Chapter 107 You continue, I am offline

This is its home court, even the opponent's consciousness of heaven is suppressed. Here, it itself is innately invincible.

Although this creature is extremely powerful and will not appear in this newly promoted plane at all, as a source of pollution that has devoured thousands of planes, its vision has been greatly improved.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the consciousness of the plane of heaven I encountered this time would be so reckless. I wanted to assimilate it single-handedly. Do you think it is an immature baby that has never seen anything?

Similarly, Tiandao consciousness doesn't know what Lu Yuan wants to do, and the third mission has been refreshed.

The consciousness of Heaven can sense the actions of the master of the pollution source in the plane.

Precisely because he knew that the other party was stronger than him, he thought of blocking the other party's lair.

In essence, both are ideological masters. Although the two sides have strengths and weaknesses, they cannot help each other in a short period of time.

Doing so is equivalent to containing the other party, but the other party can also use other means.

As long as the source of pollution invades the opponent's plane, until the invasion is complete, the opponent will naturally be completely swallowed by it.

The consciousness of Heaven is also aware of this. The master of the pollution source is currently the strongest invader of the six realms. At this point in time, the sentient beings in the six realms cannot fight against the invasion of these pollution source mutants.

The strongest mutant can have the power of the terrestrial fairyland. If you put it in the entire six-domain world, you won't be able to create one even after decades of development. It's not a resource limitation, but the world's upper limit.

If we look at the final development, as long as he resists the invasion of these pollution sources, he will need to advance one more time before he can raise the boundaries of the world again.

If it hadn't been for this accident, even though it had been expected, I still couldn't help but feel a little angry.

But now that he wanted something from Lu Yuan, he had no choice but to trust him.

But Lu Yuan's operation at this moment confused him again. Did he want to regret it?

But soon he discovered what the other party meant, and was very surprised and thought: "He can actually sense the situation here?"

At this time, the scarlet heart suddenly stopped beating, and he made a startled voice: "What is he going to do? Could it could it be possible? This is a place with no rules. Even if you spread the information, he can't You can get in."

At this moment, he saw Lu Yuan's figure wandering around in the depths of the sea of ​​blood. He seemed to have not found this place. His scarlet heart looked very happy:
"Haha, let me just say, how can he, a cultivator who has never even been exposed to the rules and fields, feel the realm of my heavenly realm?"

Lu Yuan really didn't feel what was going on inside, but he could sense that the breath of Tiandao consciousness was nearby.

I just don’t know why I can’t see it.

Perhaps it can be said that He is invisible, but this is not His place. Are we hiding from Him?

It doesn't look like it either.

But at this time, the master of the source of pollution in the plane became happy first: "You are indeed a very powerful helper. One Dharma Body blocked the invasion of my incarnation, but after all, he is just a practitioner who cannot even touch the rules of the domain. , if he is always here, then I will avoid him to avoid losing my strength."

"When I devour you, he will be with you, hahaha..."

After hearing the other party's plan, the Tiandao consciousness also wanted to contact Lu Yuan, but according to his previous analysis of Lu Yuan's character, he was most unhappy with others nagging in his ears.

He has his own ideas and does not perform tasks like a machine.

He had observed Lu Yuan's daily life and suspected that he might have schizophrenia.

He is very domineering when he is domineering, and he is also very cool when he is cool. Sometimes you can't tell which one is him.

So he hesitated for a while, and finally thought that maybe Lu Yuan had something in mind, so he didn't contact him for the time being.

At this time, Scarlet Heart was stunned again: "What is he going to do?"

I don’t know how many times he has asked this question. He can’t see what the other person wants to do. I really can’t see?
At this time, Lu Yuan burst out with an extremely terrifying force. In an instant, the surrounding sea of ​​blood evaporated, forming an extremely cool and bright area around him.

Lu Yuan felt this power and couldn't help but said to himself: "I don't even know how powerful my full strength is now."

Before, he only had a general feeling that his strength would surpass this level.

But I really haven’t tried how far beyond it?

At this moment, the combined power of all the vests was very terrifying. Only a trace of breath was revealed, and the surrounding blood sea was directly evaporated and disappeared.

At this moment, the master of the plane pollution source did not even care that his aura was slowly weakening, but was very frightened: "What, this is not his limit?"

At the same time, Lu Yuan stretched out his powerful hands and grabbed the void, as if he could hear the cracking sound of tearing.

The space shook, and the sea of ​​blood rolled like a tsunami.

Lu Yuan actually tore the void apart, tearing open a crack with brute force.

Just enough for his body to move in and out.

The moment it was torn apart, I felt the aura of Heavenly Dao Consciousness becoming more powerful, and at the same time I also sensed another aura similar to Heavenly Dao Consciousness.

Finally, the void shook, Lu Yuan's figure disappeared, and the area returned to normal after a long time.

And in the realm of heaven, there is an additional figure.


Lu Yuan was looking at the situation in this independent space, and it was pretty much what he guessed. Since there was no form of them outside, it was most likely that they were in another independent space.

After all, he also likes to set up secret bases like this!
Then he shook his head and said, "I thought you had the upper hand, but I didn't expect..."

Consciousness of Heaven:…

Why did she say that she could suppress the other party? Of course, if it weren't for Lu Yuan guarding the entrance to the black hole, he would probably be feeling very uncomfortable now!But at this moment, the master of the source of pollution in the plane saw an opportunity, and his scarlet heart transformed into a face, and said: "Haha, this powerful practitioner, with your strength, you don't have to succumb to such a weak position. If you are face-conscious, why not cooperate with me..."

"Wait!" Before it could finish, Lu Yuan looked at that face, frowned and interrupted, "Who asked you to turn into this face?"

"What's wrong with you, this practitioner... ah——"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yuan's palm moved slightly, triggering a terrifying energy shock that shattered the scarlet heart, and the other party let out a scream.

Lu Yuan looked coldly: "Do I need you to explain?"

Consciousness of Heaven:…

This is why he doesn't want to contact the other party, his aura is too fierce!
"Ahhhh, you bastard!" After a moment, the scarlet heart began to recover again, suddenly going crazy.

But it seemed to be unable to do anything. Lu Yuan could sense that the other party had made a move, but was soon restrained by a chain that resembled divine patterns, and could only rage helplessly.

"You weak, stupid insect, how dare you do this to me, it's disgusting..."

Lu Yuan calmly said to the void: "Is it talking about me or you?"

Consciousness of Heaven: "It's me!"

Lu Yuan said: "Oh, it's okay, let's continue."

"By the way, why is your voice female?"

Lu Yuan finally asked, does the consciousness of heaven have a gender?
This was the first time he heard the other party's voice. It was quite ethereal, but a bit feminine.

These words made him question, yes, why did he want to talk to him from a female perspective?
"I am not a living being."

"That means there is no gender?"

The Consciousness of Heaven did not speak anymore. What was being discussed? Is this something that a person like you should discuss?

Only the ignored master of the source of plane pollution was impatient: "Don't ignore me, you...ah——"

There was another inhumane cry.

Lu Yuan once again shattered the other party's heart and whispered: "What the hell is your name!"

Finally, the other party silently recovered again, but this time it did not dare to shout anymore.

Although this kind of injury is not painful to it, it is very embarrassing!

Lu Yuan looked at the gloomy look here and didn't want to stay here anymore. He said to the air again: "Hey, can you beat him?"

Heavenly consciousness: "Four or six points."

The voice is a little muffled.

Lu Yuan said leisurely: "Is it so high? Then you can handle it yourself."

Consciousness of Heavenly Dao: "..."

"It's me, four and six, but before, it was possible that it was [-]-[-]..."

There’s no need to say more about what this means, it’s obviously just according to her plan!
At this time, the Lord of the Plane Pollution Source laughed wildly again: "Hahaha, it wants to assimilate me alone, even if you are added to it...ah——"

There was no need to say much this time. I only heard a "boom" and a crisp sound, and the other party was shattered to pieces again!
After a moment, the other party recovered again. This time it was as rampant as ever, making a faint voice: "Jie Jie Jie, I will not be destroyed until the sea of ​​blood is destroyed. When I swallow this plane consciousness, you, a tiny insect, will be dead." .”

Lu Yuan ignored it this time, but if it was according to what it said, it would indeed be a bit tricky.

Lu Yuan said curiously: "How long will it take?"

"Um..." The master of the plane pollution source felt that his consciousness was a bit difficult to turn around, but he still said confidently: "Even if it resists tenaciously, it only takes me ten years to completely swallow up its consciousness."

"so long!"

Both consciousnesses were speechless at the same time.

"Okay, it's still taking so long, take your time, I'll log off first!"

After knowing this time, Lu Yuan didn't want to stay here anymore. Then the space shook and Lu Yuan's figure disappeared.

Consciousness of Heavenly Dao: “???”

The Lord of Plane Pollution Sources: "???"

Both consciousnesses were simultaneously confused by Lu Yuan's sudden disappearance!

However, when the consciousness of Heavenly Dao detected that the opponent's body at the entrance of the black hole had not dissipated, it felt relieved again, and then began to ponder what?
Only the master of the plane pollution source started to cry: "What does he mean?"

"How did he do it?"

"How did he leave?"

"Does he look down on me?"

The whole space is filled with its voice, so impatient!

(End of this chapter)

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