In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 120 I finally understand how the local strong men feel.

Chapter 120 I finally understand how the local strong men feel.

The prismatic fragment in front of me exudes a pure aura, and any warrior can tell that this thing is a treasure.

The same is true.

This prismatic piece feels very gentle in the hand, and the corners are not sharp enough to hurt your hands.

The most important thing was that Murong Xue could feel that the moment she picked up the fragment, the innate true essence in her body began to circulate involuntarily.

After a warrior reaches the mortal realm, the vitality of heaven and earth in his body is already in an endless state, and the mortal realm and the innate master realm are another watershed.

The power of the Xiantian True Yuan is not comparable to that of ordinary True Yuan, and after breaking through to the Xiantian Grandmaster, the Xiantian True Yuan can not only continue to grow, but can also operate on its own.

It is equivalent to being able to practice cultivation automatically, being able to automatically condense the quality of the innate true essence!
But now that she was holding this exquisite prismatic fragment in her hand, she felt that her innate true energy was condensing about two or three times faster than normal.

I don’t know if it has such a great effect on warriors above the Xiantian Grand Master, but even so, it can be concluded that this object is a treasure.

Of course, the appearance of general treasures will be accompanied by a bloody storm.

When Murong Xue took the fragment in her hand, before she had time to feel it, she heard Ximen holding his sword and whispering: "Here it comes!"

At the same time, Murong Xue focused her eyes and looked towards the path ahead. A breeze blew in the forest, as if it was coming with a chilling air.

The branches and leaves fell, a few cranes chirped, and a gray shadow appeared in the forest, quickly passing through the woods.

After a few clicks, a group of warriors armed with weapons and carrying a murderous aura jumped out.

About a dozen people.

They didn't seem to be accomplices, they were all on their own guard, but when they saw the prismatic fragment in Murong Xue's hand, they all showed a look of greed on their faces.

At the same time, the leader, a man in gray, had a scar on his face that was obviously ferocious, and he looked a bit old-fashioned.

He was holding a broad knife with a cold light in his eyes. Looking at the prismatic fragment in Murong Xue's hand, a greedy expression flashed across his face, and then he said coldly: "Hand it over and I will spare your lives! "

Murong Xue didn't need to speak. Ximen, who was holding a sword next to him, jumped down, laughed, looked sideways at the other party with disdain, and said, "Oh, spare our lives, just you? What a loud tone! "

Murong Xue did not speak, but leaned in front of the car, quietly watching how Ximen planned to show off!

Almost all of these people are warriors in the Mortal Realm. I don’t know if they are blind or if they are skilled and brave. She, an innate master, is standing here. Killing them is completely casual. I don’t know how they dare?

Do you want to take advantage of the large number of people to bully the small people?Then these people are not enough. There are not even a hundred people, and they must cooperate well, otherwise they will not be able to defeat them.

At the same time, Lu Yiling also stuck her head out of the car and whispered: "What's wrong?"


The leader, the man in gray, stabbed the ground with a broad knife in his hand. He was obviously angered by Ximen's actions. He actually dared to look down on him. He couldn't help but said coldly: "Looking for death, a mere follower dares to be so arrogant. I, Xu Hu, will kill me with my sword." Don’t kill the unknown person, say your name!”

Ximen took a step forward and said: "The name is not important, but listen carefully, you, the one who will kill you is Shilipo Swordsman Ximen——"

Before he finished speaking, Ximen Chuixue swung the long sword in his hand, and there was a buzzing sound, and a crisp trembling sound came from the sword blade.

At the same time, Ximen Chuixue's figure flashed, a sound broke through the air, and he instantly appeared in front of the man in gray.

The man in gray also reacted quickly. He leaned back and swept forward with the broad knife in his hand.

But Ximen's sword was so fast that it reached the top of the man in gray in the blink of an eye.

Cut down with a sword!
A bloody arrow shot out. The man in gray eyes widened and looked at the oncoming Ximen Chuixue, his mind stopped at this moment.


Half of his neck flew out, and blood sprayed out. Ximen Chuixue turned around smoothly, and with a click, the long sword was sheathed, leaving his name at the same time: "——Chui Xue!"

At this moment, what is blowing is not snow, but blood!

The wind seemed to have stopped swaying.

Hua Manlou secretly beat her chest, but she actually let Ximen pretend to be the first one.

The other people frowned slightly, but they didn't expect that a coachman who seemed to be following him could have such strength.

Although Xu Hu looks old, he is only 27 years old. His strength in the middle stage of transformation is pretty good.

Among these people, they were among the best. Unexpectedly, they were killed by this person in a matter of seconds.

They originally wanted to take action, but they started looking at each other, as if they wanted the other party to take action.

One person whispered: "Let's take action together, and we will fight for the treasure later based on our abilities!"


These people who were originally wary of each other immediately became enemies of the same enemy.

Hua Manlou also saw the opportunity and quickly jumped out and said to Murong Xue: "Miss, just let us stop them."

Murong Xue said nothing, as if she acquiesced.

Hua Manlou is also in high spirits, moving her long sleeves in her hands, full of energy!

Ximen Chuixue swung the long sword in his hand again, and the sound of the sword made a crisp trembling sound.

The sword energy is cold and frost is attacking!
A snort passed through the throat of one of the warriors.

The warrior's eyes widened, he covered his neck and fell to the ground. He kept covering his neck, but he couldn't stop the blood from spurting out.

Kill one person with one sword!
Hua Manlou, who had not yet made a move, shouted: "Damn it, Chuixue, you don't follow martial ethics and you attacked me secretly!"

At this time, a breeze blew through the woods, and a crow flew out from the grass.

Hua Manlou had a fierce look in his eyes and waved his long sleeves. Before the crow could fly high into the sky, it was strangled by a burst of energy and fell to the ground with a snap.

Only then did the other warriors realize that these two followers were not simple things.There are 15 of them in total. Although their strength varies, two of them are in the late stages of Mortal Transformation.

Unexpectedly, Ximen Chuixue was so fast that he instantly killed those who were close to him.

However, they did not retreat, they were still ready to move!

One of them even felt that he had seen through everything and said loudly: "Several people stopped these two people. The entourage following them is so powerful. I think the person in the car must be a young lady with low strength!"

"Capture them, and these two will be captured without a fight!"

With a cry, eight warriors in the middle stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm attacked the two of them and pounced straight towards them.

The eight people immediately surrounded the two. They probably knew how powerful the two were. The aura on their bodies surged like a tsunami. It was obvious that they had already maximized their true energy.

I want to overwhelm these two people with momentum.

Ximen Chuixue's eyes were no longer so sharp, mainly because he had carefully created the momentum just now, but just after killing two people, his momentum dropped.

However, seeing these people besieging them with all kinds of weapons, he remained calm in the face of danger and his swordsmanship was superb.

A sword energy flew out from his body. Before the hammer warrior could make a move, he felt a chill in his chest and looked down.

With a sneer, the tip of a sword emerged from his chest.

His face was filled with disbelief, and he felt an uncontrollable surge of hot blood from his chest.

At the same time, the time around me seemed to slow down at this moment.

However, he only killed one person, and another warrior came up to him. Ximen Chuixue barely managed to parry, as the opponent's realm was a little higher than his.

While they were evenly matched here and fighting hard, several other warriors thought that the people in the car were of low strength, so they went straight to the car without thinking.

They felt that as long as they captured Murong Xue and the others, the matter would be won.

But at this moment, they saw that the two beautiful women in the car were not frightened. Instead, they were talking and laughing. They seemed not to care about their attacks.

"Not good!" After just a moment, several people secretly said something was wrong.

In this situation, you can tell at a glance that they have guessed wrong. Being able to face danger without changing their composure shows that the other party believes in their own strength!


The four of them were about to turn around and run away when they saw a flash of sword light in front of Murong Xue, and then in the blink of an eye Murong Xue appeared behind them!
It’s still that weird body and sword move!

Before they knew what was going on, they felt a chill on their backs and a little pain?

When a muffled sound was heard, several warriors fell face down with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

One sword brings four blood!

In addition, those warriors who attacked Ximen and Huamanlou were even more shocked.

A warrior shouted: "Don't kill me, I am a disciple of the Demon Subduing Sect."

"I am a disciple of the Sun Moon Sect, and my master is a late-stage Xiantian Grandmaster warrior. You cannot kill me..."

When they panicked, Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou found the opportunity.

Within 10 minutes, several wild beasts appeared on the road, eating corpses on the ground.

After a while, in addition to some dried blood stains on the road, some birds flew through the forest from time to time. It felt like there was a bit of a smell here and they were flying very fast.

Scenes like this are not uncommon in the world.

You can't ask your opponent to take care of your funeral after every fight, right?
How can there be such a good thing!
Not crushing them to ashes is already considered a moral act.

As the saying goes, anyone who wants to kill someone will always be killed!

The cart continued to move forward, and the two players sitting outside the cart were in a very excited mood at the moment.

This is not the first time they have killed people in the game. They have already adapted to it, but this is the first time they have killed so much.

At this moment, they could feel the feeling of those powerful NPCs facing these weak warriors. It was really refreshing to fight.

Ximen Chuixue had a smile on his face: "I used to watch those masters defeat a group of warriors, but now I can experience this feeling."

Hua Manlou said a little depressed: "B asked you to finish pretending, it's my turn next time!"

"But the swordsmanship you practice is really a bit like Ximen Chuixue."

"You're not bad either. You even found a move similar to long sleeves. If you were really blind, you would probably be a real flower!"

"Go, I don't want to be blind!" Hua Manlou waved his hand, don't let the problem of roles escalate to himself.

You must know that if you are really blind in the game, it is generally irreversible.

If you are blind, you are really blind.

The two boasted to each other, and the journey was no longer lonely.

The two of them went through a lot of tests after becoming the guards of the Murong family, and they also thought a lot when choosing martial arts.

Although they do not have awakening talent entries, their martial arts qualifications are still high.

Moreover, as soon as he became a guard, he could learn the first-class skills in the world. Compared to some second- and third-rate forces, at least these are skills that only true disciples can have access to!

 All right

(End of this chapter)

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