In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 127 The water and the sky meet, and the sky is one color

Chapter 127 The water and the sky meet, and the sky is the same color

One year's appointment, regardless of life or death, everything will disappear!
After hearing this, Wang Ruochen was silent for a while, not because he was afraid.

She could also hear that Murong Xue's words were serious.

"Then let's make a one-year appointment!"

She agreed and her tone was solemn.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Murong Xue smiled slightly, put the shining silver sword into its sheath, stood up and said, "Okay, can you feel at ease now?"

As she said that, Murong Xue shook her head and walked towards her. She took up the Xian Tian Yuan in her hands and, with Wang Ruochen's face astonished, grabbed her slender little hand and said, "With your body, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand this." It’s a one-year period!”

She used Xiantian True Yuan to sort out the trouble of the cold wave entering Wang Ruochen's weak body.

In her current situation, her true energy cannot function at all.

This is patient number two among them.

Although Wang Ruochen was said to be her enemy, after all, she was behind everything that happened to her and what happened to the Murong family. If she killed him with one sword, no one would dare to give her any advice.

But Murong Xue didn't do that. Just like she said, if she wanted to kill such a weak person, her sword couldn't kill him!

Moreover, the scene of Wang Ruochen protecting the Qi brothers and sisters is indeed justified. In addition, judging from what her brother Wang Xinghao said about Oracle Island before, she herself lives in that kind of environment.

There are a lot of things I don't know. Although his character is not very good, at least he hasn't turned into a black man, which is rare.

In this case, then make an agreement first to show that you are not letting go of the previous things.

"Thank you!"

After Wang Ruochen was stunned, he quickly said.

She didn't expect that Murong Xue looked quite serious one moment, but his personality changed the next second, and he was really cheerful.

The two were silent for a while, looking at the fire in front of them, each feeling the other's sincerity and trust.

"It's getting cold, let's go back to the car and take a rest!"

At this time, Murong Xue withdrew her hand, and the two of them left the river.

Wang Ruochen looked at Murong Xue and smiled. She looked up at the starry sky, seeming to remember something.
"Murong Xue, do you know? In fact, I have always envied you."

Murong Xue was a little surprised. She turned to look at Wang Ruochen.
"Why? How am I worthy of your envy?"

Wang Ruochen withdrew her gaze and looked at Murong Xue, with a sense of hesitation in her eyes:
“Being able to freely choose what you want to do is already a rare thing.”

Looking back, she basically lived on the island and only heard about the outside world. She needed permission to do anything. She was the eldest lady of the Wang family, and she did have prestige!

But knowing that there is a bigger world outside this island, you will naturally feel that being trapped on the island is boring.

Fortunately, she is still accompanied by her brother, and he always instills in her not to have any extreme ideas and so on.

Even so, the inhuman life on the island still affected her a lot. For example, she was really interested in the series of plots she formulated after leaving the island.

At that time, she was still thinking about safeguarding the interests of her family.

But it is also human nature.

If she hadn't learned the news from Murong Xue and the others that Wang Xinghao might still be alive, she didn't know what she would have thought then.

Murong Xue roughly understood her thoughts as soon as she heard it.

The other party had almost lived for the interests of the family for the past 20 years. Even if she had her own ideas, it was impossible to show them, otherwise she would end up like her brother.

Now that Oracle Island has been destroyed, I have suddenly reached a state of release. Although I feel relaxed and let the birds fly, I suddenly feel inexplicably nervous and don't know what to do in the future!
Murong Xue looked at Wang Ruochen and didn't say anything long.

No matter what nonsense he was talking about, Shi Ran smiled and said: "The free choice is always yours, there are only two outcomes, life and death!"

"It's just that there are not many people in the world who can see clearly!" Murong Xue shook her head. At this moment, she seemed to have become a mentor, "Longing for life and fearing death are the instincts of all living things."

"Don't think so much. Think carefully first and don't be easily defeated by me in a year. Now I am not the same person I was before."

However, Murong Xue changed her words and said teasingly, then walked towards the fire on her own.

Wang Ruochen looked at Murong Xue's back. She took a deep breath, her eyes seemed to have some light, and her voice was low, as if she was talking to the air: "I will try my best!"

However, thinking that Murong Xue was now at the level of an innate grandmaster, the pressure was still quite high.

And she's still so young.

It has even achieved what Mao Tou said back then, such as surpassing Ye Muli and so on.

After all, now that Ye Muli's condition has cleared, anyone can bully him.

Thinking like this, Wang Ruochen suspected that he might not be sure to keep up with Murong Xue in a year's time.

Although when they were on the island, everyone said that the two brothers and sisters had excellent martial arts talents and were rare geniuses.

Even Zhang's contemporaries have no one who can compare with him.

After leaving the island, and because they have been making plans behind the scenes, the geniuses in the outside world have only heard about it and have never seen it!

She knew that Murong Xue was not very strong before this.

Of course, judging from his age, he has the strength of the middle stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm, and is already a genius-level martial arts talent.

But it took less than a year to reach the middle stage of the Xiantian Grand Master. Now Murong Xue is only nineteen years old. Such a speed of cultivation is definitely a monster level.

Wang Ruochen felt that he might not be able to catch up, and his cultivation speed was too inhuman.

She couldn't help being a little shocked, and felt that it was better to stab her to death with a sword at this moment.

Of course, she just wanted to think about it. Wang Ruochen glanced at the energetic Murong Xue beside the fire. The faint firelight just illuminated the other person's profile, which was as exquisite as a work of art.

The brilliance shines, and the hope shines brightly!
At this moment, Murong Xue seemed to notice something by the fire. She turned her head and met Wang Ruochen's eyes.

Their eyes met, and both of them saw something different in each other's eyes.

However, soon, Murong Xue withdrew her gaze, smiled slightly, and continued to play with the fire, as if to hint at something.

At this moment, Wang Ruochen seemed to have hope in his heart.


by the fire.

At this moment, there are only two people here, Murong Xue and Qi Youyou.

Among them, Ximen Chuixue took over from Hua Manlou to patrol around, while Hua Manlou was meditating beside the chariot. Although he was practicing, he was also secretly vigilant.

Not to be outdone, Qi Lin'an, a young boy, didn't want to be underestimated, so he imitated Ximen Chuixue and patrolled.

At this time, Murong Xue was talking to Qi Youyou about her father.

The brother and sister already knew that the previous meeting was not an illusion, that someone had indeed entered the heaven.

And among them is their father, whom they have never met.

This passing fate is really bizarre!
Perhaps because of the friendship between their parents, the two of them communicated very harmoniously.

Although they are not of the same generation in terms of seniority.

At this time, Lu Yiling entered the game.

In the game, her clothes are not as revealing as at home. She is wearing a crimson dress with a dark green belt around her waist, and the skirt is embroidered with exquisite flower and bird patterns.

Her long hair is draped over her shoulders, gently tied up with a gold hairpin, and a wisp of bangs hangs in front of her forehead, swaying gracefully.

After following Murong Xue, her clothing has obviously improved greatly.

It’s no longer as simple as when you first entered the game!
In the game, her appearance is slightly more mature.

The main reason is that except for the two players in their team who are willing to be guards, the age of the few of them is the age of just entering college in the current world.

Especially Ye Muli, who looks very mature and steady, and it's hard to see how talented she is.

I was only seventeen before!
In this way, Lu Yiling is similar in age to Murong Xue, so she doesn't want to pretend to be young, so she can only pretend to be mature.

Murong Xue saw her sudden appearance and then walked over calmly. She couldn't help but look at her curiously and said, "I'm really curious about what your world is like?"

"What would a world without the ability to practice be like?"

Lu Yiling smiled: "No matter where you are, life must go on."

"That's true!"

Qi Youyou blinked her big eyes, looked at Lu Yiling and said, "Is Sister Xiaoling a warrior from the seventh realm?"

She had only heard that this extraterrestrial being was from the Seventh Domain. Even when she was in Baili Town, she had only seen it but had not had any formal contact with it.

"The Seventh Domain... so be it!" Lu Yiling nodded. People in the Sixth Xunxian Domain all called the place where their players were located the Seventh Domain.

I even feel that the two sides will communicate with each other sooner or later.The players were indifferent. Most of them just regarded this place as a game world.

Even if they think the people here are real, very few people will take them seriously!
Qi Youyou was obviously a curious baby, and she kept pestering Lu Yiling to tell her about what was going on in the world.

Lu Yiling was also full of energy and started chatting with this little girl who had a similar mentality.


Midnight and early morning!

The moon in the sky has fallen silent.

Except for the sound of flowing water in the quiet forest, the surroundings were silent.

Not even mosquitoes appeared.

The fire not far from the chariot had been extinguished.

Murong Xue and the other women had entered the carriage to rest, but Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou were still patrolling alternately.

At this time, Hua Manlou and Qi Linan were also half-lidded in the chariot, not knowing whether they were asleep or practicing!
At this time, Ximen Chuixue came over holding the scabbard and rubbing his hands. Hua Manlou opened his eyes and jumped out of the car. Looking at him, he couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "Brother is indeed a security guard. This big black man is a security guard." God, I can still maintain such a good spirit!"

"That's not true." Ximen Chuixue shook his head and said, "On the contrary, I feel that after practicing martial arts in the game, I am not only in good spirits in the game, but also in good condition in reality."

He sighed: "Like when I used to work the night shift, I had to sit for the whole night. I couldn't catch fish, and there was a surveillance camera. Even if I got enough sleep the next day, I still felt lack of energy."

"Didn't you resign?"

"I resigned a long time ago. With the salary I got from that bad class, even if I was hanging out with the eldest lady in the game, it would be better than in the real world!"

He didn't think there was anything wrong with calling Murong Xue the eldest lady.

Who is really rich? Treating them as dogs is not a good idea. The key is that Murong Xue didn't treat them as dogs!
In this world, given Murong Xue's status and strength, they probably wouldn't even have the chance to be dogs!
The guards outside the gate of Murong's house are all Xiantian Grandmaster realm warriors.

None of them dared to imagine how amazing they would be if they had the strength of an innate grandmaster realm warrior now!

Although this strength is only mid-range in the game, even so, no current player has broken through this realm.

Even if there is, there won't be much.

With this strength, they have more ways to make money.

As for the piece of Heavenly Dao that I picked up today, although it was delivered to my door, Murong Xue was finally happy and rewarded them with a few yuan crystals!
Just like that, I got tens of thousands of dollars directly!

Although the game does not have a currency exchange system, there is a trading market between players.

If it weren’t for the official pressure, there might even be a trading app out there.

Having said this, Ximen Chuixue suddenly said: "Do you think the skills we practice can work in reality?"

He really hasn't tried it yet.

However, Hua Manlou shook his head and said: "Someone tried this as early as the beginning, but it was of no use!"

"That's weird. Why do I feel like my state is no different from the game even after leaving the game cabin?"

"I haven't heard that this game cabin also has a mind-restoring function?"

Ximen Chuixue is puzzled!

According to the official statement, players should rest when they should, and eat when they should eat.

The nutrient solution in the game can only ensure that the player's body can absorb sufficient nutrients without going into shock after going offline!

The two of them just talked nonsense. Huamanlou waved her hands and said, "Forget it if you don't understand. Don't you want to log off? I'm on patrol. Go ahead!"

The two of them also have a clear division of labor!

But just as the two of them crossed paths, a beige light pillar rose from nowhere on the horizon and shot straight into the sky.

And the beige light seemed to shine directly on the entire Eternal Abyss Forbidden Land.

All of a sudden, it seemed like it was dawn over them, shining brightly!
Just like the water and the sky meet, the sky has the same color for a long time!
At the same time, Murong Xue jumped out of the car, jumped to the roof of the car, looked around, found no problems, and then looked at the bizarre beige light beam.

"What it is?"

"I do not know!"

Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou said the same thing, both of them were confused.

"what happened?"

Qi Linan woke up with a start and rubbed his eyes in the car. It turned out that he was the one who fell asleep!

At this moment, I still didn’t know what was happening. Then I followed everyone’s gaze and couldn’t help but open my mouth: “Wow, is the sky falling?”

Boy, you have a bit of a brain!

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Qi Linan panicked, thinking it was an enemy attack. Just when he was about to shout, the two people hugged Murong Xue and said, "Miss, this brilliance is dimly visible." There is an air of heaven and earth in it, I am afraid there is a strange treasure in it."

"With such unusual movements, I'm afraid there are more than one of these rare treasures!"

The two of them were the two grand master guards of the Murong family who were secretly guarding him, but they would not take action easily.

Qi Linan smacked his mouth, feeling a little itchy...

This sudden feeling of being speechless nearly choked him to death.

He didn't expect that there was a master secretly there. From this point of view, why did it seem like his father didn't have any subordinates?
It was too miserable!
When Murong Xue saw the appearance of the two of them, she was not surprised. Instead, she thought for a moment and then said, "I know what you mean, so go ahead, but remember not to be greedy. If something goes wrong, run away if you can!"

"Thank you, Miss!"

"We can save it." The two of them cupped their hands, said something, and then disappeared.

After all, he is a grand master. Unless he is the kind who specializes in cultivating death warriors, he will more or less have his own ideas and characters.

Of course, the premise is that the employer must be open-minded.

After the two people appeared, Murong Xue knew what they were thinking.

After all, the appearance of a rare treasure and such a big movement must be very rare. Not everyone can afford such an important treasure.

Although the Grand Master Guard respected her status as the eldest daughter of the Murong family, they would even try their best against the enemy.

But what they respect is the identity of the Murong family, and they respect Murong Longcheng or the head of the Murong family!
What's more, they are not considered guards trained by the Murong family themselves.

Of course, it would also be okay if Murong Xue stopped their idea.

But maybe it’s just like the game, loyalty is just reduced.

Murong Xue also knew that she couldn't suppress them, so just let them go!
But in this case, they will not have strong protection during this trip.

Liu Suifeng had already led Xiong Da into the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss to find Fairy Xi Ling's hermitage.

Murong Xue looked at the beige light beam. This thing came really suddenly. With such a big movement, many people must have noticed it, right?

She couldn't help but mutter: "If I had known, I would have let Xiong Da stay!"

It's not that she doesn't know the dangers of the forbidden area.

Otherwise, why would it be called a forbidden place instead of a holy place?

Although there are adventures in the forbidden area, the dangers are even more bizarre!
Of course, the brave will be starved to death, and the timid will be starved to death.

There is no shortage of adventurers in this world!
Whatever the reason for taking the risk.

Just like the two great masters just now, it was still difficult to resist the temptation when a heavy treasure appeared.

However, there is no such thing as knowing everything in advance. Murong Xue looked at the deep environment around her, and then at the beige light beam, and could only comfort herself and said: "Maybe they have all gone there, so the road will be safer."

There is definitely the possibility of a battle for treasures over there, no need to say anything more.

So she decided to follow the direction of the light beam and walk in the opposite direction, so that she wouldn't have to worry about running into the various warriors who came to hunt for treasure.

Then she looked at everyone and said calmly: "Everyone pack up, it's time for us to leave!"

With that said, she returned to the car.

There is currently no specific information about Fairy Xi Ling’s secluded place.

Even the information Liu Suifeng got from Tianjizi was only an approximate location.

Still can't find the exact location.

However, Murong Xue, who was in the car, glanced at the map with a strange look on his face: "What a disaster!"

"What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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