be very powerful!"

Of course, that's all he can say.

Compared with the previous blow that destroyed Oracle Island, this blow was already much more powerful, so from this point of view, this space is still quite strong.

At this moment, all the strange creatures nearby had disappeared.Lu Yuan's counterattack didn't know which direction it was going in. Not long after, there was a loud bang.

This space is quiet again!
Lu Yuan let out another sigh. In his perception, another wave of creatures with the same aura as those strange creatures came from the distance, but the aura of these strange creatures was more powerful. Converted to the strength of the warrior, at least there were innate masters.

Those before were just little rubbish that didn't even reach the realm of mortal transformation.

But what do they mean now?
Calabash kids save grandpa and deliver them one by one, right?
Do you really not regard me as a human being?
However, what reassured Lu Yuan was that the aura that seemed to be the "Tiandao" consciousness did not disappear and remained in place.

I don’t know if I was waiting for him on purpose or if I was stopped by something.

But at this time, Lu Yuan couldn't help but squint and see a strange creature suddenly appeared not far away?

They seem to have entities, but they have no facial features. They are just bloody people, as if they were formed from the sea of ​​​​blood below.

But their auras are the same as those of the weird creatures before.

So this thing is physical?
They have no intelligence, and their actions are all mechanical, not even comparable to the mini engineers he has in the heavenly treasure house!

Although those mini engineers were a little dull, they were very smart and their movements were very flexible.

Looking at these bloody people, Lu Yuan couldn't help but frown: "Why do they feel so similar to me in body shape?"

"It's not like it transformed into my body shape, right?"

Emperor Zun was furious...

Lu Yuan glanced at it, it was an invisible force, and then the bloody people exploded one after another like the sound of firecrackers.

This situation is like an artistic picture!
"How dare you imitate me with any valuables?"

Lu Yuan snorted, sometimes he still had to be arrogant, but no one was here to see him anyway.

However, after these bloody people dissipated, a new batch was quickly formed, as if there was an endless supply.

It doesn't look like a problem, but do they want to keep me here?

Lu Yuan wanted to see if that consciousness was the consciousness transformed from the "Dao of Heaven" in the six realms, but if he left here, these strange creatures might come out of the black hole.

We don’t know what they are yet, their shapes are too weird, and you don’t know what will happen if you let them out.

Such an uncontrollable thing, and he doesn't really have any grudge against the Six Realms of Xunxian, so naturally he won't just sit idly by!

"Have to think of a way!"

Lu Yuan muttered, and then discovered that these bloody people had done a new trick. Those bloody people had evolved again?
They began to merge together, forming one bloody giant after another.

His strength has also improved, and now he at least has the power of a great master warrior.

However, their form reminded Lu Yuan.

"Almost forgot."

As he spoke, a dharma body appeared behind Lu Yuan.

This is the dharma body condensed after the martial arts true body state. It is like the incarnation outside the body and has powerful combat capabilities.

The true spirit of the Dharmakaya is immortal, so it can always maintain its form and will not consume any power of the true body.

This Dharmakaya lacks independent consciousness, otherwise it would be like a saint killing three corpses!

Of course, this doesn't even make sense. After all, the power of the Dharmakaya is matched by the true body.

The stronger the real body, the stronger the Dharmakaya.

Looking at these bloody people, Lu Yuan smiled at these bloody giants: "Sorry, it's my first time coming into contact with this realm, so I'm not very familiar with it. Let's play next!"

Then let the Law Body suppress the entrance to the black hole.

(End of this chapter)

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