In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 133: Inheriting the Illusion, the Beast Passes Through

Chapter 133: Inheriting the Illusion, Hundreds of Beasts Pass by

But with these two people present, everyone was obviously able to relax a lot.

After Murong Xue took the healing medicine, her pale complexion gradually turned rosy.

"This matter starts with the weirdness of this valley."

At this moment, there was a melancholy look on her face. She looked at the situation in the valley and explained: "This place is an ancient battlefield. It must have been there for a long time, at least thousands of years."

"What kind of ancient battlefield?"

Liu Suifeng had a strange look on his face and said embarrassedly: "Actually, I knew there was something abnormal here before, but because there was a strange treasure in the world, even Xiong Da was attracted there. I didn't have time to mark it to remind you, and it almost caused a disaster. Big mistake."

Liu Suifeng thought they just encountered the high-level ferocious beast Mo Yunbao.

He actually arrived when Murong Xue was just injured.

Originally, he wanted Xiong Da to take action, but seeing that Murong Xue seemed to have some understanding, he resisted the urge.

After all, it is rare to understand something, and interrupting it may cause unnecessary damage.

An unclear idea may be a lifelong regret, and may even affect future growth.

Unexpectedly, Murong Xue finally figured out his secret skill, and it was surprisingly powerful. Fortunately, he didn't interrupt her.

At this time, Murong Xue talked about what happened to them in the valley.

Because of this series of dangers, they almost forgot what they experienced when they first entered this valley.

In fact, this valley is indeed what everyone has seen. It is a former ancient battlefield.

It's probably more than thousands of years ago.

The current fantasy of inheritance was formed.

It didn't say how it was formed, and I don't know why this battlefield was formed in the first place. It was too long ago.

As for why it was formed, it's hard to say. Anyway, as long as you know that this chance encounter will occur.

Several of them have entered the fantasy inheritance and obtained different inheritances.

But when Murong Xue heard this, she felt something was wrong.

Ximen Chuixue showed the yellow fragment in his hand and said happily: "This is something I got from the inheritance illusion. It's called the martial arts divine pattern! I can use my ideas to generate a top martial arts secret."

"Of course, it won't be too outrageous. Anyway, the strength is about the top level of martial arts!" As he said that, a look of regret appeared on his face: "It's a pity that these are just fragments. Even the top level skills are only incomplete. .”

"Then what special skills did you develop?"

Hua Manlou next to him asked curiously, but when he saw Ximen chuckle, he knew what this guy was thinking.

"Of course it's Ximen Chuixue's peerless swordsmanship - one sword coming from the west!"

Of course, it is only incomplete now. Everyone knows that Ximen Chuixue is a character in the novel, and he is also a person with outstanding swordsmanship. Naturally, they know the meaning of Ximen's name for his swordsmanship.

Ximen Chuixue looked at Huamanlou again: "What about you?"

Neither of them has space treasures, so they naturally can't put things together.

He saw that Hua Manlou was empty-handed, wondering what else he had gained?
Hua Manlou said with a smile, "What I got is a set of palm techniques called 'Flower Blossoms and Fall Palms'." "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands, palms facing up, and saw a petal fluttering slowly in his hand, exuding an elegant fragrance.


This palm style is very elegant, and the girls' faces are full of surprise when they see it.

"But it's just a top-notch secret skill, and its power isn't outstanding. It has its own charm, but it can't compare to your top-notch swordsmanship."

Hearing this, Ximen Chuixue had a different opinion: "You can't say that. Although it looks good, it would look even better if it could be combined with your long sleeves skill."

Hua Manlou rolled her eyes: "You're leaving it here and here..."

Everyone had nothing to hide, and they all told what they had gained in the inheritance illusion.

There are techniques and treasures.

This martial arts inheritance illusion seems to be able to provide everyone with things that can be used according to personal preferences and talents.

For example, Lu Yiling is talented in refining medicine, and it directly gives a high-grade alchemy furnace.

In addition to having better blessings in alchemy, it also has the ability to be powerful and small, and can even be barely used as defensive equipment.

This thing is also extremely precious. Let's put it this way, Lu Yuan's original alchemy furnace was also of top quality, and now it is of about the quality of a human-level treasure.

But Lu Yuan's original one was huge and difficult to fit into the storage space, because when he originally built it, it was built in one piece from the ground.

This was a creation that he had originally imagined. Generally, pharmacists can only use ordinary quality ones when making elixirs, which can easily explode.

Now that the world has been upgraded, even alchemy furnaces of this quality appear casually.

Qi Lin'an obtained a spiritual pill that increased his martial arts cultivation. He took it in the fantasy world and had already broken through to the realm of metamorphosis.

What Wang Ruochen obtained was a human-level defensive treasure. Although she had come into contact with many equipment and treasures in the Oracle Island before, most of them were below the ninth grade.

Even if it is an abyss treasure that is said to be omnipotent, if you want to exchange it for a human-level treasure or above, you still need too many resources.

What Ye Muli obtained was a human-level elixir called the "Hundred Transformation Pill".

The effect is that it can reshape her body so that she no longer suffers from backlash!

But the conditions for this reshaping are also extremely stringent. Transforming one's body literally means taking this elixir and undergoing a hundred transformations of life and death to reshape one's body. This sounds outrageous.

Not only that, even though his physical injuries were cured after reshaping his body, he was no longer able to practice martial arts.

From now on, I can only be an ordinary person.

Although this thing can save lives, it is not as good as nothing.

So after hearing about the inheritance item Ye Muli had obtained, he immediately stared at her and said seriously: "You haven't eaten it, have you?"

Ye Muli shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"Give it to me." At this moment, Murong Xue looked very domineering.

I don't know if it's the influence of the technique or the fear that Ye Muli will really eat this elixir.

If you really take this elixir, you will be dead.

Ye Muli followed her. If the genders were opposite, she would be like a little woman at this moment, very obedient.

Of course, Murong Xue seemed to be afraid that everyone would misunderstand, and explained: "It's better not to give up until the last moment. I still think that the senior before is most likely Fairy Xi Ling."

"It's a pity that I didn't see her face..."

Murong Xue still remembers the grace of the "Fairy Xi Ling" in the fantasy world.

It is an immortal but not an immortal, it looks like a demon but not a demon!
"Who else did you meet?"

Liu Suifeng was the only one who listened to their stories and was very surprised.

"You actually saw her?"

Murong Xue was a little surprised, and then she looked at him with joy and said, "Uncle, why do you think you mean this? Have you found the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling?"

At this time, Qi Youyou originally wanted to talk about what she had gained from the inheritance illusion, but after hearing the news about Fairy Xi Ling, she was sensible and did not speak anymore.

Liu Suifeng shook his head and said, "We're not sure yet, but we already have some clues." "Did you all see the beige light beam that appeared in the early hours of last night?"

"I saw it, but we thought it was something we couldn't get involved with, so we didn't pay much attention to it!" Murong Xue nodded, paused and then said, "But the two great masters who were with us did go."

"Fortunately, you didn't get involved in this matter." Liu Suifeng praised everyone and said, "I also saw the two great masters appearing there, and I was worried that something would happen to you, so I left there. "

"Senior, what happened there?"

Ximen Chuixue couldn't help but ask.

After all, the strange treasure appeared in the world, and I felt very sorry for not being able to go there. Although I knew it was not something they could get involved in, they still wanted to understand the situation.

Liu Suifeng smiled and said, "Actually, those people don't even know what kind of rare treasure it is!"

"What do you mean?"

"How should we say it?" Liu Suifeng thought for a moment, shrugged and said, "You may not have imagined that when that thing appeared, Xiong Da and I were watching from the side."


Is there such a thing as having a treasure smashed in the face?

Are you also a child of luck?
Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou looked envious.

Murong Xue didn't say anything. After all, she was really lucky. We couldn't say anything. Qi Youyou also took the melon as soon as she could. Well, considering her young age, it makes sense.

But now everyone can smash their treasures in the face, so there is no way to say that.

But soon, after Liu Suifeng’s explanation, everyone realized that this so-called rare treasure was indeed an anomaly!
Just like the original ruins, the vision that appears now is called: God’s Domain!
Descended from the heavens to the divine realm, transformed into extraordinary beings, and all things transformed into beings!

According to the description of this thing, all living beings can enter it, but there are restrictions.

among them,

Junior God Realm is limited to those under 25 years old, not including 25 years old!
The number of people is limited to 500!

Intermediate Divine Realm is limited to those under 40 years old, excluding [-] years old!
The number of people is limited to 650!

The age limit for senior divine realm is under 80 years old, not including 80 years old.

The number of people is limited to 360 people.

First come first served opportunity!

There is no age limit and no limit on the number of people in the top divine realm.

Moreover, the Divine Realm only exists for one month and will disappear after one month.

The current divine domain in the Eternal Abyss Forbidden Land is a top-level divine domain with no restrictions, but the conditions for opening it are also puzzling.

"You mean there is a similar red horizontal bar at the entrance to the divine realm?"

This question was asked by Ximen Chuixue.

He and Hua Manlou looked at each other. They were both stunned when they heard Liu Suifeng talking about the conditions for opening this top divine realm.

"Then when the warrior attacks it, the red horizontal bar will decrease?"

"That's about it!" Although Liu Suifeng couldn't understand it, he could guess the mystery: "If my guess is correct, when this red bar disappears, it will be the opening of the divine realm. "

There was no need for the two of them to say this. Lu Yiling booed and said, "Isn't this the health bar in the game?"

However, Liu Suifeng was used to players' unclear words. It should be the slang in their place.

He added: "Xiong Da and I were observing in secret. Fortunately, you didn't go, otherwise we might not be able to protect you."

Then he continued to talk about what happened after the God Realm appeared.

From Liu Suifeng's words, everyone also knew that the appearance of this divine realm was no longer an exception.

Of course, Liu Suifeng got the information from those people's chats.

I only know that there are already many divine realms appearing in various places outside.

There are many warriors who get opportunities from the divine realm, so when a divine realm appears, it will naturally cause a huge sensation.

There is currently a lot of movement in this divine realm in the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss, so there are not a few warriors who know the news.

Then according to what Liu Suifeng said, just in the morning, the appearance of the divine realm also attracted the attention of the ferocious beasts in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Eternal Abyss.

Not only then, a group of warriors started fighting with a group of ferocious beasts.

What surprised Liu Suifeng the most was that after the Divine Realm appeared, he discovered that there was an unknown peach forest not far away.

But before he had time to check this place, it was affected by the war.

Peach blossoms are flying all over the sky...

Then he saw that the two great masters who were following the crowd had also arrived at the scene, and he was worried that they would be in danger, so he rushed over.

It was only after hearing what Murong Xue said that he realized that everyone had experienced such a life and death moment before.

"Then is that mysterious masked man actually Fairy Xi Ling?"

Ximen Chuixue scratched his cheeks, this kind of pretentious thing was really annoying for a person like him who accepts the kind of fast information in this world.

"It's hard to say, but according to my judgment and Xue'er's opinion, even if this mysterious masked man is not Fairy Xi Ling, he should still be a powerful person."

"Although I highly doubt that Taolin Xiaozhu is the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling."

"But it's just a guess after all."

Speaking of this, Liu Suifeng also hesitated, "That place is already a place of disputes. It's not the right time for us to go there."

Murong Xue gritted her teeth and finally decided to go take a look.

"We will not interfere with the affairs of God's domain."

Liu Suifeng did not refuse. Although he said so, some things did not mean that it would be fine if he did not take the initiative to contact him.

But at this moment, there was a sudden vibration outside the valley, and the ground made a trembling sound.

Liu Suifeng's face became serious because he felt an extremely ferocious aura.

That's the aura that only ferocious beasts have.

Xiong Da, who was originally lazy, also put away his temper and suddenly came closer to the crowd, watching things outside the valley with vigilance.

"Everyone, be careful and restrain your breath." Liu Suifeng said, gesturing to everyone.

Then he carefully led everyone out of the valley and came to a high slope.

At the same time, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene on the high slope.

A group of top-level ferocious beasts could be seen thousands of meters away from them, carrying a ferocious and violent aura.

One of them has a body like a giant that reaches the sky, and is filled with black energy. It looks much more oppressive than the previous giant ape beast.

Just one head is so powerful, let alone this group.

It seems that they are all top-notch ferocious beasts in the forbidden land of the eternal abyss. At this moment, they are like hundreds of beasts passing through, and they are as powerful as prison.

(End of this chapter)

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