In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 132 Sword Technique Lihuo Xuanshui

Chapter 132 Sword Technique: Lihuo Xuanshui
Murong Xue, however, did not look at Ye Muli's eyes and just ignored him.

Then he smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion in this matter."

It seems like she's saying it's easy, but in fact it's not easy at all!
Of course Murong Xue knew what Ye Muli was thinking. Her character was that she didn't want to trouble others.

Of course, there were so many people worried about her injury, and she was grateful for everyone's concern and concern for her.

Ye Muli wanted to persuade her again, but seeing Murong Xue's firm eyes, she finally said nothing and just sighed softly.

After getting along with each other, I knew that Murong Xue seemed carefree, but she also had a very stubborn personality, and it was difficult for me to change Murong Xue's decision.

"As you please!"

In the end, she didn't say any more angry words, but she still said vigilantly: "But if we encounter such danger again, we will leave here immediately. This is not a negotiation."

Murong Xue could tell that Xiaolizi was serious this time.

She nodded and agreed. At this moment, Murong Xue suddenly felt the branches and leaves outside the forest move suddenly.

There seemed to be an unknown creature attacking in the forest. After changing her technique, her acuity increased a lot.

Not knowing if a ferocious beast was attacking again, Murong Xue immediately raised her sword and shouted: "Everyone, be careful, there is something unusual in the forest!"

After saying that, he immediately swung a cold sword energy into the distant forest.

It contains a fiery and domineering sword intent.

The sword energy crashed into a group of black figures that were speeding towards him, and a roar erupted.

Everyone quickly alerted, Murong Xue stood in front of everyone, only Lu Yiling looked at her unexpectedly, and exclaimed: "Sister Xue'er, how are you injured?"

According to her understanding, Murong Xue's injury just now was considered serious, and even after adjusting her energy, she still needed to rest for a while.

It would be very difficult to use force.

But the sword energy she just swung was exactly like the one she had used against the giant ape just now, as if she wasn't injured.

Facing Lu Yiling's surprise, she was shocked: "I didn't expect this technique to be so powerful. It seems to be able to repair the injuries in my body on its own?"

At the same time, her eyes were also staring closely at the direction of the black shadow,
At this time, the black shadow finally revealed its true face. It turned out to be a huge, leopard-like beast. It was completely black and exuded a cold and terrifying aura.

"It's the Black Cloud Leopard!" Ye Muli recognized this strange beast and his expression changed slightly.

The Black Cloud Leopard is an extremely rare top-level ferocious beast with a ferocious temperament, extremely fast speed, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

Judging from the aura it exudes, it is at least as powerful as a Grand Master warrior, and it is also a high-level existence among various ferocious beasts.

At this moment, the black clouded leopard was injured by Murong Xue's sword energy, its eyes were full of anger and fierceness, and it stared at everyone with bared teeth, as if it was going to fight for its life.

"Everyone, be careful. The Black Cloud Leopard is extremely fast. Don't let it get close to you!"

Although Ye Muli's strength is no longer there, he does have rich experience in the arena. Not only did he quickly recognize the name of this ferocious beast, but he also understood the characteristics of the opponent.

And when she said this, she bit her thin lips and reminded Murong Xue: "With our strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it. If we lose in the end, you must remember what I said before..."

Murong Xue remained unmoved. Her eyes were like a torch, staring closely at Mo Yunbao's every move, as if searching for its flaws.

I don't know if it was the confidence that the mysterious technique gave her or the momentum that she felt she could survive even two moves against a top-notch ferocious beast. At this time, Murong Xue didn't even think about backing down.

The silver sword in her hand originally had ice properties, but under the operation of the domineering skills in her body, it gradually became hot.

There is a hint of fire in the ice, and seemingly contradictory attributes can coexist at the same time.

At this moment, the Black Cloud Leopard suddenly let out a piercing roar, and then exerted force on its limbs, instantly turning into a black lightning and swooping towards everyone.

The speed is astonishing!
Seeing the Black Cloud Leopard attacking, a flash of light flashed in Murong Xue's eyes, and he swung out the long sword in his hand, and a fierce sword energy roared out, striking directly at the Black Cloud Leopard.

It carries the power of both ice and fire.

This blow was astonishingly powerful.

Although Mo Yunbao was fast, he didn't seem to pay much attention to the sword energy.

Not only did it not dodge, but it directly faced it and used its sharp claws to resist it.

There was a harsh friction sound and sparks flew everywhere.

The moment the Mo Cloud Leopard's sharp claws collided with the sword energy, a powerful impact exploded, and the surrounding trees, rocks, etc. were shattered to pieces.

The Mo Yunbao was also knocked upside down by the impact and fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

This scene shocked everyone!

Ye Muli's eyes showed a trace of fighting spirit...

Lu Yiling's beautiful eyes rolled around, and she felt that Murong Xue was so handsome at this moment.

Qi Linan said he was so handsome!

Qi Youyou blinked her big eyes, her eyes full of determination, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Although Ximen and Huamanlou were calm on the outside, they were stunned inside.

Although I knew that the protagonist would be very powerful, this ferocious beast had the strength of a great master. Unexpectedly, it was knocked away by Murong Xue. This was too outrageous!
At this moment, they even thought that Murong Xue could defeat this ferocious beast.

At this time, Mo Yunbao had also climbed up from the ground, shook the dust off his body, and roared again.

Then, its figure flashed and rushed towards everyone again.

This time, Mo Yunbao was faster, like a black lightning, he was in front of Murong Xue in an instant.

A solemn look flashed in Murong Xue's eyes, and the long sword in her hand suddenly swung out, and another fierce sword energy roared out.

This time the sword energy was even more swift and fierce, like a long silver dragon, with unrivaled momentum, it went straight to Mo Yunbao's throat.

However, what Murong Xue didn't expect was that Mo Yunbao ignored her sword energy again and rushed over without dodging.

Mo Yunbao opened his huge mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs, and bit Murong Xue's sword directly.

This time, the sword energy was chewed into pieces!
This sudden scene caught Murong Xue off guard, and she could only retract her sword hastily to avoid the fangs of Mo Yunbao.

However, Mo Yunbao's speed was too fast. While avoiding the sword energy, its sharp claws also clawed hard at Murong Xue's chest.

The sharp claws left a series of shocking wounds on Murong Xue's body, and blood spurted out immediately.

But in the end she gritted her teeth and fought off the opponent.

"Sister Xue'er/eldest lady!"

Everyone exclaimed, not expecting the plot to turn around so quickly, and then wanted to go over and help Murong Xue.

Originally, it seemed that Murong Xue's momentum could overwhelm the opponent.

But high-level ferocious beasts are high-level ferocious beasts, at least their strength is comparable to that of a grand master warrior. Although Murong Xue's strength has greatly increased, he is still an innate master after all.

"You guys, don't come over."

Murong Xue ordered everyone behind her to stop, and even she couldn't get any benefit. These companions behind her were even less likely to be the opponent of this ferocious beast.

Coming here will only cause more trouble.

But fortunately, everyone knew that they were not strong enough, so they didn't show off to show off, and they still had brains.

At this time, Mo Yunbao let out a brutal hissing sound from his mouth, and the ferocious aura emanating from his body shook the entire forest and vegetation.Murong Xue barely managed to stop the injury. The current situation didn't seem to be much better than before. Even if the opponent attacked again, she might not be able to block it.

But she never thought about leaving, nor did she think that some mysterious senior would come to the rescue this time.

She never put her life in other people's hands.

She didn't even think she was lucky.

In her opinion, she has always been unlucky.

After all, we often encounter high-end games.

Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou thought that she had the luck of the protagonist, but they only used the audience's vision to infer.

She glanced at Ye Muli's delicate eyes, which expressed the emotion of wanting her to leave.

Murong Xue showed a smile, said something, and finally turned back to face Mo Yunbao, her expression as calm as water!
At this moment, she thought of all the things she had practiced along the way.

It sounds like a lot of things happened, but it seems a bit superficial!
She remembered her idea when she first came out of the world, to use her sword to punish evil and promote good!

It seems to be a little far away from this goal.

But do you regret it?

Murong Xue thought about it and couldn't help but smile. She didn't know if she would regret it later. Anyway, she only knew that if she did it again, she would still do it again.

Murong Xue practiced a lot of swordsmanship, or she had only dabbled in various moves.

Therefore, she has not developed her own unique skills until now.

When it comes to swordsmanship, she was not proficient in it before. It was only after meeting Ye Muli, especially in the past six months, that she realized her own strength.

And I learned a lot, but I still haven’t developed my own unique skills.

To put it simply, she is a little greedy.

But she does have the capital to be greedy.

Murong Xue closed her eyes and sorted through the moves she had learned again in her mind!
At the same time, Mo Yunbao saw that Murong Xue was ignoring it as if there was no one around. He immediately let out a roar, kicked his limbs, and attacked Murong Xue again.

In fact, with Murong Xue's current martial arts qualifications and understanding, she should have been able to figure out a set of unique skills of her own.

The unique skills don’t have to be too strong, but they must have their own things and understanding.

Even if you can learn the essence of someone else's technique, it can become your own unique skill.

The sword intent she originally learned was more of an ice attribute, but at this moment, the magical technique in her body was of the blazing sun, fierce and domineering.

But strangely, its blazing heat and extreme cold are compatible with each other.

Murong Xue didn't know whether it was because of the magic of the technique or because she was really smart. Just when she was about to perform the move, she felt inspired.

At this moment, the Black Cloud Leopard struck Murong Xue like lightning, but Murong Xue remained motionless.

"Sword Technique: Lihuo Xuanshui!"

At this moment, Murong Xue gave a soft drink, and a fierce sword intent suddenly erupted, like a scorching sun rising up. It looked like a scorching sun, but it also contained the gentle sword intent of the sea.

It makes people unable to feel what the meaning of this sword is?
Immediately afterwards, a dazzling sword light shot out of the air, carrying unrivaled power, and struck directly at Mo Yunbao.

This sword seemed to split the heaven and earth in half, it was astonishingly powerful!

When the sword intention approached and it felt the terror of the sword intention, Mo Yunbao finally showed fear in its eyes. It wanted to avoid it, but it was already too late.

The sword light passed by, blood spurted out, and Mo Yunbao's huge body was immediately knocked hundreds of meters away.

The already broken ground was smashed by Mo Yunbao's body to create a long, straight tunnel.

A hint of joy flashed in Ye Muli's eyes, not because of Murong Xue's strength, but because she finally realized her secret skill.

At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces showed the joy of surviving the disaster.

Murong Xue, on the other hand, breathed a long sigh of relief, even though he had mastered the secret skill, and even Mo Yunbao, who was comparable to the great master warrior, was injured.

That's right, it's just a wound.

At this point, the innate true energy in her body was almost exhausted, and she was already feeling a little tired.

She felt that Mo Yunbao was not injured by her.

"Sure enough, it's still too much!" Murong Xue shook her head. At this moment, she had no choice.

After a while, the Black Cloud Leopard climbed up from a huge pit with a hissing roar.

The golden hair on its body seemed to be burned, and the large black scars were very conspicuous.

At this moment, it looked at Murong Xue angrily, its ferocious eyes as if it wanted to eat her.

But at this moment, everyone only heard a "bang" sound, and saw that the high-level ferocious beast Mo Yunbao seemed to have been punched in the face by something, and then flew backwards hundreds of meters away.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but look happy.

Ximen Chuixue shouted excitedly: "The bear is so powerful!"

That's right, now our old friend Xiong Da comes to the rescue.

But this also shows that Liu Suifeng is also present.

At this time, Xiong Da kicked his foot and charged at the Black Cloud Leopard again. Then with three punches and two kicks, he killed the opponent directly.

The move was neat, without any sloppiness.

After the beating, he clapped his hands in a decent manner to show his disdain!
Murong Xue was also speechless, okay, this is indeed incomparable.

Xiong Da's combat power is already comparable to that of a Nirvana warrior.

To fight such a high-level ferocious beast, wouldn’t it be enough to have the right hands?
This really cannot be compared.

"Haha, congratulations, girl, you finally realized your secret skill."

At the same time, Liu Suifeng's voice also appeared beside them.

Everyone looked around and realized that Liu Suifeng had appeared at the scene at some unknown time.

His movement technique is indeed very strange.

The knight-errants who come and go without a trace in the world are really not just talk.

"It's just a fluke!"

Murong Xue turned around, and everyone saw that the injury on her chest had not been treated yet, but she seemed not to feel anything. She shook her head without surprise and said, "I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Lu Yiling also took out the healing medicine at the right time and said, "Sister Xue'er, continue."

Murong Xue nodded: "Thank you, Xiaomi."

Lu Yiling just smiled and said nothing.

But Liu Suifeng was curious: "Isn't this a good thing? It's so powerful. When you continue to perfect it in the future, I'm afraid it will be another amazing skill."

(End of this chapter)

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