In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 119 Do you want the baby delivered to your door?

Chapter 119 Do you want the baby delivered to your door?

There are twelve large teleportation arrays in the heaven, and one can provide teleportation for thousands of people.

Of course, it is currently closed and cannot be turned on. If it is turned on for a long time, it will consume a lot of resources.

There are also 49 medium-sized teleportation arrays and 81 small-sized teleportation arrays, but only a few are in operation at any time.

If these teleportation arrays have corresponding coordinates, they can even be teleported to all six regions.

But the premise is that there is a transfer hub for the teleportation array on both sides.

If one side could teleport at will, it would be an arbitrary door.

For example, there are teleportation arrays connecting the four main cities of the Tianhe Divine Realm to Heaven. I don't know if they are still there. However, when the teleportation array on the Heavenly side is closed, it cannot be teleported unilaterally.

There is also a hidden teleportation array that they don't know about.

Only after Lu Yuan's Taoist knight opened a hidden teleportation array and came in last time did they know that there was a hidden teleportation array in the heaven that they didn't know about.

At this moment, Murong Longcheng and others chose to enter the universal teleportation array.

As soon as they were teleported in, several Venerables from all directions who were still in the heaven sensed the movement.

Outside the formal teleportation gate is a building that looks like a building. It looks like you are walking out of the door, with that natural feeling!
Outside the door is a straight white road with rolling clouds and mist, making people feel as if they are floating in the sky.

Although it is.

The sky is a sea of ​​clouds, the wind and scenery are bright. No matter how many times he sees it, Xu Yan still feels that there is no place in the world that is more beautiful than the scenery in heaven.

When Xu Yan first stepped onto the road to heaven, he said with emotion: "It's been so long, but this is the only place in the world that is still intact, and it still feels so unattainable."

"My feeling is similar to that of Lao Xu. I really can't imagine how this place was formed!" Not only Xu Yan felt this way, Zuo Chengjun even felt that the emergence of Heavenly Court had exceeded his imagination: "I don't know how Master Mo Li and What kind of magical magic did Master Jiuqu cast? There are such miracles in the world. It seems to be nothing more than miraculous workmanship."

After all, this method is really beyond the scope of a warrior.

If you ask them to overturn mountains and seas for you, that would be child's play, but they don't have the ability to do this kind of trick.

While several people were talking, not far away, Venerable Xuanyuan and Venerable Donglai came in a hurry, their figures as if they were riding in the mist, as elegant as the wind.

Coming all the way, Wen Donglai was surprised and said: "Hey, I asked which friend came, but I didn't expect that it was the Dharma Protector General who came!"

"This is really big news. What brought you here?"

They were all a little surprised that no one like Murong Longcheng had come back in decades.

In recent times, only a few people have come and gone from Heaven. It used to be very quiet here, but these old guys live comfortably in Heaven. Sometimes they stay in seclusion for several years.

If you can't bear the loneliness, go down and experience ordinary life. It can be said that life is very comfortable.

Murong Longcheng saw that the two of them didn't look old-fashioned at all, and couldn't help but joked: "It seems that the two venerables are living a very nourishing life here."

"I wonder how many people are still here in Heaven?"

We are all acquaintances, so there is no need to be polite.

Wen Donglai noticed the situation behind them and sighed: "There are not many people left. Apart from the two of us, there are also Tianxin, Lingze and Fulu here."

As he said that, he looked at the situation behind Murong Longcheng and said doubtfully, "I wonder what you are doing?"

There are two people lying down, and two strange beasts. This combination is a bit strange, but you can tell at a glance that they are here to seek help.

At this moment, Wen Donglai suddenly remembered, clapped his arm, and said embarrassedly: "I almost forgot, Wuya Shengjun also came back some time ago, but he said that he had some understanding, and he is still in retreat in his palace. Woolen cloth."

"Huh?" Murong Longcheng was also surprised, "He is here too?"

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are rolling, the waves are washing over the sand; the distance is thousands of miles away, there are so many people, and the sea and sky are so vast that I walk alone!"

At this moment, there was no need for Wen Dong to answer, just by listening to the sudden and arrogant remarks, you knew who it was.

On the horizon, a strong energy came from the sea of ​​clouds, and the sound of breaking through the sky was ear-piercing.

Murong Longcheng couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this. The man was still the same, but he wasn't angry either. He waved his hand and counteracted it with a powerful force of true energy.

At this time, Xuanque's voice came: "It seems that you have also touched that realm, take another move from me!"

Murong Longcheng was not allowed to say anything more at this time, because Xuanque was serious at this moment.

In the distance, a powerful force was rising, which was obviously Xuan Que's aura.

Have a fight first when meeting, this is always his main theme!
Murong Longcheng also knew the other person's character, so he turned around and said, "I'll go through two moves with him first, and you guys can talk first!"

Then the figure flashed and was already in the sky a thousand meters away. When everyone blinked again, Murong Longcheng's figure had disappeared.

But they could still feel two powerful forces colliding from somewhere.

Xuanyuanzi shook his head, as if he was used to their behavior: "After so many years, the two of them are still like that!"

Wen Donglai exclaimed, "It seems they have reached a higher realm?"

At this time, Venerable Tianxin and Venerable Lingze also arrived belatedly. They happened to see Murong Longcheng's leaving figure. Before they knew what was going on, two powerful forces clashed over there.

Immediately after they seemed to understand, the two looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards Wen Donglai. Just as he was about to say hello, Lord Tianxin saw a familiar figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, with long hair hanging down and his head lowered. The head cannot be seen clearly.

For some reason, Venerable Tianxin stopped, hesitated and shouted: "Ziyuan?"

Then he felt that he was too sensitive. Maybe he didn't rescue Qi Ziyuan in time when he knew that Qi Ziyuan had an accident on Oracle Island.

At that time, they wanted to contact a few old friends to act together, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. It was not long before they heard about the destruction of Oracle Island.

Then there was no news about Qi Ziyuan.

He didn't tell the Qi brothers and sisters about this matter. Although there were rumors of Emperor Zun's appearance later, if this was the case, they could still feel at ease. At least they knew that Emperor Zun would not sit idly by and ignore Qi Ziyuan's affairs.

In the end, he could only hope that Emperor Zun was taking action.

However, no news was heard from Qi Ziyuan in the following period, and the news about Emperor Zun's appearance gradually seemed unreal.

Although I don't want to believe it in my heart, maybe Qi Ziyuan is indeed no longer in this world.

Venerable Tianxin was about to say that he had admitted his mistake, but then Murong Yunfei came out and hugged his hands and said: "Dear Venerables, this trip is in a hurry, but it makes Holy Lord Guiyou suffer a lot on the way!"

"Is it really Ziyuan?" Venerable Tianxin trembled and stepped in front of Qi Ziyuan. His expression was surprised, but soon turned into doubt: "Is he this?"

Murong Yunfei sighed and said, "It's a long story."

Then, Murong Yunfei briefly explained the matter.

So, 10 minutes passed.

All the venerables had different expressions, and the venerable Tianxin also exclaimed: "I didn't expect so many things to happen!"

These things seemed far away from them, yet very close at the same time!

"The two saints won't really get into a fight, right?"

At the same time, two terrifying forces in the distance shocked everyone. Xu Yan looked at the horizon and saw that the clouds were changing color and became dark, and he couldn't help but said in a voice.

"Probably not!"

Even several sages hesitated.

Not long after, an aurora lit up on the horizon, dispersing the gray weather on the horizon, revealing the boundless sea of ​​clouds again.

Then I heard Xuanque laughing loudly: "I didn't expect you, old boy, to be as tough as ever. I really can't help you. But when I break through first, I will defeat you!" Who can call Murong Longcheng like that? , he is the only one.

Murong Longcheng shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "I'm afraid this will disappoint you!"

At this time, everyone saw the two figures appearing side by side. They didn't look like they were having a big fight, but rather like a pair of old friends who had gone out to collect stories together.

Xuanque looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Is it because you think you can't break through?"

Xuan Que smiled confidently and said, "Then it seems that I will definitely win."

Murong Longcheng shook his head, "We have only touched this realm. Do you know that someone has already understood this realm before you and me?"

"Who?" Xuan Que was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and laughed happily and said, "Could it be this kid Lu Yuan? I've seen a long time ago that he must have saved one hand, no, there should be more than one."



It turned out not to be the case, and then Xuanque followed Murong Longcheng's gaze and saw a familiar figure sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Hey, isn't this a hot-blooded young man?"

Xuanque recognized Qi Ziyuan at a glance, that's what he called him before.

"Wait, are you talking about this kid?"

Finally, Xuanque realized what Murong Longcheng said.

Immediately afterwards, he made a sound of surprise again: "Hey, this kid?"


Another explanation, and a few minutes passed.

At this time, everyone came to a side hall of the heaven.

They already knew the purpose of Murong Longcheng and others' coming, but Xuanque didn't think it mattered, since he wasn't around to maintain the Creation Spirit Pond anyway!

Now he just wants to study how to break through quickly. If Qi Ziyuan, a junior, breaks through first, he will no longer be able to pretend to be old.

He doesn't have to pretend in front of Emperor Zun, but if he doesn't pretend in front of other people, he will feel uncomfortable╯﹏╰
Lu Yuan felt at the beginning that this old thing just needed to be dealt with.

Of course, no one can tell anyone about this.

Xuanque likes to pretend on the surface, but the key is that he has been pretending for hundreds of years, and everyone in the world is used to it!
Of course, those who should be shocked should still be shocked.

Now that the three saints are present, although there is one lying down, it is not difficult to open the creation spirit pool.

Besides, Big Fatty and Little Fatty are still Big Bears. After all, Big Bears were once the favorites of Heaven.

There is still face.

And judging from the exchanges between the two saints, they have clearly understood that Emperor Zun is indeed still in the world.

However, they can't produce much of the resources to open the Creation Spirit Pool, and the landlord's family has no surplus food!

Murong Longcheng was already prepared for this.

The Creation Spiritual Pond is located in the north of the Heavenly Court. Murong Longcheng and the others, along with two Venerables from Shifang, came here with Big Fatty, Little Fatty and Wang Xinghao.

On the other side, Venerable Tianxin also took Qi Ziyuan and sent him back to his palace.

The Six Saints of Heaven all have their own palaces in Heaven, and they are extremely luxurious and spectacular!

It was much more gorgeous than their palace in the Six Realms.

At this moment, Venerable Tianxin felt relieved, but the only regret was that from what Murong Yunfei and the others said, they knew that the Qi Lin'an brothers had just passed by their father and had not been able to meet them.

But with Qi Ziyuan in this state, even if they meet, it won't be very good.

And he could see that Qi Ziyuan was also facing a life and death situation at this moment, and he didn't know when he would be able to wake up.



Time flies by.

One morning, the morning dew and sun set outside Qinglong City.

After a few days of rest in Qinglong City, Murong Xue and others decided to enter the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss again to find the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling.

In the past two days, Ye Muli's health has become much more serious again. Even with the good elixir refined by Lu Yiling, it doesn't have much effect.

At this point, they couldn't wait any longer.

So Murong Xue decided to venture into the forbidden area of ​​the Eternal Abyss to find Fairy Xi Ling.

On the road not far from the Xuanhe Mountains, an ordinary-looking chariot was moving forward at a constant speed of 25 hours.

Outside the car are two players [Ximen Chuixue] and [Huamanlou], with no other followers around.

Obviously, the people in the car were Murong Xue and the others.

Because of Ye Muli's health, she could hardly walk by herself, and she couldn't find a flying beast to travel for a while, so she could only use ordinary ways to travel.

The speed is a bit slow, but it is better than stability.

Moreover, the cart was pulled by a tamed monster, with strong endurance and obedience.

The player [Ximen Chuixue] is playing with his sword. Anyway, since he uses this name, he must have a strong character. Otherwise, if he is not as famous as others in the future, then the name will belong to others.

You can't call the captain back again in the future, right?
[Huamanlou] was sitting in the car on the right, bored and whispered: "This road is really quiet, there is no fun at all."

However, Ximen didn’t think there was anything wrong with this: “It’s better to be calm. It would be better if we could enter that forbidden area all the way like this.”

"No, listen to what this sound is?"

At this moment, [Huamanlou] jumped off the ground and heard what sound came from the ground?
"Well, I feel like I don't have to listen anymore."


At the same time, Ximen stopped the monster and muttered: "On the eve of calm is a storm, the ancients will not deceive me!"

"Why did you stop?"

At this time, Murong Xue's voice came from the car.

Then the car door opened, revealing Murong Xue's delicate face. She murmured: "You two are not asleep, are you?"

Ximen shrugged and said, "I'm not asleep when I'm asleep, but a treasure fell from the sky!"

Murong Xue was confused: "What?"

"Miss, do we want this treasure delivered to our door?"

At the same time, Huamanlou pointed to a delicate fragment that appeared on the ground and said.

(End of this chapter)

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