In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 114 The First Knight in the Central Plains

Chapter 114 The First Knight in the Central Plains
After the player captain and Yue Luo followed Murong Yuxuan back to Murong's house, they changed their names one after another.

They saw from the official forum that many people had changed their names, especially the names of characters in various martial arts novels, which many people had taken.

However, there is no unique ID in this game. Even if you change your name, others can change it to the same one.

Unless you are so famous that everyone recognizes you.

It’s not that no one has taken such a famous name as Ximen Chuixue, but most of them are not famous now.

The captain naturally felt fearless. He felt that even if he didn't have the momentum of Ximen Chuixue, he must have the strength.

When the master of Lieyang Pavilion saw this, he became even more furious: "You ants, how dare you play tricks on us!"

A palm strike came with a strong wind, containing the power of destruction. The player Ximen was so frightened that he immediately fell down and shouted: "Xiong Da, help!"

The appearance was so full of momentum that Murong Xue shook her head. This man was very brave, but he also knelt very neatly.

At this time, Murong Xue and others did not panic anymore.

While the player Ximen was lying down, the leader of the Lieyang Pavilion focused his eyes and saw a strange beast appearing in the same position. The master of the Lieyang Pavilion was not afraid at this moment: "Come back and die!"

His palm was as windy as a mountain, and he faced the strange beast.

There was a loud noise, and the entire courtyard was shaken.

However, the face of the Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion changed drastically. After holding hands with the strange beast, he stepped back more than ten steps before regaining his balance. The trembling hand subconsciously retracted. Dingqing looked at the foreign object and couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "What kind of monster is this? It's so weak in size but so powerful?"


Xiong Da stretched out his bear paws, and his two thick bear legs jumped up and down like a human, like a boxer, provoking the master of Lieyang Pavilion.

Xiong Da is now a little larger than ordinary people and has a strong body. His movements when standing are almost the same as those of humans.

The master of Lieyang Pavilion looked at this strange beast with black and white fur, and couldn't remember what kind it was for a while.

But Xiong Da's provocation made him feel even more shameless and humiliated.

"Damn it, isn't this a national treasure?" Someone in the crowd opposite whispered: "Is there a Kung Fu Panda here too? Isn't it too impressive?"

After all, those round dark circles are so eye-catching, and his gaze is even more cunning and clever.

Although he was simply wearing a cloak, his aura was still fierce and mysterious!
There is no shortage of players in the crowd on the opposite side. After all, they all know that joining the forces is the best way to mix. However, they are also standing at the back and watching. There is no need for them to play now anyway, so of course they will not put themselves in danger.

At this time, another great master also said in shock: "Master Lieyang Pavilion, this monster is a strange beast among monsters. The iron-eating beast is a rare thing!"

"It turns out to be the legendary iron-eating beast."

In an instant, the eyes of the master of Lieyang Pavilion turned from angry to bright. The way he looked at Xiong Da suddenly changed, as if he was looking at prey.

Completely forgetting the scene of being repelled just now!

However, he felt that he had been careless just now. It was just an iron-eating beast. How could it have the strength of a great master?
At this moment, there are several other Grand Master warriors who are also ready to move, but the master of Lieyang Pavilion warned: "Everyone, this is my prey. When I capture this beast, you can share the Red Flame Fruit as you like!"

"The Master of Lieyang Pavilion is still grand!"

When the other great masters heard this, they had no intention of taking action again. After all, he had said so, so just follow him!
Xiong Da felt that he had been underestimated and could not help but wave his fists, as if to say, come here?

The master of the Lieyang Pavilion snorted coldly, and was already carried away by the preciousness of the iron-eating beast: "A mere iron-eating beast dares to be rampant, I will let you know what true strength is!"

Apart from being a rare and exotic beast, the original iron-eating beast did not have any great strength.

Generally speaking, monsters are more powerful the bigger they are, so when they saw that Xiong Da was as big as an ordinary person, they naturally looked down upon him.

In addition, although Xiong Da looks quite mysterious, he still looks quite cute, and it is easy for people to despise him!

After the Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion finished speaking, he launched another attack. This time, his palm wind was even more violent, as if he wanted to tear the entire courtyard apart.

The strong wind of this palm was as fierce as the sun, almost shaking the entire courtyard, and other intact buildings seemed to collapse.

At this moment, he looked at Xiong Da with eyes like a dead thing. He had been frightened before. The master of Lieyang Pavilion said with disdain: "That's all!"

But the next moment, his expression changed!
I saw the iron-eating beast, without dodging or avoiding, directly punched him.

The two forces collided and made a loud noise.

The entire courtyard was shaking even more violently at this moment, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

The face of the Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion changed drastically, and his eyes were full of horror: "This is impossible..."

At this time, Xiong Da roared, his power erupted, and he punched the master of Lieyang Pavilion away, spitting out blood...


"how can that be?"

When the others saw this, they became even more frightened.The iron-eating beast in front of me is so powerful. The master of Lieyang Pavilion is a martial arts expert in the late stage of Grand Master, but he was crushed by the opponent with pure strength?
"not good!"

The Pavilion Master of Lieyang Pavilion, who flew out, suddenly panicked and broke into a cold sweat: "It is not an ordinary iron-eating beast. Let's subdue it together."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Xiong Da had already arrived, so fast that no one else could react.


The Master of Lieyang Pavilion is so regretful now that his intestines are green. If he had known this, even if he was given a hundred Red Flame Fruits, he would not mess with this beast!
The master of Lieyang Pavilion screamed, his eyes cracked, and at that moment, a bear paw as big as a sandbag directly hit his head, and the scene was silent for a while!
Then, Xiong Da also patted his paw, as if to say, what kind of rubbish is that?
"You beast, how dare you be so arrogant!"

At the same time, a great master warrior next to him shouted loudly, "Everyone, why don't you kill the beast together?"

Several other great masters also reacted and shouted angrily: "Beasts, please accept your fate!"

Several great masters surrounded him, and every time they attacked, there were strong fluctuations.

More than a dozen powerful men at the Grand Master level were taking action together at this moment, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

But Xiong Da was not afraid. He waved his bear paw and faced everyone.

Bang bang bang!
In a matter of moments, the entire courtyard suffered.

Those buildings did not collapse, but they were mostly photographed as being severely damaged and looked crumbling.

If it was just Xiong Da alone, he would naturally not be able to stop the siege of so many great masters, but at this moment, Liu Suifeng also stepped forward to suppress the formation.

Although his fighting skills are not good, he can have a considerable impact on several great masters just by relying on the subtlety of his body skills.

The scene looked like Xiong Da and others had fallen down, but at this moment, another voice came: "Miss, don't panic, wait for me, the number one knight in the Central Plains, Huamanlou, to come for reinforcements!"

"Give it to me!"

The player "Huamanlou" waved his hand, and it looked smooth when he came out, but it was just a command, and he retreated.

"not good!"

Seeing this, those grand masters secretly thought something was wrong. There were a lot of people coming this time. There were four grand master warriors alone, and there were also a number of innate masters to protect them.

At this moment, they knew that they had kicked an iron plate, but what made them even more dizzy was that among the people on the other side, there was a group of people moving a large pot of fiery red fruit trees, which were covered with red flame fruits.

They wanted to shout angrily, but they had no chance to speak. Their originally overwhelming situation was quickly suppressed.

Moreover, when the opponent comes, these Grand Master warriors are very powerful, and one can defeat two of them without any problem.

At this time, they all regretted it. If they had dealt with the previous people earlier, maybe the current scene would not have happened?
At the same time, I suddenly remembered that I had heard that this place belonged to a certain big family before, but because it was remote and useless, no one wanted to occupy it.

They are filled with resentment and unspeakable suffering. Even the Red Flame Fruit Tree was robbed, which is even more infuriating, but now they want to escape from this place even more...

By chance, Murong Xue saw that they had brought back a fruit tree full of red flame fruits, and she couldn't help but said, "Where did you get this tree?"

She feels relaxed now, and the time she delayed before was just right!
The player "Huamanlou" smiled slightly, took out a fan from somewhere, and said in a cool way: "Oh, this is not a coincidence. We saw this tree falling to the ground on the way back. Look. It looked very good-looking, so I brought it back, and I don’t know who dropped it.”

"What a careless thing!"

The voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Lu Yiling couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile after hearing this sinister tone.

Murong Xue also shook her head. She really just thought it was strange to ask, but she didn't expect that this guy would even say yin and yang to each other.

What is this called?


The other party was really angry. They obviously liked this tree, so why...

After a few minutes……

Eight of the dozen or so Grandmaster warriors were left behind, five of whom were beaten to death by Xiong Da. The scene was simply terrifying!
Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it, this strange beast was worthy of being the emperor's pet.

The people who came to help later were naturally the subordinates of the Murong family here.

Although the Murong family is a family force, it is more like a family business. Although its influence is only in the Changsheng Domain, it also has its own industries in other places.

The Tianhe Divine Territory was originally the area that Murong Longcheng managed when he was in Heaven. Even if he did not establish his own power here in the end, it was impossible for the power he had previously managed to give up.

The geographical location of Xuanhe is so advantageous, so naturally the Murong family also has subordinate forces operating here.

The house here belongs to the Murong family.

However, the scene was in a mess due to the sudden fighting, and it would be impossible to stay there.

(End of this chapter)

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