In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 121 Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure

Chapter 121 Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure
Don't think that those forces in the arena will give you good martial arts skills as soon as you enter.

It is true that inferior skills are everywhere on the street, and third-rate skills can be traded everywhere, but second-rate and above skills are rare.

Just compare items. The second-rate skills are at least equivalent to the quality of fifth grade, and the first-rate skills are at least about seventh to eighth grade. There is no way to compare the top-level skills.

For example, Murong Longcheng's unique Nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong is also the top skill in martial arts. It is both internal and external and is very powerful.

In comparison, how many people in the world dare to say that their skills are better than Murong Longcheng's?
But they will not deny that their skills are top-notch.

For example, the six major forces...


Now that they have access to first-class skills, they can say that they made the right choice.

So in order to fit their name, they even chose similar moves.

Player Ximen Chuixue’s swordsmanship is called Frostfall·Juehan.

Swordsmanship with ice attributes.

The difference between first-rate skills and second-rate skills lies in attributes.

The attributes attached to the first-class skills increase the power and damage of the true energy to a certain extent!
The moves Hua Manlou learned were designed to fit the image of her character. Although they were not outstanding, they had miraculous effects!
And it’s also a top-notch move!

Ximen Chuixue's previous strength was worse than Hua Manlou's, but almost half a year later, in terms of combat power, he has surpassed Hua Manlou.

Both of them are in the middle stage of Mortal Transformation Realm, and their breakthrough speed is not very fast, but they are worthy of their martial arts qualifications.

Moreover, after they took the Red Flame Pill prepared by Lu Yiling the day before yesterday, they felt like they had a breakthrough recently.

According to the current rankings ranked by the players themselves, they can at least be ranked in the top [-] combat power rankings!
After nearly half a year of development, the number of game players now exceeds [-] million people online at the same time.

In today's games, that is absolutely unique.

And this does not include those who are not online. Now there are as many as [-] billion gamers in the Chinese server area alone.

There are now several million people living in other areas.

Calculating time, almost a year has passed since the game was launched in the Six Domains.

A year is not long, but there are still many players who are extremely talented or lucky, and now their strength is gradually increasing.

The two were chatting outside the car, and Hua Manlou suddenly said: "I see that your combat power is not low now. You can outrun enemies and kill people. If you put it on the player's combat power list, you will probably be shortlisted." Top [-]."

Ximen Chuixue waved his hand and said modestly: "Just so so, this is mainly due to Miss Ye's guidance."

Hua Manlou smiled secretly and said quietly: "Isn't it because of the contribution of the eldest lady?"

Ximen Chuixue glared at him and said loudly: "How is it possible? The eldest lady is as revered as a god in my heart..."

"Cough cough!"

In the car, an unknown heroine coughed lightly, with a hint of coolness in her voice.

The two people outside immediately looked at the horizon and said casually, "Hey, the weather is really nice and the scenery is really nice."

"Yeah yeah!"

"The sun feels cool on my body. It's so comfortable."

The two changed the subject.

But Ximen Chuixue was right. During this period, he consulted Ye Muli a lot about swordsmanship, so he made rapid progress.

But what shocked him was that Murong Xue, like him, asked Ye Muli for advice on swordsmanship.

It's just that the opponent's understanding of swordsmanship is much better than his.

At first, the two of them could feed each other moves, but not long after that, he couldn't keep up with Murong Xue's progress.

He was completely left behind.

In the end, he could only sigh, he is indeed the chosen one, he cannot be compared!


At the same time, in the car,
Although the outside of the car is unremarkable, the inside of the car has been remodeled and looks streamlined and comfortable.

The space inside the car is quite large, and there are only three people inside, Murong Xue, Lu Yiling and Ye Muli.

Lu Yiling and Murong Xue were sitting on both sides of the car. Lying in the middle was Ye Muli, covered with a red blanket, covering her exquisite body.

She is now in a coma and will only wake up in 10 minutes an hour.

At this time, Lu Yiling took over the prismatic fragment that Murong Xue had been looking at for a long time.

As an anime lover, she noticed early on that this thing looked familiar. Of course, it just felt familiar.

Once you get started, it is indeed very delicate.


Murong Xue noticed that Lu Yiling looked shocked after taking the fragment.

She thought she was frightened by the sudden movement of her true energy, so she couldn't help but explain: "Don't panic, this is just normal..."

Lu Yiling woke up with a start, and before Murong Xue finished speaking, she said in surprise: "Sister Xue'er, this thing seems to be called a fragment of heaven, and it is a spiritual treasure between heaven and earth."

"Maybe it can help Xiaolizi's injury!"


The last thing Lu Yiling said was what moved Murong Xue.

Lu Yiling explained: "Although I don't know it clearly, I got its information when I came into contact with it."

[Name: Fragments of Heavenly Dao
Quality: Heaven and Earth Spiritual Treasure Description: The fragments contain endless blessings (even edible, with immeasurable surprises). 】

Lu Yiling told Murong Xue about the situation of this thing. In fact, there was another change in her personal information.

Her personal attributes panel:
[Personal attributes:
Role: Mi Xiao Mi

Realm: the early stage of the mortal realm
Secret Skill: Plant Essence Melting Furnace Method
Talent entry: Medicine Immortal
Mission: Harmony between Heaven and Earth

Description: The spiritual treasure between heaven and earth, the Heavenly Dao Jade, was broken for some reason, forming fragments of Heavenly Dao scattered in the world. Beast creatures accidentally ate it and went crazy. They will soon visit various places in the world. Please kill them and take back the Heavenly Dao fragments.

Reward: Every time you recapture an unused fragment of Heavenly Dao, you can improve your cultivation level and martial arts qualifications after delivery, and get nine-grade or above treasure rewards ten times. 】

Murong Xue didn't know that Lu Yiling was watching the mission that suddenly appeared. When she heard that it might be useful to Xiaolizi, she was immediately surprised: "What, what should we do?"

At this time, Lu Yiling also came to her senses. She thought for a moment and realized that the instructions said it was edible, but it didn't mean it couldn't be eaten.

But there may be surprises.

She explained to Murong Xue, and after a while, Murong Xue showed hesitation on her face.

At this time, Lu Yiling had not thought of taking this piece of Heavenly Dao as her own, and was also thinking about what other uses it could have.

"Even the rewards are so rich, even if you don't eat them, maybe they still have other effects?" Lu Yiling muttered.

Judging from the description of the mission, if these monsters eat this thing, they will go crazy. However, the rewards of the mission are also very rich, and now when you hold it in your hand, you can feel that the cultivation speed is doubled. She feels that even if she does not eat it, , there must be other effects.

Lu Yiling's eyes lit up at this moment and she said, "Try putting it on Xiaolizi and see. Maybe it has other effects. After all, it sounds very powerful as described?"

"Why didn't I think of this?"

Murong Xue clapped her white palms and said quickly: "Quickly try it!"

She just paid attention to Lu Yiling's words about eating with caution, and for a moment she was a bit over the top.

After the fragment of Heavenly Dao was placed on Ye Muli's hand, her snow-white fingers moved.

The two looked at each other and said happily, "It works!"

One minute later, Ye Muli woke up.

Lu Yiling checked the other person's physical condition and found that he was obviously much better, but still the same as before.

Murong Xue said a little disappointedly: "Do you really want to eat it?"

At this time, she remembered the situation of Big Fat and Little Fatty, and she looked surprised: "Wait a minute, is this the glass shard that Big Fat and Little Fatty mentioned after eating it by mistake?"

Ye Muli has sat up at this moment. Although she looks weak, her complexion is indeed much better. Her delicate face is still as beautiful as a sick beauty.

She looked at the condition of the fragments and said, "It looks a bit like their description."

"So it seems like this thing really has the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

Lu Yiling thought that the fragments of Heavenly Dao that Wang Xinghao also accidentally ate had preserved their true spirit and soul, but their physical body could not absorb the energy, so they did not wake up.

Ye Muli shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be that simple, but now I feel like I won't be in a coma again."

"That's good……"


Twilight time!

The setting sun spreads across the endless green forest, presenting a golden beauty.

At this time, Murong Xue opened the car door. The two people in the car were startled and asked quickly: "What's wrong, Miss?"

Murong Xue looked coldly, looking at the dark forest in the distance, and said, "There seems to be movement over there?"


At this time, the branches and leaves in the dark forest were surging.

"Is it a beast?"

Ximen Chuixue held the sword and became alert.

"Want to stop?"

Hua Manlou asked.

At this time, the chariot was still moving forward at a constant speed. There was always a road to the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss. It was not that there was no way to get in.

It's just dangerous on the road.

Suddenly, two figures suddenly emerged from the dark forest, causing the chariot to stop.

When the two people were running in front of the chariot, a long sword was suddenly inserted in front of them with a click, forcing them to stop.

Murong Xue's eyes narrowed and she looked into the dim woods. The long sword appeared in her hand.

Of course she didn't do this!
The two people who were forced to stop took half a step back. They seemed to be a man and a woman. They looked young and looked good.

The man among them protected the girl, turned around and said loudly to the forest: "You will kill if you want. How can you be a hero when you make fun of others like this?"

Murong Xue also looked there, and saw leaves swaying in the dimness, and a man wearing a blue robe slowly walked out.

The man looked quite young and looked like a decent person, but his eyes were a little gloomy. He was looking at the two people who were calling in amusement.

He playfully said to the young girl on the ground:

"Aren't you a good runner, kid? Keep running!"

"Otherwise, hand over the fragment to me, and I can consider leaving a whole body for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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