Chapter 113 Cold as ice, cold as snow

What is this called?
Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the house?
Ever since that person fell into his compound, every ten seconds that passed, the protective wall of the house would be destroyed by someone coming.

After a dozen times, except for the rooms behind them, all the doors of their shelter were flattened by these uninvited guests.

Every time a group of people came, Murong Xue's face turned dark.

These people looked at the Red Flame Fruit in the hands of Murong Xue and others with extremely greedy eyes, and did not take them seriously at all.

It was another scene where the wall was shattered. A burst of dust flew up, and a group of people appeared. The newcomers were even more arrogant, and a group of people followed behind them with great momentum.

He didn't even ask what the situation was, but he said as if no one was watching: "The thirty red flame fruits were stolen by the little thief from our Lieyang Pavilion. Don't worry about it. If not, don't blame me for being rude." .”

"Who do you think you are in Lieyang Pavilion?" However, everyone present was not a good person. I saw another group of people saying angrily: "Don't say that this Red Flame Fruit is an ownerless thing. Even if it has an owner, I will dominate the sword." Let it become ownerless.”

"Ba Daomen? Bah...what the hell?"

"That's right, your dominance of Daodaomen doesn't matter, we Tianshan will not accept it."

It seemed like an arrogant scene, but apart from their quarrels, these people seemed to be competing to see who had the loudest voice.

They didn't seem to intend to take action, but gradually surrounded Murong Xue and others.

Liu Suifeng squinted his eyes, observed the movements of these people, and whispered: "They seem to think they can defeat us!"

"I heard that although there are many conflicts among the forces here, they are united to the outside world. Apparently they also know that we are difficult to deal with and want to unite!"

"And these people all look unfamiliar, they don't seem to be familiar faces!"

Liu Suifeng's words undoubtedly meant that these people would most likely deny their identities.

Although the Murong family is famous and powerful, there are always some young people who get carried away by the treasures, or people who don't care.

Although Murong Xue was annoyed, she also knew that this was not the time to be reckless!
There are only a few guards of the Murong family in the courtyard now. Although they are all Xiantian Grandmaster warriors, these forces are not bad. The leaders are basically Grand Master warriors and others, and the remaining people have many Xiantian Grandmaster warriors.

Although Liu Suifeng has a high level, he can only fight a few great master warriors, and the rest of them can crush them just by their numbers.

Moreover, these people also had a tacit understanding. Although they were slandering each other, none of them asked them for the Red Flame Fruit. Instead, they simply ignored them.

Murong Xue's eyes moved, and she whispered: "Uncle will sweep the formation for me later."

Then he said to the guards: "Protect Xiao Lizi and Xiao Mi!"

Although Liu Suifeng didn't know what Murong Xue wanted to do, he nodded and said, "No problem."

The guards: "Yes!"

it's time...

Just as these people were approaching, Murong Xue drew his sword and stepped out. A cold light rippled on the sword, and a cold killing intent radiated from the sword. Murong Xue looked at them expressionlessly: "You guys, if If you go further, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

Although she said harshly, these people would be afraid. Not to mention that they didn't know them, they were the local snakes here. With the strength of the crowd, they naturally wouldn't be afraid at this moment!

A man with a hooked nose stood out among the visitors. He was wearing a blue robe and looked quite majestic.

He took a step forward and said with a smile: "Haha, I think you are pretty, little girl. If you can surrender to me, I may consider sparing your life."

He could tell that this woman was only in the middle stage of Xiantian Grandmaster, and he was in the late stage, so she was naturally not afraid of her, and she was full of teasing.

"You can try!"

Murong Xue swung her long sword, and the sword energy was flying horizontally, and the row of houses was blown away with a rumble. The strong wind swept away, and a group of people were blown away.

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

One of the great masters looked at him differently and said that they did not intend to get involved with him, but they wanted to take action against Murong Xue.

At this time, Liu Suifeng also said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be anxious, let them resolve the matter between the juniors!"

The great master's eyes were sharp and he looked at Liu Suifeng warily. At this moment, they realized that Liu Suifeng's realm was higher than theirs.

"Who is your Excellency?"

At this time, another voice said in surprise: "This person is Ranger Liu Suifeng."

Hearing this name, those people actually looked at each other and talked to Liu Suifeng in the air: "Your Excellency is actually Senior Liu Suifeng. I really admire your name for a long time. However, we got the Red Flame Fruit first, but it was just because of this The thief stole it, I wonder if senior can return it?"

"You have nothing to do!" Liu Suifeng agreed casually, then took a look at the red flame fruits in the hands of Lu Yiling and Ye Muli, and said with a smile: "But handing over the things I got, it seems that I Liu is timid.”

"And my eldest granddaughter also wants to try the sword of the world's heroes. You have so many disciples here, and they are all talented people in the world. If we don't let them communicate with each other, no matter whether they win or lose, Liu will return all these Red Flame Fruits!"

The dozen or so Grand Master warriors looked at each other, wondering what they were thinking. Finally, they all took a step back and waved their hands for their disciples to move out.

"Then follow the words of the seniors, you guys come to me!"

Then the three innate masters walked out, walked towards Murong with a smile, and drew their weapons.

At this time, one of the opponent's great masters said with a smile: "According to the rules of the world here, there are no rules for fighting alone. Senior Liu shouldn't mind that there are more of us, right?"

Murong Xue was fearless and said in a cold voice: "You can come together."

"Hmph, ignorant!"

After those three people said that, they immediately joined forces to attack Murong Xue.

Murong Xue was wearing a black embroidered dress that fit her figure very well. She seemed to have already anticipated the actions of these three people. She flashed her figure and her movements were extremely fast.

Liu Suifeng was surprised when he saw this: "Xue'er's understanding of this movement technique is not much worse than mine."


The three people were shocked. They felt a flash in front of their eyes and a dangerous aura coming from behind them.

They reacted immediately and used offense instead of defense. Several rays of sword energy came out horizontally, and with a roar, the three of them were swept away.

"What a quick movement!"

One of the great masters was shocked, they discovered that Murong Xue's movement seemed to have reached the state of being invisible.

Thinking back to the legend of Liu Suifeng, they looked at Murong Xue and wondered if she was his disciple?
This is never heard of.

However, the competition was not over yet. Although the three innate masters were knocked back due to their carelessness, they quickly stood up again, and this time there were two more.

The five innate masters suddenly attacked Murong Xue from five directions, leaving her no chance to escape.

However, Murong Xue did not panic. Her embroidered hair was flying, her body was filled with the smell of snowflakes, and her figure was like running water dodging the attacks of these people.

The weapons used by these innate masters were soft swords, mainly based on dexterity. Murong Xue's strange movement skills made it impossible for them to get close.

The swords of several people were not weak. Their soft swords shook in the wind and made a buzzing sound, almost with all their strength.

For a moment, Murong felt really stressed. Although she could clearly see the trajectory of their swordsmanship, there were so many swordsmanship trajectories that she could not find any flaws for a while.While she was hesitating, the opponent's attack had already arrived.


The sound of the sword roared and the stream of light shone. Although they were all simple moves, this could better reflect the exquisiteness of the swordsmanship. The cooperation of five innate masters, some of whom were even higher than hers, would definitely lead to defeat if they continued.

Soon, Murong Xue's momentum weakened.

When the five innate masters saw this, they were upset that they and others could not take down this woman together, so they couldn't help but said with great joy: "She is dead, let me take her down."


Then, several people seemed to have caught one of Murong Xue's weaknesses. The sword energy broke through the air, and Murong Xue was thrown away. Before she could hit the ground, the third sword struck again.

Looking at it this way, when Murong Xue was almost defeated, those people couldn't help but smile in victory.

But at this moment, Murong Xue made a mistake, and with a strange flash of figure, she jumped out of the encirclement of several people.

"Not good!" The five innate masters were shocked.

However, it seemed they were too late.

Murong Xue burst out with an extremely cold aura, her body was extremely cold, and her body was like the wind. It was a very gorgeous and cold sword energy!

The silver soft sword passed by, making a sound of breaking through the air, and extremely terrifying sword energy emitted from the soft sword.


Then, the five innate masters let out screams.

When Murong Xue stopped, she was already more than ten meters away.

The five innate masters in front of her had fallen to the ground, completely losing their breath of life.

"The sword has no shadow, and the wind has no shadow, just like catching a shadow in the wind."

At this time, Ye Muli's beautiful eyes turned, and she said to herself with some admiration and curiosity: "The sword's intention is passing by like the wind. I didn't expect that Sister Xue's understanding of the sword's intention would be so fast. It is elegant and light, but unexpected. The sword moves with the heart. !”

However, at this time, the dozen or so Grand Master warriors became angry and immediately jumped out and shouted: "How brave, you dare to kill my disciples, Liu Suifeng, is this what you call junior exchange?"

"Then don't blame me for waiting. You're welcome. Come on."

Such behavior is tantamount to breaking their skin, so they have no scruples.

At this moment, Murong Xue took out the red flame fruit on his body. It was shining like a snow pear, with a magma-like pattern wrapped around it, carrying the power that should be hot.

She took out the Red Flame Fruit and shouted: "If you dare to come here again, then I will let you get nothing!"

She directly shattered the Red Flame Fruit on the spot, and the pulp fell to the ground, filled with a strong energy of essence!

Those people immediately calmed down and looked at Murong angrily, "What do you want to do?"

This is a strange fruit that is rare even for their great master warriors. It was shattered by the opponent like this. It was such a waste of nature.

But when she saw Murong Xue taking out a pile of Red Flame Fruits, she said as if she didn't care, "Since you are all unreasonable, then no one can live well!"

Saying that, they wanted to shatter these strange fruits again, and the great masters quickly shouted: "No, girl, we can discuss everything easily."

"Can we discuss it now?"

"Haha, this is all a trivial matter. As long as the girl can hand over the Red Flame Fruit in her hand, we will leave here immediately."

"Yes, yes, our reputation here has always been good. If you ask more, you will know that we are not joking."

These people seemed to have lost their angry look just now. A three-year-old child probably wouldn't believe what they said, and I don't know how they could say it out loud.

However, Murong Xue suddenly lost her calmness. She seemed to really believe what the other party said. She narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "It's not impossible to leave it to you, but there are so many of you, who should I leave it to?"

They thought Murong Xue was scared too, but it was good that a mere little girl was not scared to death in front of so many great masters.

"Give them all to me. I, Lieyang Pavilion, promise not to attack you again."

"Master Lieyang Pavilion, don't have such a big appetite. If you can't control it, let us at Wuyou Villa come and get it."



At this moment, it is difficult to judge whether they are united or friendly...

However, Murong Xue was happy that they were quarreling, and she secretly retreated to everyone's side.

Over there, after arguing for a few minutes, they also realized that the little girl seemed to be deceiving them. Fortunately, they did not start a fight.

Among them, the master of Lieyang Pavilion said solemnly: "Everyone, follow me and take down them. As long as we take action quickly, they will naturally not have time to destroy the Red Flame Fruit."

Murong Xue stretched out her slender hands, facing them with her white palms, and said coldly: "Everyone, wait."

But this time they didn't wait any longer, they just wanted to take action.

At this moment, flowers and leaves fell from the sky, making Murong Xue frown.

Then there was another groan:
"You are a bold maniac who dares to attack our young lady. Could it be that you don't take me, Ximen Chuixue, seriously?"

From the sky, a figure flew quickly, dressed in white, as fast as the wind, accompanied by a piece of flying flowers and fallen leaves, and landed steadily among them. He held a silver sword in his hand, with long flowing hair and a band on his forehead. A tuft of white hair, giving him the air of a mysterious expert.

Murong Xue raised her eyebrows, this was actually installed for him!
The face of the Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion froze. He looked at the person coming and couldn't believe that such a weak ant dared to take care of this matter. I wonder if it was a scam?
And the name Ximen Chuixue makes me feel very offended when I hear it.

After thinking about it, the Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion still felt more stable and said in a deep voice: "I wonder who you are?"

"Cold as ice, as cold as snow, Shilipo swordsman Ximen Chuixue!"

The person turned his back to them and said coldly.

It seems to be saying, even if I show my back to you, I am not afraid!
Fortunately, at least he didn’t say he was a sword god!
The master of Lieyang Pavilion frowned. After thinking for a long time, he still didn't know where there was a powerful swordsman named Ximen Chuixue?
Then a new disciple under his sect came over and whispered to him: "Pavilion Master, that boy is cheating on you!"

The head of the Lieyang Pavilion had a cold look in his eyes, and then he quickly attacked the visitor and said, "An ant dares to tease us and is looking for death!"

"Holy shit, you're too big, bear, help me!"

[Ximen Chuixue] felt a chill on his back, his momentum was gone, and he immediately shouted for help.

There is no sense of superiority at this moment.

Murong Xue and others couldn't help but shake their heads after seeing this.

I feel like he got such a nice name for nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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