Chapter 129 What mosaic valuables
Before Murong Xue could figure out the situation, a woman walked out of the stone door.

The woman's face is pure and refined, like a fairy descending to earth.She was wearing a white loose robe, as light as tulle, and filled with fairy spirit.

The clothes are embroidered with exquisite Tai Chi patterns, which are a blend of yin and yang, making her look like a fairy.

The long hair is like a waterfall, hanging down on the shoulders, swaying in the wind, revealing a faint fragrance.

The skin is as crystal clear as snow, and it seems that water can be squeezed out with just a slight touch.

Liu Ye's eyebrows were slightly raised, and her beautiful eyes were looking forward to her, just like a pool of spring water.The lips are as red as cherries, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, revealing a gentle gaze.

At first glance, this woman looks like a fairy, with an extraordinary temperament.

But looking at the way she is dressed, she is so charming and unattractive?

Although this woman is wearing loose and loose white clothes, it perfectly outlines her graceful and graceful figure.

The front of the chest of the white shirt is inlaid with the Yin-Yang Tai Chi runes, and the plump and towering mountain peaks bulge up the Yin-Yang engraved pattern, forming a perfect and alluring graceful arc!

As for the body shape, it is curved forward and backward, like a Luo Shen in the water, so beautiful!

"Fairy Xi Ling?"

Seeing the other party, Murong Xue suddenly exclaimed, but also became a little confused.

Because I have only seen the portrait of the other party, but the face shape is indeed that of Fairy Xi Ling.

But the real person's temperament surprised her?

Pure and charming?

But then she fell silent. She remembered that in the dark space, Ye Muli seemed to be hit by something and fell down in front of her. That was a scene she didn't want to see.

She is obviously still very young and has great years ahead of her...

Now even if I see Fairy Xi Ling, it is of no use, because life cannot be resurrected!

Regardless of whether the other party is true or false, it is meaningless at this moment.

There was some hope before, but now there is no hope at all.

"Xiao Lizi..."

Murong Xue muttered for a while.

At this time, Fairy Xi Ling came to her, looked at Murong Xue with disdain, and said condescendingly: "Since you are destined to come to this fairy court, then I can grant you a wish."

But at this time, Murong Xue seemed not to hear her words at all, and was immersed in her own sorrow!

Seemingly seeing Murong Xue ignoring her, "Fairy Xi Ling" had an angry look on her face, her plump figure twisted, she looked at Murong Xue seductively but not vulgarly, and said softly: "You are provoking me. ?"

At this moment, Murong Xue also came back to her senses and looked at the "Fairy Xi Ling" blankly. She looked at the other person with some doubts and vigilance and said, "I wonder why the fairy said that?"

"Hmph!" "Fairy Xi Ling" snorted coldly, looked at Murong proudly and said, "If you weren't the destined one, I would have killed you long ago."

"Tell me, I can give you whatever you need. Of course, there is a price to pay."

As he said this, the voice of "Fairy Xi Ling" suddenly turned cold.

"Well, do you have any wishes that you want to realize?"

"For example, rare treasures?"

"Fairy Xi Ling" waved her sleeves, revealing her white and tender arms, and instantly Murong Xue felt like the world was spinning, and they seemed to have been transported to another dimension.

This is an extremely magnificent palace.

Exquisite luxury, tall and elegant!
In the palace, a dazzling array of treasures are placed on the shelves. They are so glittering that it is dizzying to see.

There were many spirit-level treasures among them, as well as various elixirs. She even saw the materials needed to refine three kinds of elixirs, including the Dragon and Tiger Marrow elixir and the Sanyuan Duer Dan, right before her eyes.

Fairy Xi Ling pointed at these treasures and said, "As long as you nod your head, these treasures are all yours, how about that?"

"What price do I have to pay?"

Murong Xue faced this "Fairy Xi Ling". For some reason, she always felt that all this seemed a bit unreal?

In fact, she wanted to ask if she could save Xiaolizi, but just because all these unreal things were placed in front of her, she became suspicious.

Of course, she heard that Fairy Xi Ling was extremely beautiful, so she did not hesitate when she saw this woman, but now her attitude made her question it.

And I heard that Fairy Xi Ling always carries her musical instrument with her.

But apart from matching the appearance, the "Xiling Fairy" in front of me is not very consistent in other aspects?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party is the real Fairy Xi Ling!

At this time, "Fairy Xi Ling" suddenly burst out laughing, and the whole palace was trembling. She looked down at Murong Xue, with a strong sense of oppression, and said word by word: "What do you want? Of course it's your heart Got it!"

When Murong Xue heard this, she was shocked. She looked at the woman nervously and shouted sternly: "You are definitely not Fairy Xi Ling. Who are you?"

At this time, she wanted to retreat, but she felt so weak that it was difficult to even move.

"If you want to know who I am, then make your choice!" The woman stared at Murong Xue coldly, as if she wanted to eat her.

"What if I don't choose?"

At this time, Murong Xue was still sober. If she had heard what the other party said at the beginning, she would probably have let the other party succeed!

"Fairy Xi Ling"'s face changed, her stunning face seemed to have turned into that of a witch, she bared her teeth and claws: "Damn it, since you didn't choose anything, then it's not up to you!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light flashed, and Murong Xue's heart suddenly left her body and floated in the air. The woman grabbed Murong Xue's heart and squeezed it hard in her hands.

"How about it, do you have a choice now?"

She looked at Murong Xue's painful struggle, with a happy expression on her face. She put Murong Xue's heart to her mouth, licked it gently, and showed an intoxicated look, "As long as you tell me your choice If you continue to live, all this pain will disappear. Choose, and you will be able to live if you choose!"

"I choose, I choose you, sir!"

Murong Xue's face turned pale, and although her head felt like it was going to explode, she still refused the choice and became violent again.

Over there, the woman seemed to be angered by Murong Xue, her face twisted, and she said extremely coldly:

"It's true that if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink."

The woman laughed, a trace of amusement flashing in her eyes,
"In that case, let me show you what true despair is!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman waved her hand, and the surrounding space suddenly distorted, forming a huge vortex.

In the vortex, there was a palpitating aura, as if some terrifying existence was about to arrive.This place seemed to be an independent space, and there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere, but she had no intention of delving into it at the moment, just because her heart was still in the other person's hand.

The pain from her heart had left her speechless.

At this time, the woman appeared in front of her and looked at her with a sarcastic face.
"Welcome to my world, you can't escape now!"

The woman sneered, a chill flashed in her eyes,
"I'll let you make the choice yourself."

After saying that, she waved her hand, and a huge force surged towards Murong Xue, instantly knocking her away and hitting the ground hard.

Murong Xue gasped for air. She felt like all the bones in her body were falling apart. The severe pain made her almost faint.

However, the woman did not give her a chance to breathe. She raised her foot and stepped hard on Murong Xue's chest.
"Now, tell me, what are your choices?"

The woman's voice was cold and cruel, as if she had no emotion at all.

Murong Xue gritted her teeth. This was the first time that she had been tortured to the extreme. It might also be the last time!
It seems so outrageous, but at the same time, I feel that death is inevitable. Maybe I can catch up with Xiao Lizi?

"You... dream!"

As if with this thought, although her voice was weak, there was a smile at the corner of her mouth.

The woman frowned, a trace of anger flashed in her eyes, as if she had been looked down upon.

"It seems that you really want to die!"

After saying that, the woman raised her little crystal feet and stepped hard on Murong Xue's face.
"Speak quickly and make your choice for me."

Her crystal clear feet kept rubbing against the other person's face, as if she was extremely angry and wanted to make the other person feel humiliated and surrender.

At this moment, Murong Xue closed her eyes. No matter how the other person wanted to torture her, she would bear it alone without saying a word.

" bitch!"

Feeling Murong Xue's disregard, the woman shouted angrily, but there was a hint of panic in her voice:
"I am going to kill you!"

She yelled, her white and tender feet were as flawless as jade, and then stepped on Murong Xue's heart.

Murong Xue only felt a powerful force pouring into her body, making her feel a heartbreaking pain.

In an instant, what had just happened to her resurfaced from her sea of ​​annoyance...

At the same time, the magnificent palace also turned into ruins in an instant, as if it had experienced a huge disaster, and the figure of Fairy Xi Ling also gradually dissipated with the collapse of the palace, and finally turned into nothingness.

In a strange place, Murong Xue suddenly said "ah" and covered her chest, letting out a heartbreaking scream.

But she doesn't feel like she's dead?
Murong Xue suddenly opened her eyes and found that she was in a strange place.

At this time, she returned to normal, but there was a trace of melancholy, a trace of regret, and a trace of relief on her face. She touched her heart, and everything seemed so real.

Murong Xue couldn't help but murmured to herself: "So, this is the price!"

The choice is the price!

Whoever chooses to die, she doesn’t choose, that consciousness can only choose by herself!
At this time, she looked at her right hand again, and a golden light flashed on the bare part of her delicate white hand.

That was the reward she got from the illusion: the key to the Fairyland.

From the beginning, the woman said that this was some kind of fate!
It's just that Murong Xue didn't notice it at the time.


At this time, Murong Xue looked around. She saw countless old and dilapidated buildings. Some had collapsed, while others were standing in place, exuding a desolate atmosphere.

The stone door that seemed to have allowed Fairy Xi Ling to come out has disappeared, replaced by an ancient stone wall.

There was a line of ancient words carved on the stone wall. Although she did not recognize these words, she could feel a strong aura of majesty from them, as if these words possessed mysterious power.

Murong Xue was thinking, what if that illusion was real? The current situation seemed like Xiaolizi had fallen in front?
Is this still an illusion?

At this time, Murong Xue couldn't help but feel happy. Maybe nothing happened to Xiaolizi, and he might still be in the environment?

Could it be that something in that valley is causing trouble?
At this moment, Murong Xue felt a cool breeze blowing from behind her, and the long sword in her hand couldn't help but move. The silver light flashed, and she subconsciously swung the long sword, and a sword energy burst through the air.

Then he turned around and saw a figure covered in black robes standing not far away. His face could not be seen in detail. If Ximen Chuixue and the others saw it, they would probably shout:
What mosaic valuables?

At the same time, the sword energy she swung passed directly through the figure.

It's actually a shadow?
Murong Xue felt happy, she seemed to be still in an illusion.

Although this shadow looked real, she felt that this was still the same environment due to the previous illusion.

The black-robed figure said nothing and looked at her coldly, but Murong Xue was no longer afraid at this moment.

What she had just experienced in the illusion seemed even more humiliating than this scene now.

Why does this shadow look familiar?

Although the face of Mosaic could not be clearly seen, Murong Xue always felt that she had seen the same face somewhere.
If Lu Yuan were here, he would probably be furious.

That's right, that face shape actually uses the image of his body.

No wonder Murong Xue felt familiar, because Lu Yuan's portrait had once again been widely circulated.

Murong Xue and the others had also seen it many times, so they would naturally feel familiar.

However, Murong Xue noticed that although the man in black robe looked at her very coldly, he did not make a move towards her, but pointed at the stone wall in front of him.

It seems like letting her pass?
Murong Xue hesitated a little, wondering if this was another trap?
The disaster in the previous illusion was choice, so what is the disaster now?
Just when she didn't take action, the man in black robe got a little impatient and came directly in front of her. What she thought was a shadow actually grabbed it and threw it directly to her. In front of the stone wall?

"Eh?" Murong Xue made a voice that sounded from the depths of her soul.

Isn't he a shadow?
At this moment, Murong Xue felt a little broken inside.

She didn't even know what happened to her, why was it so weird?
There are also illusions, so is this a problem that a warrior can solve?

Is there such a thing in this world?
Never heard of it.

This is indeed the case.

But times have changed!

At this moment, when Murong Xue was about to ask if the man in black robe was a real person, suddenly, the mysterious words on the stone wall in front of her appeared with a golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Xue felt her spirit tremble. Just when she was about to lose her mind, she seemed to see the empty face of the man in black robe, as if he was smiling?
It was also at that moment that she seemed to know who the face of the man in black robe looked like?
But at that moment, her mind suddenly had no time to think about him.

 Got some ideas
(End of this chapter)

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