Chapter 105
Because of Lu Yuan's time travel, consciousness was born in the way of heaven.

With consciousness, He will have his own thoughts.

And Lu Yuan's power made him know that the world can still increase in dimension, and if he wants to continue to increase in dimension, he needs to contact the vast world outside the six domains and break through the world barriers.

But if you want to be stable, you need a stable world.

Because of the existence of Lu Yuan, there is this unstable factor in the Six Domain World.

He also planned for a long time later, and after decades passed, he sent Lu Yuan away, and the barrier of the Six Realms world was broken again, and the dimension was raised again.

Then it can barely be regarded as a world of high martial arts.

At the same time, he also detected the coordinates of an ownerless plane. If it is connected and assimilated, the harvest will be even greater.

Similarly, there are many wonders in the world.

Small worlds can be dimensionally upgraded, but that doesn't mean they can be upgraded casually.

The risks are also extremely high.

Every time the dimension is ascended, the world's heaven must withstand the pollution from plane pollution sources.

The sources of pollution are like the Death Star. They focus on these planes that have the idea of ​​​​ascending and are functioning normally to invade.

However, Six Domains Heavenly Dao did not expect that the masterless plane he was connected to this time was not only higher in level than him, but also discovered the uncertain factor of Lu Yuan.

If you want to assimilate a plane higher than him, even though it is an unowned plane, it will take a long time, maybe hundreds, thousands of years...

The good thing is that as long as it can withstand the invasion of pollution sources!
In fact, He has withstood the first wave of intrusion from pollution sources, which was the opening of the first ruins.

The deformed creatures in those ruins are caused by the pollution source.

Although he took every precaution, in the end he still failed to guard against the uncertain factor Lu Yuan.

Now this place is also a source of pollution. If nothing else happens, it will also become a place of ruins, dungeons and the like!
The Six Realms Heavenly Dao also used a trick to quickly assimilate the other Great Thousand Planes, which is to let the creatures in that plane be contaminated with the breath of the Six Realms World.

That’s why so-called games appeared.

Even some plots look very similar, because they all have subtle influences.

But he didn't expect that this masterless plane would be the home of Lu Yuan, an uncertain factor.

The day Lu Yuan entered the game again, he knew that sooner or later he would take the pill!

Oracle Island was penetrated, and the source of pollution also took this opportunity to invade Shanhai Continent.

Now this blood sea space is a polluted area, and they live in the cracks in various planes.

As long as there is an ascending plane, they will invade and pollute it until they completely pollute the invaded plane into the same kind.

And speaking of it, when the first plane was promoted, it was Lu Yuan who eliminated all sources of pollution in this world!

"Oh, I asked you why the descriptions of the major forbidden areas in the six regions are different from what is recorded in the book!"

Lu Yuan remembered the past, when Heaven was first established and it was at its peak.

There happened to be commotion in all the forbidden areas of the six domains. For example, the monsters in the Land of Beasts often went berserk and invaded human lands.

That's why they've been infected by a source of contamination.

At that time, although the ferocious beasts and monsters in the major forbidden areas of the six regions also behaved like this, they were not very frequent, and these were recorded in the major records.

Only those few years were particularly unusual.

Of course, the benefits brought by world promotion are also highlighted, and the resources are more abundant, although the six domains are already rich in resources.

In those years, the various ministries of the Heavenly Court also suppressed these anomalies in various places. After these anomalies were completely eliminated, the Heavenly Court began to suppress the entire six realms.

And Bing Wei was a combat puppet developed by Lu Yuan at that time to defend against enemies.

There was also the Dongfeng Express that appeared later. It was indeed built accidentally at first. Later, I felt that if there were any abnormalities in those forbidden areas, this thing might come in handy, so I built a lot more.


Judging from the information in the fragments, this space is the plane rift, the habitat of the pollution source.

And this sea of ​​blood is their pollutant.

If they invade, they have another name, called mutants!
It seems that there are different types of pollution sources. For example, the pollutants in the ruins of Wuwu Mountain are called deformities!

Abnormal creature!

Mutated creatures!

"There won't be any aliens in the future, right?"

Just when he thought of this, Lu Yuan murmured to himself.

"And why do I feel like He is waiting for me specifically?"

After Lu Yuan digested this information, he did not choose to believe it all.

Maybe the information didn't lie to him, but it wasn't necessarily completely true.

Of course, Lu Yuan didn't care either.

He just looked into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Yuan's blow not only destroyed the huge Oracle Island, but its power even broke the plane wall in the end.

In addition, there are already pollution sources on Oracle Island, which gives the pollution sources that were already secretly peeping an opportunity.

It was mentioned in the fragmentary information that the abyssal treasure that appeared on Oracle Island was created by the source of pollution.

If nothing else, they are also intelligent.

That's why Tiandao set the opponent to be the final boss.Whether the sentient beings in the six realms can withstand it cannot be predicted by Heaven. After all, this is not a duel between individuals, but a collision between planes.

Although plane pollution sources live in the cracks, it does not mean that they are weak. On the contrary, they are everywhere.

If it is a closed-loop plane, that is, the former six-domain plane is a naturally closed-loop plane world that has existed for who knows how long!
This way they have nowhere to invade.

It seems that it was only because of Lu Yuan's sudden intrusion that this began, and the subsequent six realms of heaven were somewhat passively upgraded.

As long as it is invaded by a plane pollution source once, it will be watched all the time.

They are everywhere, and as long as the wall of the plane is slightly turbulent, they can break through and invade from the dark.

But now, a big hole has been broken in the plane wall of Shanhai Continent, which is the phenomenon of the invasion of these plane pollution sources.

As long as these strange creatures in this blood sea space go out from the entrance of the black hole, they will infect the creatures in the mountain and sea continent.

As long as they are infected creatures, they will become mutants, just like deformed creatures.

It’s hard to say that there won’t be any alien-like monsters in the future.

Maybe it won't be long before Godzilla can mutate from the sea.

Because it is contaminated.


Because the wall was broken so seriously, Tiandao of the Six Realms World had no choice but to personally suppress this broken wall.

Now we are fighting against the source of the pollution.

Under the sea of ​​blood, Lu Yuan could feel the aura of Tiandao consciousness, where the game between the two sides was taking place.

His intuition before was also correct. If these strange creatures were allowed to pour out of the black hole, it would indeed be a disaster.

At this time, the strange creatures around the blood sea were gradually moving closer to him, and then merged with each other to become giants in the blood sea.

What left Lu Yuan speechless was that these blood sea giants seemed to be able to only imitate his body shape. They were really useless.

However, their target is still the prismatic piece of Heavenly Dao in Lu Yuan's hand.

Lu Yuan looked down at the fragments, thought for a moment and then whispered: "Since it is the fragment condensed by Him, then you can't possibly not understand the situation here, right?"

After waiting for a while, the fragments of silver light flashed, and a conversation emerged: "Yes!"

The corner of Lu Yuan's mouth raised: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Although the other party's attitude seemed very cold, his ability to respond showed that he was emotional.

And since the other party can respond, it means that he has something to ask for.

Otherwise, what would the existence of heaven in the dignified world do to you?
Just because you look good.

There was no immediate answer, I wonder if it was down.

After a while, it seemed that after editing the story, the fragments flashed with silver light, and a paragraph of text appeared in mid-air, like a short composition.

Lu Yuan murmured in his heart, is this Tiandao a ****?
Then he looked at this short composition with a strange expression, and then became slightly surprised.

He started with the honorific, then said that he admired him and other complimentary attitudes, and then talked about the seriousness of the invasion of plane pollution sources.

Appreciate the characters first and then talk about the things, in a clear and logical manner.

Then he said: "There are mistakes and omissions. I have already predicted it. Although you have planned this accident in advance, everything is determined by itself. You don't have to worry about it. I have a complete plan for this matter, but it is related to six things." The life and death of all sentient beings in this domain are at stake, but I need some small help from you, I wonder if you are willing?"

I don’t know where he learned this half-white style of writing.

If these words were said to Qi Ziyuan, he would probably fly with joy.

After all, this seems to be a mission to save the world, which is most in line with his character.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan seemed to understand, and said a little suspiciously: "By the way, you didn't plan to ask Qi Ziyuan to help you in the first place, right?"

Before the other party could reply, Lu Yuan nodded and said, "That's right. With that kid's character, he probably won't refuse."

"But if it were me..."

Lu Yuan said, paused, this time was a bit long...

I almost made Tiandao angry and cried, who kind of person is this...

"I have to pay more!"

Can Lu Yuan feel a sense of resentment coming from the fragments?

Damn, isn't this little guy angry?
This time the fragment responded quickly, with a flash of silver light: "What do you need?"

This time he didn't even have the honorific, which shows that he was really angry.

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Then it depends on what you can give me?"

Tiandao didn't know how to respond to these words, and he even went a little crazy. Who knows what do you want?
The most important thing is that this person is too powerful and completely uncontrollable.

If it weren't for this accident, he really didn't want to have anything to do with Lu Yuan!

But currently only Lu Yuan can help him, although this accident was caused by Lu Yuan unintentionally.

But it was He who suffered first, and the key point was that He could not punish this person.

The laws of heaven in the six realms world have no control over this person!

He could only infer what Lu Yuan needed from his past interests and hobbies.

He knew that Lu Yuan could drive a vest, but he didn't find it strange.

He didn't know that Lu Yuan's personal attribute panel was different!
(End of this chapter)

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