In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 134 It’s your turn to be the protagonist

Chapter 134 It’s your turn to be the protagonist
All the beasts came out and the mountains trembled.

These ferocious beasts are the top ferocious beasts in the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss.

The strongest ones are even comparable to Nirvana warriors.

Although their dispatch could not cause any strange phenomena in the world, the concentrated power was still frightening to watch.

Fortunately, these ferocious beasts do not have the power to perceive the power of divine consciousness like warriors, otherwise Liu Suifeng and others hiding in the dark would not dare to peek at this feat.

With so many top-level ferocious beasts gathering together, it was rare that there was no fight. Apparently, they had achieved a common goal.

Although they did not cause any strange phenomena in the heaven and earth, the evil energy they gathered together also caused the surrounding sky to become dark, and the thick clouds rolled and surged, making the sun and moon lack light.

They are huge, each one as high as a storey or two, and every step can cause the earth to tremble as violently as an earthquake.

These ferocious beasts come in various shapes and colors.

Some spread their wings and soared into the sky; some ran vigorously and with lightning speed.

The ferocious aura shining in their eyes is awe-inspiring.

Herds of animals pass by, trees are pushed and broken, mountains tremble, and rivers change direction, as if the whole world is making way for them.

They exuded an invisible coercion, causing the low-level ferocious beasts around them to panic and flee in all directions.

Faced with so many top-level ferocious beasts, even Nirvana warriors and the like would not dare to take action at will when they encounter them.

"Where are they going?"

Murong Xue was shocked. This was the first time she saw so many top-level ferocious beasts.

And I heard that unless the ferocious beasts are originally gregarious creatures, they will not gather together at all.

The aura exuded by each of these top-level ferocious beasts is much more powerful than the giant ape ferocious beast that attacked them before.

If she were to face one of these again, she felt that she had no chance of winning.

Liu Suifeng looked at the direction in which these ferocious beasts were heading, and was a little stunned: "That is the direction to the God's Realm. This God's Realm is really not simple. It can even attract these top-level ferocious beasts."

Liu Suifeng looked solemn and said in a low voice: "It seems that the emergence of this top-level divine realm not only allows us warriors to enter, but even these ferocious beasts know that there are huge opportunities there."

"But in this case, there will inevitably be disputes in that place. If we go there at this time, the trip will probably be extremely dangerous. You have to think carefully."

Everyone looked at Murong Xue, as if they were waiting for her decision.

When Liu Suifeng saw this, he couldn't help but squint his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this eldest niece was quite charming and could convince people so well.

Murong Xue gritted her teeth and said firmly: "Go!"

"This is not a friendly place to begin with. We came here with the thought of a narrow escape. If we give up here, how can we succeed?"

The words are crude but not crude. Of course, if you really believe it, it will be even more serious!

This can only be said to be Murong Xue's firm belief.

The principle of keeping green hills without fear of running out of firewood is the same everywhere.

Some things should not be taken seriously. No one said that Hedong could be prosperous in 30 years or 30 years in Hexi.

Of course, Liu Suifeng had no intention of stopping them unless he knocked them unconscious.


Afterwards, they continued to hide themselves and quietly followed these top beasts.

However, these ferocious beasts moved quickly, and in a blink of an eye they passed through a large forest and arrived near a mountain range.

Among them, except for Liu Suifeng and Murong Xue who had the physical skills to catch up with the speed of those top ferocious beasts, most Xiong was almost confused.

Because if it moves forward with all its strength, it will definitely cause a lot of noise.

Everyone could only move forward slowly. Fortunately, they had already guessed their destination, so they were not in a hurry.

At this moment, these ferocious beasts climbed over a mountain range. The mountains were majestic, continuous, towering into the clouds, and majestic.

These top ferocious beasts came to the mountain range and stopped one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the top-level ferocious beast looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves instantly spread throughout the entire mountain range.

For a moment, all the creatures in the mountains stopped moving and trembled, as if to welcome their king.

At the same time, the warriors directly below who were still fighting with those ferocious beasts seemed to be exclaiming.

"No, it's a top-notch ferocious beast, run away!"

When those warriors noticed something was wrong, they were all frightened and wanted to run away.

However, it was too late. As soon as those top-level ferocious beasts appeared, they surrounded them from all directions at a bizarre speed.


A roar came, and those top-level ferocious beasts rushed towards the warriors like a tide, launching a one-sided massacre.

Although there are many warriors, there are basically no ultimate masters among them. Facing so many powerful top-level ferocious beasts, they have no power to fight back.

For a time, blood spattered, broken limbs and broken arms were everywhere, and screams could be heard endlessly.


A few people who were still on the road even felt the swaying movement of the violent force, and vaguely heard the screams.

Then he couldn't help but stop. Liu Suifeng looked there with a solemn face: "It seems they have arrived."

He knew the strength of the warriors who appeared in the God's Domain. When he encountered these top-level ferocious beasts, he was lucky to be able to escape.

Because this top divine realm came out late, and because it is in a forbidden area, and there are other divine realms appearing outside, those big factions are competing for the quota to enter the divine realm, and they may not have thought that this divine realm is a top divine realm!
So he could imagine the scene when those warriors encountered these ferocious beasts...

Although there are currently no treasures in the God's Domain, everyone in the world agrees that any movement that can cause strange phenomena in the world must be a sign of the appearance of a strange treasure!
Without saying anything more, everyone continued to move forward.

Behind the scenes, Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou were secretly whispering to Qi Youyou.

"Youyou, what did you just say you got in the inheritance illusion?"

Ximen Chuixue asked Qi Youyou in a low voice.

Just now, when everyone was walking forward in silence, Qi Youyou told him and Huamanlou what she had obtained in the fantasy land of inheritance, but because the wind was too loud, they didn't react at first.

"It's a technique called Chaos Defying Heaven Technique!" Qi Youyou also said in a low voice: "I have decided that in order to prevent Sister Xue'er from being controlled by this world, I will turn this world upside down. .”

Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou looked at each other and smiled, she believed it!
"What turned the world upside down?"

At this time, Lu Yiling's voice came.

"Ah, nothing."

Ximen Chuixue laughed and had no intention of explaining to the other party.

However, he underestimated Qi Youyou's character. Although the two of them told her not to let others know about this matter, it would be detrimental to the eldest lady if outsiders knew about it.

Especially Murong Xue himself.

But she felt that Lu Yiling was not an outsider, and although she was relatively straightforward, she was not stupid either. She also knew that this matter could not be accomplished by one person.

Then she pulled Lu Yiling over, and under the astonishment of Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou, she said crisply: "Sister Mi, for the sake of Sister Xue'er's freedom, will you follow us and go against the will of heaven?" Lu Yiling:? ? ?

Then he looked at the two players who were both players. I wonder what kind of nonsense knowledge they had given Qi Youyou?

The two of them couldn't help but hold their foreheads, and then looked at each other, as if deciding whether to say it or not.

Considering that Lu Yiling is everyone's big "financier" after all, and she will have to rely on him to practice drug taking in the future, she still can't offend him, and it doesn't seem to be okay to let her join.

Taking advantage of this free time, the two quickly told Lu Yiling what they thought.

As for what Qi Youyou said, it was actually just a fun idea they came up with at the moment.

It simply compares Murong Xue to a puppet of heaven. Although he has great luck, he can often find adventures in danger and turn danger into safety.

People often say that this is the protagonist's luck.

Of course, according to what they told Qi Youyou, they described Murong Xue as a puppet of heaven. Although he was lucky, he still had no freedom, as if he was controlled by heaven and earth.

Of course, Qi Youyou didn't believe it at first. Although she was a little naive, this statement really didn't fit with her views.

After all, in her worldview, there is no such thing as a protagonist!

But then she also noticed Murong Xue's situation. According to what the two said, the protagonists are all people with great luck, and they can even pick up treasures while walking.

Along the way, everyone experienced a lot of dangers, but they also encountered a lot of adventures, all of which seemed to confirm that their words were not lies.

According to the two of them, the dangers and adventures that Murong Xue encountered were something many people would never encounter in their lifetimes.

But she has encountered so many, what is this if not the protagonist?
Then, after the two of them coaxed and deceived, Qi Youyou gradually believed it.

In particular, she obtained a book called "Chaos Defying Heaven Technique" from the inheritance illusion, which shows that she used this practice to perform the magical skill that defies heaven.

"So you believed it?"

After listening, Lu Yiling looked at Qi Youyou in surprise, wondering what was going on in her little head.

Qi Youyou raised her head, her eyes full of wisdom: "No matter what it is, as long as it is detrimental to Sister Xue, it is against me.

What fate, what protagonist, etc., if this is used to restrain Sister Xue, then I will break through all these shackles for Sister Xue.

If heaven suppresses me, I will defy heaven..."

This statement can be said to be a perfect one, but the key is that she is serious.

The three of them were startled when they heard it. Good guy, this smell is too strong.

I think this protagonist should be you?

And considering this girl's experience, she seems to be considered a lucky person.

After all, he is also a person who can find treasures even if he eats melons, although he was deceived in the end.

And after listening to Qi Youyou's technique, the three of them even felt that she fit the template of the protagonist in some stories.

Didn’t previous novels often have protagonists who defied nature?

This skill of hers is indeed incompatible with the sky.

This technique has nine levels. If you complete the nine levels, you can gain heaven-defying power, and this first level is the "Heaven-Refining Qi".

Damn it, start practicing alchemy...

But talking about this, they remembered one more thing.

"Do you know what the young lady gained from the inheritance? I feel that she has changed a lot."

"That's not true." Lu Yiling thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that there was indeed no such thing.

But before they could ask, everyone had already seen a suffocating scene.


For the players, the scene in front of them is still too cruel and inhumane.

I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air...

In the distance, a group of top ferocious beasts were surrounding a circle of beige light, with a red horizontal bar hanging on top of it, and they were attacking.

If you look carefully, you can see a small palace-like building flickering in the beige light circle.

Very mini.

This is the realm of God!
And around these top-level ferocious beasts, blood was sprinkled on the ground.

The ground was full of potholes and full of corpses, with missing limbs everywhere.

There are human warriors and various ferocious beasts...

You can imagine what just happened here...

Looking at these top-level ferocious beasts, they all seem to be complete. Obviously, this place has been cleared by them.

At this time, among these ferocious beasts, there was a huge one, with fiery red hair on its body like a giant lion on fire. Its eyes were red, as if flames were burning, and it roared and attacked the divine realm.

Its sharp claws shimmered and cut through the air, leaving a dazzling light.

A loud bang!
In the eyes of everyone, this extremely dangerous attack did not even move for God's Domain. Instead, the giant lion was knocked back and flew away.

But immediately behind the giant lion, there was an even larger giant bird, with its wings spread out like dark clouds covering the sky.

Its wings flapped, the wind roared, sand and rocks flew, and it fiercely attacked the divine realm in mid-air.

Just like the giant lion before, it seems to be very powerful, but the divine realm is still majestic and motionless!
But if you look carefully, you can see that the red horizontal stripes at the entrance to the divine realm are slowly decreasing.

And with these hundreds of top-level ferocious beasts taking action continuously, it is estimated that it won't be long before this divine realm can be activated by them.

Although it was a pity that the treasures in this divine realm would fall into the hands of these ferocious beasts, there was nothing anyone could do about it.

After all, this top-level divine realm has shown that any living being can enter, which shows that it is not biased towards humans.

Everyone is treated equally.

Moreover, this is the lair of ferocious beasts, not other places.

However, Murong Xue did not look there. Instead, she saw a certain place with sharp eyes. There seemed to be a peach forest, but now the peach blossoms in this peach forest had been blown away to pieces.

Even many peach trees were crushed.

Among these peach trees, some destroyed building materials can still be vaguely seen.

Murong Xue's expression changed and she said secretly: "Uncle, is that the place where Fairy Xi Ling lives in seclusion?"


She hesitated a little. If this was really Fairy Xi Ling's secluded place, was Fairy Xi Ling also killed among the wreckage?

At this moment, she both wanted to be, but was also afraid that it was...

Liu Suifeng understood her thoughts, but shook his head and said: "It's hard to say whether it's true or not, but what is certain is that if Fairy Xi Ling really lives in seclusion here, her strength may not be what these ferocious beasts can keep."

(End of this chapter)

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