Chapter 109

Lu Yuan has not been in the game these days.

Now he can enter the game without using the game cabin.

Naturally, I will never go to that place where the source of pollution is.

That place is not a place for people to stay, that is, he is immune to evil spirits, and those turbid things cannot contaminate him.

But if it could have gotten to him, he would have been infected by now.

I just didn't expect that just a few days later, the consciousness of heaven could not help but compromise?
But what does this world editor mean?

In an independent space in the realm of heaven.

As soon as the master of the plane pollution source saw Lu Yuan's appearance, he became very unwelcome: "Why are you here again? Haha, so what if you come again, you can't help it at all!"

Then it talked a lot of nonsense. It didn't dare to say sarcastic words, it was just burying the consciousness of heaven...

Although it was noisy, Lu Yuan did not clean it up this time.

After coming in, he also ignored the master of the plane pollution source and said calmly: "I'm here, what do you want to do?"

The voice of the consciousness of heaven is ethereal, and he does not talk nonsense: "The world editor is the origin of heaven derived from my birth. In other words, it is all my possessions. If it is handed over to you, it will be equivalent to a change of ownership of the plane!"

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, and this may be the best plan. I am not incapable of assimilating the master of the source of pollution in this plane, even if its origin is stronger than me!"

The consciousness of Tiandao paused for a moment, and then said: "If I hand this power over to you, would you be willing?"

Lu Yuan did not accept it first, but said doubtfully: "What will happen to you then?"

The voice of Heavenly Consciousness has no color: "Assimilate the source of plane pollution."

The Lord of Plane Pollution Sources: "..."

You are just conspiring loudly in front of me, do you think I don't exist?
But it did start to panic a bit: "Wait, what do you want, you bastard?"

"The origin of heaven changes hands, and you will also disappear. Damn it, you actually want to assimilate me with the thought of dying together."

Heavenly consciousness: "Although your origin is stronger than mine, you are still something from the sewer. When the light illuminates the darkness, you will have nowhere to hide."

"No, you humble insect, don't think you can scare me like this. I don't believe you dare to do this. I have seen many such planes where the Heavenly Dao is so selfless, but I don't know that once the Heavenly Dao gets emotional, it loses its fairness. .”

"And this is also the reason why our plane pollution sources can invade your planes. Don't pretend to be so selfless, hahaha, I don't believe it!"

However, as he talked, the master of the source of plane pollution did not believe that the consciousness of heaven could achieve such a level.

It began to chatter again: "Haha, you want to scare me. Even if you want to die with me, according to the original gap between us, you will not be able to assimilate me in a short time."

"It's not that I look down on you. There are too many planes of heaven like you who push out their own heavenly representatives and all say the same thing, but in the end they regret it. They are just like stupid pigs. In the end, they are not waited for by me. Devoured everything.”

"I know that in your hearts, you are the biggest and the most supreme, and you don't care what happens to the creatures below!"

"When consciousness is born in an unconscious plane, it will no longer be fair!"

"Because you yourself are the greatest injustice!"

"So I advise this powerful practitioner not to believe in them. They will not be so kind as to hand over their origins."

There is indeed the task of being a spokesperson for Heaven. It seems that it does have something unique, but I don’t know if it is an advantage or a disadvantage?

The source of plane pollution has been talking non-stop. In fact, it feels very hollow. From the attitude point of view, it is really afraid that the consciousness of heaven will do this.

The consciousness of heaven did not defend these things said by the plane pollution source. It seemed to be the truth, but it did not say whether it would do so.

Lu Yuan thought for a while and said, "What if I refuse?"

Consciousness of Heavenly Dao: "I will transfer the origin back to the plane and wait for the destined person to obtain it, or it will transform again and form a new Heavenly Dao."

"But the premise of all this is that the next plane can resist the invasion of pollution sources from other planes!"

This is the reason why he wants to hand over the origin to Lu Yuan. No matter if it is given to anyone in the plane, they will not be able to resist the source of plane pollution with the current strength.

Not to mention that after he dissipates, the origin will be extremely weak. Even if there is a chosen son in the plane who is recognized by his origin, it will take time to grow up.

And now, if a powerful practitioner like Lu Yuan were to hand over his origin, relying on his strength, he might be more suitable than him to protect the plane from being invaded by pollution sources.

"And this is also related to the changes in the plane you are in!"

Lu Yuan frowned and whispered: "How do you say it?"

The voice of Tiandao Consciousness was still emotionless: "You can only know this after you accept it."

Hey, are you trying to pin him down?
Lu Yuan thought for a while, maybe because of the connection between the two worlds, the current world will also be invaded by pollution sources.

But the problem is that he doesn't yet have the ability to detect traces of these pollution sources.

Lu Yuan naturally didn't want to see the world being invaded by pollution sources. He was not compassionate. After all, his family was still there. If he cut him off so cruelly, what would be the difference between living in vain?
"So, you want to do this?"

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked like you were doing a good job.

Obviously, this is probably what He calculated.

"The next step is not difficult, but it will take some time. After you have accepted my origin, you will know what to do. I hope you can protect this plane!"

As Tiandao Consciousness spoke, there was a rare hint of melancholy behind him, and then a ray of silver light illuminated the space.

The master of the plane pollution source looked at a loss...

No, are you serious?
Not even a trace of hesitation?

It was terrified: "Wait a minute, everything is easy to discuss between us..."

"Don't be like this, I can retreat, can we stop playing?"

"Ah, you humble insect..."

Under the silver light, it was a force of rules.

The scarlet heart seemed to be entangled, and its beating frequency became calmer and calmer as its tone became weaker.

Until the end, it failed to beat even once for a long time.

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed. These powers were indeed magical, but the opponent had not dissipated. The power of the consciousness of heaven was also assimilating the opponent.

At the same time, an origin emerged from the silver light and entered Lu Yuan.

It's not an object, it's more like a program, and it may also be related to the direction of the other party's transformation.

This consciousness of heaven is obviously mostly influenced by AI intelligence. You can tell by looking at the game modes she created and her origins.

World Editor!
It sounds like a being that can edit everything in the world.

With the fierce collision between the two sources of heaven, this space began to shake.

And the mutants in the blood sea above also began to dissipate, and those strange creatures disappeared one after another.The sea of ​​blood is like being possessed, changing colors, sometimes black, sometimes white, all kinds of colors are available.

On the contrary, there is no sense of weirdness or danger here.

This shows that the consciousness of heaven has completely suppressed the other party, but it will take some time to fully assimilate the other party.

Lu Yuan tore the space apart again, and when he left, he seemed to see an exquisite body looming in the silver light.

Then without much thought, he returned to the present world.

Then I looked at what this world editor is?
What's interesting is that this thing is integrated with his personal panel.

Lu Yuan had long thought that his personal panel was not given by this consciousness of heaven.

It’s hard to say how it came about, but I’ll probably find out later.


[Personal attributes:
Character: Lu Yuan
Position: Lord of the Planes (World Editor)
Realm: true body realm
Luck of heaven:81.64
Talent entries: Innate Tao Bone (red), Sword Heart is clear (red), Peerless Understanding (red), Innate Divine Sense (red), Taoism is natural (red)
Description: You can use the luck of heaven to randomly modify or add talent entries. Modification: [-]/time!Increase: [-]/time.

Looking at the panel again, there have been quite a few changes. Talent points have been transformed into luck, and there are also additional powers.

It seems that the task column has been reduced?

If you look at it again, you will find that the authority column can still be clicked?
After clicking on it, you will find that the properties panel has turned into a flat map, a bit like the True Spirit Map.

But it is even more exaggerated than the True Spirit Map. It can be said that it opens a God's perspective. From here, Lu Yuan can know everything about the Six Realms of Xunxian.

The task column has just been moved here.

Here you can see various tasks appearing.

[Task: Responsibilities of Heaven (Daily)
Description: Normally maintain the operation of the plane world.

Reward: Automatically gain 100 points of Heavenly Luck every day. 】

[Task: Spokesperson of Heaven’s Way

Description: Please collect 99 Heavenly Dao fragments to rekindle the previous Heavenly Dao consciousness.

Reward: One piece of Heavenly Dao can get 10000 points of Heavenly Dao Luck! 】

These two seem to be permanently displayed, regardless of whether Lu Yuan accepts them or not.

There is no mission punishment, nonsense, he is the master of the plane, who will punish him?
But what does the task of being the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao mean?
It can be seen from this that the Dao consciousness of that day also has a backup plan?
But the choice lies with him. After all, there is no task penalty, it is completely a matter of whether he can do it or not!

Moreover, the other party's fragments of heaven cannot open the God's perspective.

No wonder it's called a world editor. It makes people look down on the world like God. You can edit everything on the editor and control all life and death in this plane.

However, it has its own set of operating rules. It's true that if you don't like one of the things, it's okay to delete the other thing, but it won't do you any good.

The normal operation of the world can bring huge fortune to Lu Yuan.

In the upper left corner of the world editor, a red font is displayed:

Fortune generation: 9899663 (one year from the next acquisition)
The luck of heaven can be used to suppress assimilation sources of pollution, and can be used to enhance plane resources, etc.

There is also a black font:
[Plane pollution source invasion distribution map]

Click on it to see where the remaining plane pollution sources are distributed.

There's even time for their invasion.

Lu Yuan took a look and understood the reason why the consciousness of heaven made copies of these plane pollution sources. Not only was it able to obtain a large amount of heaven's luck, but also because he was unable to deal with so many pollution sources at the same time, so he could only use such Method.

Even if the sentient beings in the six realms will not die when they enter these dungeons, he has used a lot of heavenly luck to offset this.


Lu Yuan fumbled around for a while, but in the end he felt like he had been cheated?

It's not that this thing is fake, it really can't be real anymore.

But he had no intention of being an administrator in the first place, it was too laborious!

The Lord of the Planes sounds quite domineering and controls everything in this world, but he still has to do things.

It seems that you don’t need to do anything for the time being, because the rules of operation of this world have already been set, unless you want to change it.

Moreover, only then did Lu Yuan know what he last said about the current world.

He guessed well. Because of the connection between the two worlds, the current world is also targeted by sources of plane pollution.

And His plan has already been laid out, how to solve the current situation.

His appetite is indeed huge. There is a gray area in the world editor, which is the area of ​​the real world. He also wants to assimilate the current world to become one of his own. It is probably the seventh domain mentioned before!
However, although the current world is an ownerless plane, its level is very special, and he is not sure of being completely assimilated. Perhaps those plane pollution sources will have swallowed up the current world by then.

So He wanted to start with the creatures of this world.

It seems to have been successful so far, and the next step is for the two worlds to communicate with each other.

There is still one year left before the two worlds can communicate with each other!
Among them, Lu Yuan looked at the dimensional pollution source on Oracle Island. It was also in a gray state and the countdown to assimilation was three months.

There is also a description on it: "After the assimilation is completed, the next dungeon area will be generated here. [Demonized Mutant] This dungeon is more dangerous."

On this, Lu Yuan can edit many things, such as dungeon rewards, dungeon entry and exit thresholds, etc.

You can also generate rules with one click, which is very convenient!
Fortunately, this consciousness of the way of heaven turns out to be in the direction of intelligent gamification. Everything is automatically generated without being decided!
It’s hard to say whether it’s reliable or not, but it’s indeed quite trouble-free.

In general, these things are actually extras. Even if Lu Yuan ignores these things, he can still be the master of this plane.

Because it will develop on its own! (It’s too complicated not to write. In fact, I just want to bring out the plot in this world)


at the same time!

Six domains around the world.

Suddenly there was a throb between heaven and earth!
All living beings instantly felt the air of mourning coming from the heaven and earth.

Although it was only for a moment, no living creature knew what happened.

At the same time, players were instantly kicked out of the game...

This matter quickly became a hot topic on the Internet. Although they will be able to enter again soon, players are very dissatisfied because the official does not even compensate.


 I’m not stuck at 6k words anymore. The next chapter won’t be out until early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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