In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 131 The ultimate master, not angry but self-confident

Chapter 131 The ultimate master, not angry but self-confident

At this time, the giant ape beast was already going crazy, and the ferocious evil energy erupting from its body was very menacing. Under the volatilization of these evil spirits, the surrounding green grass withered completely as if it had been exposed to herbicides.


The giant ape ferocious beast roared with ferocious tears, and its entire huge body jumped up, hitting Murong Xue like the sun covering the sky.

The violent energy of the giant ape beast seemed to activate the ferocity of the forest, and the sky was overcast with clouds, as if it was about to rain heavily.

The wind roared, and the giant ape and ferocious beast rushed towards Murong Xue with thunderous momentum.

Murong Xue only stabilized her body, her energy was in chaos, and she could only watch helplessly as the crazy giant ape beast attacked.

No one had time to stop him, and they didn't have the strength to stop him.

Even if this ferocious beast is injured, it is still a top ferocious beast with the strength of a great master.

The strength of these people is completely inadequate in front of it.

At this moment, Murong Xue felt the breath of death again.

But this time she was in a calm mood.

It seems that her mentality has evolved after the humiliating torture she suffered in the fantasy world.

Death was so close, but she was not afraid.

"But it's still a bit regretful!"

But Murong Xue closed her eyes, as if waiting for death to come.

She didn't know what her ending would be, but at this time she was still thinking about her unfinished business.

There are a lot more……

But it all seems to be coming to an end.

"Sister Xueer!"

She didn't hear the crowd's cries, because at this moment she felt as if her ears were ringing under the pressure of the giant ape and beast!
Everyone below looked nervous, they couldn't believe this scene at all, and they were a little desperate.

Including Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou also looked nervous.

Ximen Chuixue whispered: "Damn, the aura of this ferocious beast is so strong, I feel like I can't steady my sword hand."

He had the urge to rush forward, but the aura exuding from this giant ape beast was its true strength.

Those of them who are not at the level of innate masters cannot participate in such a battle scene.

Huamanlou shook his sleeves and whispered, "Will there be any accidents?"

He also had the urge to take action, but his reason told him that it was of no use!
However, both of them had previously determined that Murong Xue had the aura of a destined protagonist, and would usually avert danger when in danger.

Like the previous few times, Murong Xue had escaped from danger many times, and also gained many opportunities.

But fate is also uncertain. Who knows how many protagonists there are in this world, and whether new protagonists will appear?

So now they can only pray.


It's cold and windy!

The attack of the giant ape and ferocious beast was accompanied by a strong evil wind, which made the woods rustle.

At this moment, Murong Xue felt that her eardrums were about to burst.


At this moment, everyone only heard the sound of metal collision, a clang, and then everyone heard the fierce roar of the giant ape beast: "Aw..."

At this moment, everyone could clearly see that just now, a woman wearing a light green dress and a white mask on her face suddenly appeared in front of Murong Xue.

Then he just stretched out a jade-colored jade flute in his hand and gently touched the fist of the giant ape beast.

With just one blow, the giant ape beast was defeated and flew away, and it also let out an angry roar.

At the same time, the giant ape beast climbed up on the ground, and the long pit on the ground was covered with its blood.

In the silent forest, only the roar of the giant ape and ferocious beast could be heard, deafening!
Its scarlet eyes stared intently at the woman wearing a white mask.

The woman seemed unaware, her jade hands were caressing the jade flute, her feet were wearing long boots, her figure was slim and intact, and she stood in mid-air, as if she were a fairy!
At this time, the giant ape beast attacked again, and this time its target had changed from Murong Xue to the woman who suddenly appeared.


Out of instinct, Murong Xue wanted to remind this mysterious woman who saved her life. At this time, she only felt a flash in front of her eyes.
Not only her, but everyone below could not clearly see the steps of this mysterious woman.

I just felt something flickering in front of my eyes, and then I saw the mysterious woman suddenly appeared in front of the giant ape beast,

Her flowing sleeves were gently raised, and the jade flute in Su's hand was lightly touched...


The giant ape beast flew backwards again as if it was hit hard by something.

Then there was a loud "bang" sound, and the giant ape beast fell to the ground.


At this time, the giant ape beast was still breathing heavily, and then struggled to stand up again.

Just when everyone thought that the giant ape beast was about to get up again, less than three seconds later, the giant ape beast stopped breathing.

The huge body straightened up and died.


In fact, everyone has seen the strength of the ultimate grandmaster, so logically they shouldn't be so shocked.

But the strength of this mysterious woman is still too shocking.

Two blows killed a top-level ferocious beast. Even though the opponent was injured, the thick-skinned defense was no joke.

So far, Murong Xue's previous offensives have not been able to break through the defense of this giant ape beast.

I just don't know what considerations this ferocious beast had that prevented it from unleashing its strongest combat power immediately.

But this also shows how powerful this mysterious woman is. She is definitely not an ordinary Nirvana warrior!

At this moment, Murong Xue felt unwell and was about to fall from the air.

"Sister Xueer!"


Everyone also noticed Murong Xue's condition, and when they were about to pick her up, the mysterious woman's sleeves moved, and a force of energy stabilized Murong Xue's body, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Ye Muli and others caught Murong Xue, helped her up, and looked at her worriedly.

Ye Muli looked at her and said, "How are you?"

Although he didn't ask where he was injured, the concern in his eyes was genuine.

Although Lu Yiling didn't say anything, she still checked Murong Xue's body immediately.

The pure true energy of the grass and trees in Lu Yiling's body can be said to be extremely special, and she can easily detect abnormalities in her body.

After a moment, she felt relieved, "The energy was in chaos, and the true energy was counterattacking. Fortunately, it appeared not long ago. Now it's just a matter of stabilizing the breath."

"Come on, Sister Xue'er, take this purifying elixir!" Lu Yiling was not stingy and took out the elixir from her storage ring that could stabilize the chaos of the body's qi and regulate the backlash of the true energy.

Murong Xue was not polite, took it directly, swallowed it in her mouth, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to regulate her breathing.

No one bothered her.

The mysterious woman looked at Lu Yiling a little longer when she took out the Qi Purifying Pill.

After a while, Murong Xue's expression slowly returned to normal. She opened her eyes, looked at everyone, and nodded slightly to indicate that she was fine.

Before anyone else said anything, Qi Youyou rushed forward. She raised her head, her bright eyes twinkling, and asked with a hint of concern: "Sister Xue'er, are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry!" Murong Xue touched the little girl's head and told her not to worry.

Then he looked at Lu Yiling and said gratefully: "Thanks to Xiaoling's elixir, I'm much better now."

Lu Yiling smiled slightly and said, "You're welcome, we are friends."

Then Murong Xue looked at the mysterious woman falling lightly in the air, and Murong Xue asked curiously:

"Thank you, senior, for saving me. May I ask your senior's name?"

Murong Xue was just out of basic courtesy and curiosity. She didn't know whether the other party would answer her question.

But out of politeness, she still asked the question.

But the other party put on a mask, obviously because she didn't want others to know her true face.

The mysterious woman said calmly: "There is no need to say the name, and speaking of it, I have my reasons for you meeting it, so there is no need to thank you."

The mysterious woman's voice is very pleasant, and it sounds a bit charming, but it does not make people feel coquettish. Judging from the sound alone, this senior must also be a super beauty.

However, Murong Xue took a closer look at the jasper-colored jade flute in the opponent's slender hand.

Just when they were about to speak, the other party gave them a suggestion:

"Looking at the uneven strength of you guys, you have to come here. Obviously there is something important to find, but I still want to remind you that with your strength, it is better to leave here as soon as possible."

"If it hadn't been for the appearance of a strange treasure last night, which caused all the top ferocious beasts to run there, you would probably have become their food."

Although the words don't sound good, they are indeed the truth.

They were almost wiped out just by encountering this injured top-level ferocious beast. They might not be so lucky next time.

"Thank you for the reminder, senior!"

Murong Xue nodded and was about to clasp her fists and ask, but the mysterious woman spoke before her, with a tone that left no room for doubt, "That's all I have to say, I hope you will take care of yourself."

The mysterious woman said, turned around and left. The speed was indeed in line with the strength of a top master.


Murong Xue was dumbfounded. She didn't even have time to ask?
Sure enough, these masters have bad tempers...

"Although this senior seems approachable, for some reason I always feel oppressed when facing her!"

At this time, Wang Ruochen also said softly.

Lu Yiling also nodded and said, "I feel the same way. I didn't even dare to speak just now."

"Don't be angry, be proud of yourself, show your true character!"

Ye Muli said harmoniously: "A master like this must show his unique side when facing strangers, otherwise not everyone will be able to come forward and say a few words."

Murong Xue looked like she had learned something: "Is there still such a way to say it?"

After all, the two big bosses in the family would not show such characteristics in front of her.

Those top masters outside don't have an ordinary side, they all take the initiative to show their majestic side.

In order to show one's own strength, it can also prevent some brats from getting involved.

However, everyone still clearly noticed the melancholy expression on Murong Xue's face.

"Sister Xueer, are you okay?"

Everyone thought she was feeling unwell, and when they wanted Lu Yiling to take a good look at her, Murong Xue shook her head and said, "I'm fine. Just now I was wondering who this senior is?"

"Do you know the eldest lady?"

Huamanlou exclaimed.

This was a bit confusing. He and Ximen Chuixue were just sighing at Murong Xue's aura as the protagonist. What if they met again.

This can't help but remind them of the plots of certain novels or animations:
The protagonist goes out for training, and everyone treats him as a nobody with no background. He then narrowly escapes death along the way and is always rescued when in danger.

Then the identity of the protagonist was gradually revealed. Finally, when everyone took a look, oh, this should be called the Second Generation Picking Up Girls...

Not much to say, the plot is so simple and crude anyway!
Fortunately, Murong Xue shook her head and said faintly: "How can we know each other? But I have a suspicion that this senior is probably Fairy Xi Ling!"

In fact, when she looked at the other person's figure, she felt a little familiar, just like the "Xiling Fairy" she saw in the fantasy world.

But because of this, she was a little unsure.

After all, it was just Fairy Xi Ling that she imagined in her fantasy, not real.

However, the other party was wearing a mask and holding a jade flute, a musical instrument in his hand, so this guess was not too far-fetched.


They were also surprised to hear Murong Xue say this.

Ximen Chuixue even stamped her feet and beat her chest, and said in despair, "I should have spoken out if I had known earlier."

But Hua Manlou tried to dismantle him and said, "I think you don't dare to speak."

"We're still good brothers even if we don't talk."

The buildings full of flowers looked up to the sky and sighed...

Qi Linan looked at the two of them as if they were playing tricks, not sure why?
Didn’t you say you were looking for Fairy Xi Ling?

Why do you feel that the two eldest brothers are not very excited when the other party appears?

He didn't know what the two of them were thinking. When Murong Xue decided to look for Fairy Xi Ling, they felt that it was not surprising that Murong Xue had found her because of her good luck as the protagonist.

Even if he can't find it, he might find a way to treat Ye Muli.

Of course, they won't say much. Anyway, if they follow the protagonist, as long as nothing happens, there will definitely be great benefits.

They are looking forward to who is Murong Xue's natural enemy villain in the end?
Since there is a protagonist, how can there not be a villain?

Instead, Qi Youyou blinked her big eyes, and a look of determination flashed across her innocent face.

Everyone's expressions were different.

Naturally, he was surprised, but Ye Muli shook his head and said: "Whether she is Fairy Xi Ling or not, I think this senior is right. There are top-level ferocious beasts here at any time. With our strength, it is still too much to stay here." It’s dangerous.”

"And if the other party is Fairy Xi Ling, she should be able to easily tell the condition of our bodies."

Ye Muli began to persuade Murong Xue, who had been suppressed by Murong Xue before. When she wanted to refuse, the other party suppressed her with force. Although this kind of caring method was very special, she really didn't want to put Murong Xue in danger.

"Since the other party chooses to ignore it, it means that Fairy Xi Ling doesn't care about trivial matters like ours." Ye Muli said calmly, as if he didn't care about his own life, "Let everyone be put in danger because of me. This is not what I want to see, especially you!"

As she said that, she glared at Murong Xue who didn't care, and showed a rare expression of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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