In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 104 Tiandao also wants to upgrade

Chapter 104 Tiandao also wants to upgrade
The turbid sea of ​​blood revealed a strong adsorption force.

Although this space is colorless and tasteless, this weird layout is indeed scary.

Lu Yuan stood on the sea of ​​​​blood dressed in green clothes, following the aura that seemed to be "the way of heaven" all the way. When those strange creatures encountered him, they were either shaken away by the golden light curse, or they retreated far away.

Not a trace of blood stained the body.

The tall and straight body has a hint of absolute aura.

In a different environment, the temperament of his former superior would sometimes show up naturally. Plus, there was no one here, so there was no need to show off.

[Personal attributes:
Role: Lu Yuan (title: Emperor Zun)

Realm: true body realm
Unique skills: collecting, transforming, transporting and sending...

Talent Points: 8164
Talent entries: Innate Tao Bone (red), Sword Heart is clear (red), Peerless Understanding (red), Innate Divine Sense (red), Taoism is natural (red)
Explanation: Unlimited talents create infinite possibilities.Talent points can be used to randomly modify or add talent entries, modification: 50/time!Increase: 100 million/time.

Mission: None]

He is now in his true form, and his realm has changed, but nothing else has changed. He is untouchable!

Not only can the main body use all the abilities of the vest, but the strength of the vest will also increase the main body.

Speaking of his true combat power, it can be said that it far exceeds the martial arts true body level.

So speaking of it, his Dharmakaya is incredibly strong and can completely guard the entrance.


Next, no powerful and strange creatures appeared.

Lu Yuan didn't know how long he had been walking, but he was getting closer and closer to the consciousness of "Heavenly Way".

"Why do you feel like you're waiting for me?" Lu Yuan muttered.

Then he saw a white spot of light appearing in front of him.

A large number of strange creatures gathered around it, as if they wanted to invade and engulf this white light spot.

And this white light spot exudes a power that Lu Yuan is very familiar with, resisting the invasion of these strange creatures.

That is the power of fairy spirits!

However, this power is not omnipotent. In a state of ebb and flow, more and more strange creatures are attracted. They even want to eat this white light spot at any cost, even if it dissipates.

The power of the fairy that protected the white light spot was also slowly dissipating.

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed and he vomited softly: "...scattered."
The sound was like thunder from the sky, instantly shaking away those strange creatures.

When Lu Yuan came to the white light spot, it turned into a crystal clear prismatic fragment.

"Looks like plagiarism?" Lu Yuan looked at it and was speechless, because when he saw its shape, it looked a bit like something from the cartoons he had seen before. He couldn't help complaining: "This is not the Jade of Four Souls!"

Of course, the shape looks more refined, like a treasure!
The fragment was acquired automatically, and it wasn't until Lu Yuan saw its information that he remembered.
Oh, I seem to be in a "game"!

Speaking of games, he doesn't have the mentality to play games now. It's better to say that he had that mentality before.

[Name: Fragments of Heavenly Dao
quality:? ? ?
value:? ? ?

Explanation: The fragments of Heavenly Dao formed by the will of Heavenly Dao contain many magical functions. If you collect 99 fragments, you can become the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. 】

Lu Yuan: ...

What do you say when you suddenly jump to a web game scene of 999 dollars per knife?
Lu Yuan subconsciously took a look at his personal attributes. Sure enough, there was indeed a task in the task column.

[Task: Spokesperson of Heavenly Dao]

There are no instructions.

It was as if this mission had appeared on a temporary basis.

But now it seems that the way of heaven does exist and has its own consciousness?
"That's not right!" At this time, Lu Yuan felt the presence of heavenly aura deep in the sea of ​​blood.

And it is more pure and powerful than this fragment.

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood around Lu Yuan began to change into one bloody giant after another.They didn't seem to be rushing towards Lu Yuan. Although they had no facial features, their emotions showed that they were eager for the fragment of heaven in Lu Yuan's hand.

What do they want with this thing?
This was Lu Yuan's first thought, and then he started thinking, maybe they also know the meaning of this fragment?

Or maybe this fragment has a special effect on them like the Shikon Jade?
Of course, Lu Yuan would not hand over what he got.

"I wonder how strong they are?"

Lu Yuan said curiously, then waved his hand, thunder fell, and these bloody giants who were as powerful as the Nirvana realm of martial arts were instantly bathed in the thunder and accepted the baptism!

After washing, it disappeared.

What a wonderful landscape!
Lu Yuan looked at the fragment of Heavenly Dao in his hand and felt that it was not as simple as it appeared.

Then his consciousness moved...

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with an expression that was indeed true.

There is also a hint of obscure information in the fragments. If Lu Yuan's innate spiritual consciousness was not powerful, even with the martial arts spiritual consciousness in the true body state, he would not be able to decipher the mystery.

From the information in the fragments, Lu Yuan also knew where this place was and what these strange creatures were.

Speaking of which, it seems like this is still his fault?

This place was originally supposed to be a copy similar to the ruins in the Wuwu Mountains in the Immortality Domain.

But this copy has not yet been completed by the operation of the Six Domains of Heaven.

Lu Yuan's move really caught Tiandao off guard.

Originally, this second ruins should have appeared in the Land of Ten Thousand Beasts. This was the development time line of the Six Domains, and Tiandao was even ready for the protagonist.

The ruins of Oracle Island should be relatively late. According to the development of the plot, Oracle Island will also appear as the final big boss!

This plot was not deliberately arranged by Heaven. Although He gave birth to consciousness, He focuses on stability in everything!

The movement between heaven and earth itself exists objectively.

It's just that when consciousness is born in the six realms of heaven, there will indeed be some subjective effects.

For example, in the previous changes in the Six Realms, everyone can be the protagonist or a supporting role!
Things are always evolving, no matter who the protagonist is.

It's just that after Heaven gave birth to consciousness, He had the influence to influence the development of certain things.

The most important thing is that the Six Domains of Heaven also want to upgrade!

That's right.

The time when Tiandao's consciousness was born was when Lu Yuan traveled through time.

Because of Lu Yuan's arrival, the original storyline of the Six Domains was directly interrupted.

But this is another opportunity for the Six Domains of Heaven.

Originally, the six-domain world was in a closed-loop timeline.

To put it simply, the world of Six Domains is like a world with a little martial arts. Until Lu Yuan's unexpected arrival, Tiandao unexpectedly promoted his status and broke the world's barriers.

To put it simply, the world has been upgraded!

Therefore, the consciousness of Heaven hates and loves Lu Yuan, an outsider.

Because world upgrading is indeed good, but it also carries other risks.

And later on, he found that he had nothing to do with the outsider Lu Yuan.

At this time, Lu Yuan was too strong.

At that time, the Six Domain World was nothing more than the Zhongwu World. Although the world was upgraded, it was only a small upgrade.

At that time, Lu Yuan's strength had transcended the realm of the supreme martial arts world.

If it weren't for the last world barrier, Lu Yuan could still cultivate to a higher level.

Consciousness of Heaven: Isn’t this mine?
 Get ready to figure out the way of heaven, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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