Chapter 126

"Senior sister Yiling? What are you looking for?"

Lu Yiling was looking for Lu Yuan.

Among the two beauties passing by her, the one in a black dress suddenly called her name.

Lu Yiling looked over when she heard the sound. She was a little surprised when she saw the person coming and shouted: "Senior Xu Min, what a coincidence. Have you returned to school too?"

She didn't recognize the beautiful woman in professional attire next to Xu Min.

Xu Min's snow-white slender arms hugged her best friend next to her. She had put away her obsessed face that showed a smile just now when she looked at the screen. At this moment, she looked at Lu Yiling with a smile and said, "It's a coincidence. I just came back. So Mr. Cai and I came over to hang out for a while."

"This is my friend, Miss Cai Yuxi, who is also the professional manager and logistics manager of our union!"

"Just in time for you to get to know each other first!" Xu Min changed her previous image of a nymphomaniac and became a real beauty when she became serious. Her voice was very sweet and made people feel like spring breeze: "Yuxi, Xiaoling is also a member of our union, and she is now in The strength in the game is also good, and the talent is that of a doctor."

"Hello, doctor. I have collected information in this game. It can be said that the most indispensable thing in this game is warriors. Doctors who can make elixirs are even more scarce!" Cai Yuxi said with a smile, and then stretched out her delicate hand to Lu Yiling Nodding and saying: "Hello!"

"Hello!" Lu Yiling didn't expect that the beautiful woman in front of her was actually the manager of their union. She shook hands subconsciously and then became a little belatedly aware of it.

Compared to these two mature elder sisters, she was still like a lamb just coming out of the world.

Although she joined this union on a whim, judging from Xu Min's words, she seemed to be very concerned about her.

Sure enough, Xu Min also smiled slightly and said, "That's no coincidence. I heard that Xiaoling has learned how to refine elixirs?"

"Although it is not successful every time, it is still a little bit successful." Lu Yiling did not say everything.

But even so, Cai Yuxi's eyes lit up, and she looked at Lu Yiling with obviously more attention.

No wonder Xu Min, a young lady with a high self-esteem, would greet an ordinary schoolgirl.

"Even so, this is very good." Cai Yuxi thought for a while and said: "In this way, after I go back, I will mention your level to the guild. If you have any unused elixirs in the future, you can give priority to them. Think about the members of your own union.”

"There's no need for that!"

Xu Min waved her hands and said affirmatively: "It doesn't matter, it's settled!"

If Lu Yuan were here, I have to say that he had a unique vision and invested in a potential seed in just two words.

And it's not that he wants the other party to serve the union wholeheartedly, he just wants her to give it priority.

This attitude is hard to find fault with.

Lu Yiling is a college student who is about to be a sophomore. Even if she knows that the other person has thoughts, as long as it does not harm her own interests, she is still very happy to be valued so much.

Of course, you should be humble when you should, but Xu Min has said so, and it will be bad if she refuses again.

It can also be seen from this that the president, Xu Min, is still very concerned about her affairs. Previously, she was thinking about refining the extra elixirs that she could not use, so she wondered if she could sell them.

Resources like elixirs, whether they are used to heal injuries or enhance cultivation, are extremely sought-after.

Pills are very needed items for everyone.

Let's just say that the larger first-class forces in the world, not the ones at the bottom, basically have one or two pharmacists who can make elixirs.

Then one time she asked in the union group if anyone needed to buy elixirs...

Needless to say, there are still many rich people.

It was also from that time that Xu Min would chat with her from time to time, about having a romantic relationship.

He even bought a lot of elixirs from her, and the prices were much higher than others.

The things she bought today were not for Lu Yuan. She even bought a few sets of clothes for Lu Yuan.

Now Lu Yiling has a little money, so Xu Min was not surprised when he saw that she was carrying a lot of valuable things.

The relationship between women is also inexplicable. Although the two parties are not very familiar with each other, they can still talk to each other.

Lu Yiling knew that Xu Min, the senior and president of the dance club, was a child from a wealthy family.

Speaking of which, she should have earned over 10,000 from Xu Min, right?

And her temperament, whether in words, deeds or dress, is also very gorgeous and outstanding.

As the president of the dance club, Xu Min also has an excellent figure, with full curves and peaks. Coupled with her young and beautiful appearance, it can be seen that people passing by, both men and women, glance at her frequently.

It's hard to imagine the slut she looked like just now.

And although Cai Yuxi is ostensibly the investor and manager of their union, the investor behind the scenes is actually her, Xu Min herself.

Cai Yuxi was also her senior student in the previous year. Of course, the two were friends before that.

The two parties just chatted for a while, and then Xu Min remembered something and asked quickly: "By the way, Xiaoling, what were you looking for earlier? Are you looking for a boyfriend?"

After Xu Min said this, she remembered, where is Lu Yuanren?

She turned her head and looked around, but she didn't see Lu Yuan. There were still many people gathered at the front door, wondering what was going on.

She muttered: "Didn't you say it was at the front door?"

Then he asked: "Sister Min, is there any celebrity doing an event over there? There are so many people?"

At the same time, he opened WeChat and planned to start a video call with Lu Yuan to see where he was.

It feels like these things I’m carrying are a bit heavy!
While she was operating, Xu Min also smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a celebrity, just a very handsome and elegant amateur."


Lu Yiling didn't understand, but at this time she had already called Lu Yuan for video chat and was connected immediately.

The scene in the video seemed familiar to her at first glance, and then Lu Yuan said to her, "Where is it?"

Before she could speak, another girl's sweet voice came from the video: "Hello, handsome man, can I take a photo with you?"

Lu Yuan didn't even look back and said casually: "You do whatever you want."

Lu Yiling:......

Xu Min, Cai Yuxi:? ? ?
Only then did the two of them notice that the person in Lu Yiling's cell phone video was the one they took a photo with, wasn't it?
And because of the two of them, many people plucked up the courage to take photos together.

There are even men...

However, Lu Yiling already knew about Lu Yuan's situation at this time, and she never expected that if he was so handsome, even if he was not a celebrity, he would still be admired by people.

Finally, Lu Yiling pretended to be angry and pulled Lu Yuan out of the mall, as if she was playing a jealous little girlfriend.

Cai Yuxi looked at the backs of them leaving and said with some surprise: "So he has a girlfriend?"

Then he said to Xu Min teasingly: "It seems that someone really has no chance!"

Xu Min thought about it for a while, pursed his lips, and said quietly: "I don't know if he is interested in seeking immortals. It would be great if we could draw him into our union."

Cai Yuxi looked at him in surprise, her eyes seemed to say, you don't really want to poach, do you?
Looking at her best friend's unconfused eyes, Xu Min also knew that she was thinking wrongly, so she couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Am I that kind of person?"

A casual glance is as charming as silk, charming and moving!

Then he added: "I just saw the note on Xiaoling's phone, it seemed to be from my uncle." "It doesn't look like it!" Cai Yuxi turned her eyes and exclaimed: "Oh, it can't be the case? "

"That shouldn't be possible, right?"

Xu Min also understood it immediately and said in disbelief.

I heard that some people have different interests, and it seems that stimulating names between couples can arouse more excitement?

Here, Lu Yuan and Lu Yiling returned home.

After returning home, Lu Yiling also complained: "Uncle, I think you might as well become a star."

"Even standing there can attract so many people's attention. I don't think any big star can compare to you."

"If you go out next time, you may have to wear a mask."

Lu Yuan nodded her head and said calmly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you say you are in a hurry to enter the game? Go quickly!"

She also followed the twisted direction and muttered: "I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to control yourself and would mess around outside."

"If you damage your body, do you think I will complain to your wife in the future? Humph╯^╰"

Lu Yiling snorted, twisted her waist and went upstairs.

"Nothing big or small!" Lu Yuan patted her on the back of the head, but of course he didn't use any force.

Otherwise, your head will be gone!
But she just touched it and didn't refute anything.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to enter the game.

Instead, I checked recent news events on my phone.

This is serious news, not about games.

There is so much news about the game that I can’t even finish it.

But precisely because there are too many entertainment news, many people have ignored serious news.

They probably don't even know what happened.

Lu Yuan just looked at a few recent ones, such as serious news events:

A certain celestial phenomenon is abnormal, and no reason can be found through multiple satellite surveys, etc.!
Then there are frequent reports of various natural disasters all over the world. The frequency of these natural disasters has increased dozens of times than before!
The comments from those who paid attention were also very speechless. They said it was human beings who brought it upon themselves. Anyway, it is all human’s fault, blah blah blah, etc.

Of course, Lu Yuan didn't pay attention to these comments. He mainly looked at the frequency of these major events.

This is no accident.

Then he returned to the game forum and said by the way: "I wonder where the source of pollution will appear first?"

It's not up to him to decide.

The frequent occurrence of these natural phenomena indicates that the source of pollution is already taking action.

It's just that the current cosmic plane is too advanced. Even if the coordinates are leaked, low-level pollution sources cannot get involved so quickly.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry, mainly because he also wanted to see the official actions of various countries around the world.


Looking for the Six Realms of Immortality!

Tianhe God's Domain.

In the Dapanshan Mountains, a mountain range on the outskirts of the Eternal Abyss Forbidden Area.

This place was not considered a dangerous place before. It was surrounded by a lush mountain forest where various wild beasts and birds lived, creating a vibrant scene.

Wild beasts and birds refer to ordinary mammals, which are normal birds!

The kind that ordinary people can capture, these are different from creatures such as ferocious beasts and monsters!
Perhaps due to the influence of the fragments of Heavenly Dao, ferocious beasts in various forbidden areas within the six domains are now rampant. Although there are no signs of leaving the forbidden areas, their momentum is already extremely chaotic.

All kinds of ferocious beasts and creatures are eyeing this heaven and earth spiritual treasure, and they all want to get that ultimate blessing!

At this time, even the outside of the forbidden area is not a safe place.

Today Murong Xue and others also arrived at the outskirts of Dapan Mountain. Seeing that it was getting late, they wanted to rest here.

They could still go on their way, but she was afraid that Ye Muli wouldn't be able to hold on, and Ye Muli was not the only one of them who was injured now.

Now one more has been added.


The night is silent!

There was a stream with glistening water, and Murong Xue's chariot was parked beside it.

A fire was burning nearby.

The Qi brothers and sisters and the player Ximen Chuixue were sitting next to them.

Flowers are patrolling the surrounding area!
Everything seemed to be quiet around him, except for the sound of water flowing on the stream.

And by the stream, Murong Xue was holding a piece of white cloth to wipe the dust off the sword!
Looking against the moonlight, I saw a chivalrous lady in black with bright eyes, white teeth, and heroic appearance, wiping the shining silver sword body by the river.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind her, and it was Wang Ruochen.

"I thought Miss Murong would take action against me!"

Wang Ruochen's voice was very low, so low that only Murong Xue could hear it.

The moonlight from the horizon shone on her face, which was blood-white. Although she still looked so beautiful, she looked very weak, but she still dragged her injured body over.

Qi Youyou originally wanted to help her, but she refused. She wanted to say a few words to Murong Xue.

It cost her a lot to allow a young master like Mo Yunhe to use Qixiang Cartilage Powder. Being able to exchange her serious injuries for the death of an innate master was her greatest limit.

Otherwise, how can we kill the other party without paying some price!

Murong Xue did not look back at her, but said lightly: "I'm not that shameless to attack a dying person!"

As far as Wang Ruochen's injuries were concerned, without the elixir given by Lu Yiling to heal her injuries, she really wouldn't have survived for long.

Wang Ruochen also smiled faintly, with a hint of beauty in her pale face: "Even so, it's still my fault before. No matter what, I was the one who instigated this matter behind the scenes. If Miss Murong still can't forgive her hatred, she can do whatever she wants afterwards." He killed me with one sword and I have no complaints!"

Murong Xue said softly: "If I kill you with one sword, it won't be an advantage for you!"

Wang Ruochen: "Uh..."

She looked at Murong Xue's back and wondered what she was thinking?
Could it be that he suddenly changed his mind, felt that what he had done before was unforgivable, and wanted to kill himself?

Murong Xue snorted again: "Don't think wrongly, although what you did before did make me angry, but I also did something wrong, I don't know whether it is good or bad!"

Murong Xue sighed, and then said sternly: "So, we really need a break, but with your current situation, it's better to wait until the injury is healed. Let's make a one-year appointment, and then we will have a fight. , regardless of life or death, everything disappears after death!"

(End of this chapter)

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