In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 130: It’s impossible to explode

Chapter 130: It’s impossible to explode

Murong Xue felt confused as if she had fallen into an illusion.

This kind of weird thing was just a legend in the Six Realms World.

She seemed to have experienced a life and death disaster, but she also seemed to have gained many adventures from it.

Then she vaguely felt that there was an ancient scripture in her mind.

Murong opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and she seemed to be still in the valley.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a darkness in the sky. Just as she was wondering, she suddenly felt an alarming aura.

At this moment, she suddenly woke up and saw that everyone was still in trance.

Then Dingqing looked again and saw a huge giant ape beast appearing outside the valley.

The whole body is covered with dark brown hair, the eyes are red, the fangs are exposed, and it exudes a violent aura.

It raised its huge palm, and the violent palm wind seemed to be able to bring up a tornado. This palm directly covered everyone's body.

At this moment, Ximen Chuixue just opened his eyes, only to feel his eyes go dark. When he looked up, he saw this huge palm slapping down, and he couldn't help but screamed: "Oh my god, what is going on?"

At this moment, he had lost the chance to fight back.

Soon enough, at the moment when the giant palm struck down, Murong Xue stood up suddenly, and the innate true energy in her body started to circulate inexplicably.

A terrifying sword intent shot up into the sky, causing the surrounding air to vibrate violently, as if it was about to tear the void apart.

The sword light flashed, and even Murong Xue himself looked at the sword energy in shock.

That sword energy actually forced the giant ape back. In an instant, the wind roared in the valley, the wind roared, and the giant ape beast was shocked and took a few steps back.

After the giant ape beast stabilized its steps, it looked at them and roared, then pounced on everyone again.

The giant ape beast roared and beat its chest with its fists, causing the valley to shake and rocks to fly.

Although Murong Xue didn't know why she had become stronger, she saw that only Ximen Chuixue had woken up among the crowd, while the others seemed to be still in trance and remained motionless.

At this moment, she could only raise her sword to face the sudden appearance of the giant ape beast.

The giant ape beast roared angrily, and smashed its huge fist towards Murong Xue like a mountain.

Murong Xue swung her long sword, and a sharp sword energy slashed towards the giant ape beast.

With a fiery breath.

At this moment, Murong Xue discovered that her innate true essence actually had a special attribute.

The sword energy is fierce and masculine.

The sword energy collided with the fist, making a huge sound. For a moment, the sword energy flew into the air and dust flew up.

Murong Xue was also shocked by the remaining power from both sides and took a few steps back, and the sword blade in her hand trembled slightly.

"This attribute..." Murong Xue felt her own innate true essence attribute for no reason.

In the late stage of the Xiantian Grandmaster Realm, one has the Xiantian True Yuan of Chi Yan.

I saw that the giant ape beast had its arm injured by the sword energy, but the skin was not broken because it was a burn mark.

Her mind suddenly changed, and she felt that a secret text from ancient scriptures had appeared in her mind!
I can’t understand it, but I can understand it!

"Nine Dragon Divine Flame Technique."

This is the name of the opening chapter of the scripture, and it is somewhat similar to the scripture on the stone wall she just saw in the illusion.

But this was not the time for her to think.

At this moment, the giant ape beast roared in pain and rushed towards Murong Xue again.

Murong Xue took a deep breath, stabilized her body, then pointed her sword at the sky, and a terrifying sword intent burst out again.

The sword intention is like a raging fire, surging!
With a slash of the sword, the sword energy like the blazing sun poured down towards the giant ape beast like a treacherous wave.The giant ape beast roared angrily and waved its fists constantly, trying to resist the sword energy.

However, in the face of the terrifying sword energy, its fist was like paper and collapsed at the first touch.

boom! boom! boom!
The sword energy kept slashing at the giant ape beast, knocking it back steadily.

Ximen Chuixue was stunned by this scene, especially the image of Murong Xue, dressed in black clothes, looking even more like the blazing sun at this moment, with a heroic appearance.

If it weren't for the wrong gender, Ximen Chuixue would have thought he was seeing some young knight-errant!

It's not that he looks down on women, because Murong Xue sometimes dresses in a more neutral way, or perhaps all the female warriors in the world dress up like this.

Except the big guys.

At the same time, Ximen Chuixue also noticed that Murong Xue's strength had made a breakthrough, and it was also very powerful. He subconsciously muttered: "No way, a breakthrough so soon? Could it be..."

Ximen Chuixue looked at the fragments in his hand, his expression became complicated.

Even he can get a magical fragment here. With the luck of the protagonist Murong Xue, the benefits are obviously much better than him.

This has to make people look envious...

Although the giant ape beast seemed to be suppressed by Murong Xue, he also discovered that this beast had not been broken by Murong Xue until now.

Not long after Murong Xue fought with the giant ape beast, she discovered the strength of this beast.

At the very least, it is the existence of a top-level ferocious beast, comparable to the existence of a Nirvana realm warrior.

However, this giant ape beast seems to be weak in attack. Although it has strength, it has not reached the level of martial arts nirvana.

Even so, it still has a power comparable to that of the Grand Master.

As for why Murong Xue was pressed down and beaten, Ximen Chuixue watched carefully. When the two sides were fighting, he noticed that the giant ape beast never missed the back, and he had an idea in his mind.

Ximen Chuixue quickly reminded Murong Xue: "Miss, I suspect that this ferocious beast is probably injured. Its wound is most likely on its back."

Murong Xuewen was actually looking for a flaw in the giant ape beast. However, the opponent's defense was extremely strong and his attacks were cold and severe. She did not dare to receive the opponent's real attack, so she used her sword energy to block the fight!
After hearing Ximen Chuixue's reminder, he began to consciously avoid the frontal attack of the giant ape beast, and instead looked for opportunities to get behind it.

The giant ape beast seemed to be aware of Murong Xue's intention, and began to become more violent and attack more ferociously.

Ximen Chuixue watched nervously. Although he had reminded Murong Xue, he was not sure whether his guess was correct.

After all, the strength of this giant ape beast is unfathomable, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a desperate situation.

In the valley, Murong Xue and the giant ape were fighting fiercely.Suddenly, Murong Xue saw an opportunity, and in a flash, she appeared behind the giant ape beast.

Sure enough, the back of the giant ape beast was stained with blood. The blood had almost solidified and did not drip down.

Murong Xue also seized the opportunity, and all the Xiantian Yuan in her body exploded. The long sword in her hand drew a sharp sword energy, and stabbed directly into the back of the giant ape beast.

However, just when the sword energy was about to hit the giant ape beast, the latter suddenly turned around and stared at Murong Xue with a pair of scarlet eyes, full of murderous intent.

The giant ape beast roared angrily, waving its arms fiercely, and an overbearing power instantly erupted, knocking Murong Xue flying away.

Murong Xue flew out upside down. In the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her face instantly turned pale.

At this moment, others woke up one after another.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Murong Xue's embarrassed scene, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Sister Xueer!"


Murong Xue managed to stabilize her body in mid-air, but the strength in her body was gone. Moreover, because the giant ape beast shook away her newly condensed innate true essence, it was now being swallowed up by the true essence and turned into chaos.

At this time, let alone the explosion, being able to stand in mid-air was already the last sign of her stubbornness.

(End of this chapter)

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