Chapter 108 World Editor

Lu Yuan found that he no longer needed the game cabin to travel between the two worlds.

This was not a subconscious move on his part, but data obtained from testing.

The previous game cabin was more like a coordinate plus teleportation array, but at his current level, as long as he knew the coordinates, he could cross the void and travel through space by himself.

When he has this idea, as long as it is feasible, there is no problem.

So he went offline, and his Dharma Body was not affected, which was a bit unbelievable.

Although the martial arts true body is strong, the legal body cannot be too far away from the main body, at least it must be within the control range of the main body's spiritual consciousness.

The reason why Lu Yuan went offline was not because he wanted to be a villain and secretly reap the benefits of a fisherman. Well, that was a little bit.

In fact, the consciousness of Heavenly Dao is not sure what tasks it will ask him to do, but it does not say how many tasks it will have. Looking at the source of the plane pollution, it will take at least ten years for both parties to dissipate.

Good guy, if you let him kill there for ten or eight years, then forget it!
Since you want to act cool, let's finish the game together. It's still a long time anyway. Let's see who can stand it first.

Of course, he also wants to exchange for greater benefits. Although he doesn't know what they will be, he understands the principle of waiting for a price.

Hold on!


In the large living room, Lu Yuan had just taken a shower after returning and was taking out a can of Coke from the refrigerator and drinking it.

"It's cool, this is life!"

Staying in that cold, trashy place is not as comfortable as being at home.

Lu Yuan was half lying on the sofa, and when he was about to check his phone, he saw his niece Lu Yiling coming back from outside with a happy face. When she saw his appearance, she said "ah"!
Then she trotted over in shock, looking left and right in front of him, and her fair little face was almost touching Lu Yuan's mouth.

Lu Yuan's face darkened, and he put his finger on her forehead to make her distance herself. Then he looked at her and said angrily: "What are you doing, like a ghost?"

"Is it really you, uncle?"

Lu Yiling's eyes widened and she added, "It's just like seeing a ghost. You've been lying in the game cabin for more than a month."

She stretched out her white and tender fingers and poked Lu Yuan's body with a very refined look. She couldn't help but murmured: "If it weren't for the game cabin showing that you are still alive and everything showing normal, I would have called the police on you."

Lu Yuan looked natural: "It's been a month?"

"You do not know?"

"Too much fun."

Lu Yiling pouted and hummed: "Mom also told me to listen to you more and stop being addicted to games and study hard. I didn't expect you to be more addicted than me!"


Lu Yiling groaned again and touched her forehead where Lu Yuan had fingered her. It felt quite painful, but there was no mark.

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "How have you been playing the game recently?"

I didn’t dwell on what I just said. Although I found it strange, it might be that the flow of time in that place was different, or it might be that there was no concept of time in that space. I only felt that a moment had passed, but actually a long time had passed outside.

Fortunately, he came out first, otherwise he would have stayed there for ten years, and the outside world would not know how long it had been.

Lu Yiling didn't find it strange, and happily shared her interesting things that happened in the game.

More than a month has passed in the real world, and almost half a year has passed in the game.

First of all, she stayed in the medicine pool at the foot of Duankong Mountain for more than a month. Not only did she learn the art of alchemy, but she also became very skilled in growing elixirs.

And although the name of the technique she learned, the "Herbal Essence Furnace Technique", doesn't sound impressive, it is indeed very suitable for her talent.

As if it was tailor-made for her, this technique not only has good performance in martial arts, but also has a bonus in alchemy.

But she stayed there for just over a month and then slipped out.

Originally, she wanted to ask Lu Yuan's opinion, but Lu Yuan was also in the game and couldn't ask, so she assumed he agreed.

Also, with her current age and temperament, it is completely impossible for her to be patient.

If I can persist for more than a month, it is probably the limit of my endurance.

As she said that, she secretly looked at Lu Yuan's face. Although Lu Yuan used to dote on her, for some reason, Lu Yuan now was a little different from before.

It looked very peaceful before, but although it is still the same now, it is far different in temperament.

Even if he doesn't speak, he still feels a bit oppressed by his elders. No, it should be said that it is more than this.

So she only dared to act coquettishly to Lu Yuan occasionally, but now she never dared to talk back!

Lu Yuan's expression was unstable, but he was very calm.

She continued talking again.

For example, she joined a gang founded by her school, but this time she did not reveal her true abilities, which was to fish in troubled waters in the gang.

Moreover, she was in the Tianhe Divine Territory, far away from where this gang was based, and it would not be her turn to do anything.

After saying that, Lu Yiling said with a surprised look: "By the way, I heard from the NPC in the game that these things I got are the inheritance of Dan Sheng Wuxin. I heard them say that this person is very mysterious and powerful. Uncle, your character is now Where is it? I'll give you all the stuff from that Alchemist. His skills are very powerful and may be helpful to you."

Lu Yuan smiled: "How do you know that I don't know this alchemy sage's ability?"

"Hey!" Lu Yiling was a bit belated, and then suddenly realized: "Yes, it seems that you knew this first." She slapped her forehead with a loud pop: "I feel like I have been stupid in refining alchemy recently."

Lu Yuan smiled, "Why are you so anxious to make elixirs?"

"Dragon and tiger marrow elixir, Sanyuandu'er elixir, Taiyin blood-melting elixir."

After speaking, Lu Yiling's face was full of sorrow, "These are the best divine elixirs. With my current skills, it is difficult to refine them even if I have the materials."

Lu Yuan was curious and said, "Which person is worthy of your paying for these three pills?"

"It won't be the target, right?"

"No way!" Lu Yiling pouted dissatisfied, and then said regretfully: "That is a very beautiful young lady, and we met her by chance."

Then Lu Yiling talked about the circumstances of their encounter. After listening, Lu Yuan knew some of the things.

The people Lu Yiling met were Murong Xue and Ye Muli.

According to Liu Suifeng, there are only three people in the world who can save Ye Muli.

Wu Xin Dan Sheng is nowhere to be found, and finding him is even more difficult than finding Wu Xin Jue Qing.

At least Wu Shen Jueqing still has some hope.

After all, Wu Shen Jueqing is also one of the Six Saints in Heaven. Although Liu Suifeng is not familiar with him, he still knows that he is still in the world, which means that this person is extremely mysterious.

According to Liu Suifeng, this holy king is so mysterious that even many people in the heaven do not know whether he is a boy or a girl.

The palace of the Witch God Jueqing is in the Immortality Realm, but for so long, the location of the other party has not been spread in the world.

It's not that difficult to find the other person.

Murong Xue also asked her old man for help, but Murong Longcheng didn't know where the witch god Jueqing was.

The other party was originally very mysterious and unpredictable when he was in Heaven, and his relationship with other people in Heaven was not very good.

After Heavenly Court was disbanded, there was no trace of the other party.

But one day more than ten years ago, the other party's name suddenly appeared on the list of living beings, and then the world knew:

Oh, it turns out this person is still here!
Then the other party's name seemed to disappear again.

So it's not easy to find this person.

Liu Suifeng also tried to contact the other party using the password of the former heaven, but still couldn't contact him.

In the end, they could only choose to target Fairy Xi Ling.

Speaking of this, Fairy Xi Ling is also a low-key person.

She was also very famous in the world when she was young. Not only was she outstanding in beauty, but she was also proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Not only were she outstanding in these skills, she could kill people invisible and even save a life.

But it is also difficult to see this person. The other person has long since retreated to a deep place of eternity. Before you want to see him, you must present any of the four treasures of her study that were scattered in her early years.

Otherwise, anyone who breaks into her retreat will be killed.

Moreover, having one of the four treasures of the study is just equivalent to a greeting. If the other party is not in the mood, he will not pay attention to you.

It may even be life-threatening.

According to Liu Suifeng's knowledge, in the past few years, three people have gone to see each other with three of the other's Four Treasures of the Study, and two of them were killed.

And the other person is actually a good friend of Fairy Xi Ling.

As for why he was killed, who knows!
In short, it all still depends on the other party's wishes.

Although the conditions were difficult and they might not be able to visit, Murong Xue and the others had no choice but to go here first.

Then Lu Yiling bumped into Murong Xue and the others. Because Ye Muli's body happened to be unwell, she was touched by Lu Yiling. She happened to have the healing elixirs that Lu Yuan had placed in the medicine pool. These elixirs were very harmful to Ye Muli's body. Has many effects.

That's how they met.

Later, Lu Yiling learned from Liu Suifeng that her inheritance had such a big background.

Although she had only just met the other party, she felt like old friends at first sight. She couldn't bear to let Ye Mulixiang lose her beauty, so she worked hard to refine the elixir.

Although she was not sure about refining those three elixirs, she still refined a lot of elixirs that were useful to Ye Muli, but this could only barely save Ye Muli's life.

It just so happened that they also took this time to collect the last Four Treasures of the Study from Fairy Xi Ling!
But no matter what, they didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Having said this, Lu Yiling gritted her teeth with some sadness: "Hmph, I don't believe that I can't make it after I finish all the elixirs in the medicine pool."

With that said, he returned to the room and entered the game.

"Prodigal girl!" Lu Yuan shook his head. She probably didn't even know how valuable those elixirs were.

But he didn't stop him, because he just wanted to see what happened after so long in the game.


in a few days!
Lu Yuan was in the living room at home, looking at the message from the fragment of Heavenly Dao in his hand, and couldn't help but murmured: "Can't you hold on anymore so soon?"

I saw the message saying: "World Editor, there is no more content in a few words."

 After finishing one chapter, I don’t want to write Chapter 2. This is really not a good state.
(End of this chapter)

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